Sandspoint West HOA

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The Rules & Regulations enforced on the property are designed specifically to help preserve a pleasant and orderly environment for the benefit of all the residents.

Deed restrictions are enforced by Sandspoint West Homeowners Association (SPW-HOA). Acting through its Board of Directors that is authorized to impose reasonable fines against Unit Owners for various violations of the rules under the Texas Uniform Condominium Act, Chapter 82  Read More...

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Cat's issue but first about the former SPW board

Dear Sands Point West homeowners & renters,   I would like to discuss about the cat's issue that has been circulating around by a few individuals whose aim is to divide & fragment the... more
Started: March 6th 2015Replies: 2

Sex offender at # 82 still here

I still see the person who looks like the sex offender and his girl friend at #82. I don't think he has moved out yet. Maybe he registered a bogus address so people won't find out where he lives. It's... more
Started: February 9th 2008Replies: 1


Buyer, BEWARE! I leased this unit from Roper from December 26, 2009 until he TEXED me December 11, 2010, that a family member lost their job and leeded a place to live, I needed to vacate the... more
Started: March 29th 2011Replies: 0

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A Guide for First Time Homebuyers
Classifiedsm Neighborhood Link has created a series of articles for the first time home buyer that will help guide you through this exciting but some times overwhelming process. Buying Your First Home! Buying your first...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Should You Hire An HOA Management Firm?
Questionshowsm Questions your board should ask before choosing whether to hire a professional HOA manager, or to self-manage. Whether or not to hire a professional manager is a question nearly all homeowner associations...
Questionnaires: Taking the Pulse of the Community
Qmarks_th The questionnaire is an invitation to all members of the association to voice their opinions and preferences regarding how the community association has evolved and continues to grow. Your association wants to ...
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