Oklahoma - The Sooner State


Capital City:
Oklahoma City
Sooner State
Labor Omnia Vincit (Labor Conquers All Things)
November 16, 1907 (46th)
Origin of State's Name:
Based on Choctaw Indian words: "okla" meaning people and "humma" meaning red."
Largest Cities:
Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Norman, Lawton, Broken Arrow
Border States:
Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Texas
Land Area:
68,679 sq. mi., 19th largest
State Bird:
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
State Flower:
Mistletoe (phoradendron serotinum)
State Tree:
Redbud (cercis canadensis)
State Song:

The name Oklahoma comes from two Choctaw Indian words, okla, which means "people," and humma, which means "red." In 1889, Congress opened up 2 million acres for white settlement (it was previously open only to Native Americans who were forced to leave their homelands), and the first of a number of land runs began. Some of the state's settlers were called "Sooners" because they had already staked their land claims before the land was officially opened for settlement. Oklahoma was admitted as the 46th state in 1907. Oklahoma's capital is an easy one to remember--Oklahoma City. The state flower is the mistletoe, a favorite for kissing under during the winter holidays.

Source: Library Of Congress
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