Wakefield Taxpayers & Civic League, Inc.

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Wakefield Taxpayers and Civic League, Inc. was formed in 1913 to maintain the integrity of the community. Incorporated in 1931. It is one of the oldest community organizations in New York City.

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High School Transfers Open at JVL Wildcat Academy...

If you know any young person who wants to earn a high school diploma while working on an internship, JVL Wildcat Academy may be for you! Transfer applications are available for September. We offer a... more
Started: June 19th 2014Replies: 0

Open House for High School Transfers at John V...

  Tuesday July 2nd from 10am to 2pm Battery Park campus (17 Battery Place, first floor, corner of West St).If you know any young person who wants to earn a high school diploma while working... more
Started: June 29th 2013Replies: 0

Open House for High School Transfers at JVL...

  If you know any high school students needing to transfer to another high school, John V. Lindsay Wildcat Academy Charter School is holding an Open House.• students who have attended high... more
Started: June 28th 2012Replies: 0

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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How To Improve Your Finances
Keysm Six steps to help you achieve your financial goals. If you’re like millions of Americans, improving your finances is one of your top yearly goals. To achieve your goal, you need a plan. Following are...
How to Increase Your HOAs Dues
Money-bags Proper planning and open communication can help ease the pain of increasing monthly homeowners association dues. It is the responsibility of your homeowners association’s board to set a budget each...
Tags: AssociationLegalDues
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