Neighbors of Antioch

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Welcome to Neighbors of Antioch!

We are very pleased to announce that "NOA", Neighbors Of Antioch, is now a member of the National Neighborhood Coaliton which is located in Washington D.C. This gives "NOA" a voice in Washington and it also provides us a valuable resource of very useful information on neighborhood planning and revitalization. The NNC represents neighborhoods all across the country.

NOA Meetings

"NOA" meets the last Monday of every month except on holidays in which there will not be a meeting for that month. See calander of events for more information on meetings.  Read More...

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Awesome Home For Sale in Antioch

Text deleted by Neighborhood Link Flagging System, Mon Jan 12 06:59:20 -0700 2009 more
Started: September 18th 2007Replies: 1

Rezoning of 3997 Couchville Pike

There was an informational meeting held at Long Hunter State Park today(3-29-08) to discuss the rezoning of 53 acres of land on Couchville pike  Davidson Co to build a campus to house released... more
Started: March 29th 2008Replies: 0

Plant Trees for Habitat Homes

On Nov. 3, 4, 10 and 11, from 8:00 am to noon, The TN Environmental Council, Nash. Habitat for Humanity, and the Nash. Civic Design Ctr - along with many voluteers - will be planting trees at... more
Started: October 23rd 2007Replies: 0

Neighbors of Antioch Real Estate and Home Values

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Obama Loan Modification Plan Explained
Pastduesm The key components of Obama's foreclosure-avoidance program are loan modification and loan refinancing. The details of this provision has created an extraordinary opportunity for millions of people to either...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Five Ways to Lower your Medicare Costs
Elderly-couple Take advantage of programs that can help you lower your Medicare costs. Medicare guarantees all Americans age 65 and older (and select other groups) access to health insurance. But it doesn’t guarantee...
Why Have a Professional Reserve Study?
Money_th Every community association has three functions - to serve as a business, a government and a community. Community associations are generally nonprofit corporations, functioning in many ways as businesses with...
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