Neighbors of Antioch

Our Information

About Us

Neighbors of Antioch

Neighbors Of Antioch,

We are very pleased to announce that "NOA", Neighbors Of Antioch, is now a member of the National Neighborhood Coaliton which is located in Washington D.C. This gives "NOA" a voice in Washington and it also provides us a valuable resource of very useful information on neighborhood planning and revitalization. The NNC represents neighborhoods all across the country.

NOA Meetings

"NOA" meets the last Monday of every month except on holidays in which there will not be a meeting for that month. See calander of events for more information on meetings.


About our association


Neighbors of Antioch

"NOA" officially organized February 26, 2001 with the main objective of making Antioch a model neighborhood that we can raise our families and be proud to call home.

Neighbors of Antioch meetings

"NOA" meets the last Monday of every month except on holidays in which there will not be a meeting for that month. Check the calender for the time and place of the next meeting.

Neighbors of Antioch join the NNC

We are very pleased to announce that "NOA", Neighbors Of Antioch, is now a member of the National Neighborhood Coaliton which is located in Washington D.C. This gives "NOA" a voice in Washington and it also provides us a valuable resource of very useful information on neighborhood planning and revitalization. The NNC represents neighborhoods all across the country.

NOA Related Links

28th District Councilman Jason Alexander

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