Gulf Meadows Civic Club

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Gulf Meadows Civic Club

Gulf Meadows is fortunate to have an active Civic Club (not a homeowners' association), populated by both new and long-time residents who care deeply about the neighborhood and are willing to give of their time and talents to preserve its unique character.  The Civic Club coordinates with the City of Houston and other service groups such as the mayor's office and the police, constables, and firemen, to provide a safe environment for its residents.   The Club also acts when necessary to enforce Gulf Meadow's deed restrictions, a major factor in keeping the neighborhood tidy and well-maintained.

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Suspicious Activity

Be advised-this morning I saw a Hispanic Male-about 30, around 5'10" on Misty Vale Lane trying to open the neighbors truck-he pulled on the handle several times.  I clearly saw this-he was... more
Started: March 31st, 03:53 PMReplies: 1

Monroe Cleanup

The area of Monroe for clean up has needed to be done for years.  BUT traffic is usually over the speed limit SO BE CAREFUL. more
Started: April 1st 2023Replies: 0

Cleanup on Monroe

How do Gulf Meadows residents feel about the sidewalk cleanup on Monroe?   Thanks, Charles more
Started: March 31st 2023Replies: 1

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