Bennington Neighborhood

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Welcome to Bennington!

In 1998 when we started Bennington Neighborhood counted about 200 homes. Currently BNA includes 910 household units with a 2345 population total. Isn't it amazing?

BNA was recognized by the Vancouver City Council on December 21, 1998 to represent this area on issues that affect our quality of life. By using the BNA as a collective voice, we can exert influence on the More...

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Stop the trucks from using our neighborhood!

What can we do to stop the noisy trucks from destroying our peace and devaluing our property?  Now they're starting on the 1st Street Improvement Project to add a lane or 3.  More info at... more
Started: February 17th 2015Replies: 0

Jake Brakes

We need to get these dump trucks to quit using Jake Brakes in City Limits..  They run up and down 172nd Ave and also 1st St Jake Brakes going all the time!  It is illegal to use them and the... more
Started: May 11th 2011Replies: 1

Columbia Heights HOA Meeting

Did you attend the Columbia Heights Homeowners' Meetting 5-10-2001? If you did, what are your thoughts and concerns? If you did not attend, please, won't you share with me what prevented you from... more
Started: May 14th 2001Replies: 1

Bennington Neighborhood Real Estate and Home Values

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Do You Qualify for an FHA Loan?
0403 FHA loans are the easiest type of real estate mortgage loan to qualify for. The FHA guidelines for loan qualification are the most flexible of all mortgage loans and require less than 5% down payment. FHA...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Keeping Your HOA Safe
Safetysm Take these simple steps to help keep your homeowners association community safe and secure. You know the saying: the best defense is a good offense. The same applies to the safety and security of your...
Caution: Bully on Board
Bully_word_image Do you have a bully on your HOA board? The kind of person whose presence is hard to endure. Someone who insists on having it their way, makes snide remarks when they don’t agree, a caustic person whose...
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