Belle Morris Community Action Group

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Welcome to Belle Morris

The Belle Morris area is secret jewel in the City of  Knoxville.  Knoxville  was recently ranked the "best place to live in the United States and Canada" among cities with a population of fewer than 1 million. The ranking came from the Millennium edition of Places Rated Almanac. The results confirmed what most in this area have known for a long time - Knoxville is one of the best cities in the country!

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I joined this group by mistake

I am not a resident of this neighborhood as defined by the map.I can't find any way to delete my membership in this group. more
Started: November 7th 2015Replies: 0

Keep Knoxville Beautiful

Keep Knoxville Beautiful (KKB) is making it easier to hold a zero-waste event in Knoxville and Knox County.   KKB this weekend is unveiling its “recycling trailer” thanks to a $20,000... more
Started: September 2nd 2014Replies: 0


I think we should work with the school more. more
Started: September 2nd 2014Replies: 0

Belle Morris Community Action Group Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA Home Loan Financing and Benefits
Familyhome120 FHA Home Loan Financing and Benefits FHA home mortages have many advantages from lower downpayments to stronger protections. Benefits of an FHA insured Mortgage How can the FHA help you buy a home? FHA...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgageThrifty

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Affordable Solar Options For Your Home
Solaroptionssm Want to capture solar power for your home without breaking the bank? Here are five options. You’ve likely heard the advantages of solar power: it’s renewable, non-polluting and essentially free....
Tags: HomeownerSolarStaff Pick
Home Owner Association or HOA FAQ
Small Frequently asked questions about HOAs or Home Owner Associations. What exactly is an HOA? Is membership mandatory? Are dues mandatory? Who benefits? What is an HOA? An HOA or Homeowner Association is a legal ...
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