West Washington Park N. A.

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Recently I wrote a letter to the Editor of the Washington Park Profile and this same letter is included as follows: "Dear Editor: Your article on "High Tech Sprinklers Hit Their Low Points" in July... more
Started: October 18th 1998Replies: 2

I have a problem with the Dementors!

The Dementors are everywhere in this neighborhood. Please help me! They've tried several times to touch my "goodies"!         NO ONE IS ON THIS SITE FOR A DECADE. KILL IT RAYMOND... more
Started: October 23rd 2020Replies: 0

Downzoning Will Reduce my Property Values?

I received a doorknob hangar that indicated the proposed downzoning will hurt my property values? Why is that? more
Started: October 23rd 2008Replies: 0

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FHA Streamline Refinance FAQ
Housequestionsm This FAQ will answer your questions about the FHA Streamline Refinance program which was created by the FHA to make it quick and easy to refinance your existing FHA loan. What is the FHA Streamline Refinance...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgage

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How To Increase Your Social Security Benefits
Ssbenefitssm Learn what you and your family can do to get the most from your Social Security benefits. For many, Social Security is the only income they will receive upon retirement that is both guaranteed for life and...
Fixing What the Previous Board Did
Fixboardthumb Community Associations are like a living entity, which exist in a state of constant evolution. Associations must be able to adapt to both the physical changes of the property that take place over time, as well ...
Tags: AssociationBoard
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