Sedona Meadows HOA (NL)

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Enforcement of the CC&R's PART 1

It appears that this is the hot topic at the moment. First, allow me to provide a brief history. The Association was only turned over to the homeowners (we, us) 18 months ago. That is how long the... more
Started: August 18th 2002Replies: 10

Are Owners Allowed To Video Tape The Board...

I was wondering if anyone knew what our Arizona Statutes say about video taping and audio recording of the board meetings. I know that most states allow this as a basic right. But I cant seem to... more
Started: June 28th 2009Replies: 6

Let's close the pool

The single most common subject of conversations I have with residents is the pool. I receive more complaints about noise, trash, vandalism and kids alone at the pool. THe new furniture we bought is... more
Started: July 17th 2004Replies: 6

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Should You Consider Owner Financing?
Owsm Owner financing becomes more popular during a slow market, but be sure to do your research first to see if the arrangement is right for you. Owner financing isn’t for everyone, but can offer a number of ...

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Using Grocery Coupons Effectively to Save Money
Couponthumb Do coupons seem like a quaint idea to you?  Do coupons seem passé in the modern world?  Think Again!  Grocery coupons are alive and well in the 21st century, saving shoppers billions of...
Barack Obama Foreign Policy at a Glance
Obama We reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals. Our Founding Fathers, faced with perils that we can scarcely imagine, drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man —...
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