Podickory Point Community

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There are lots of areas on this site to learn about our neighborhood, local resources, concerns and activities. Take a few moments to navigate the site and send us feedback about what else you'd like to see.

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Resource List-Home Improvements

We would like to start a GO-TO-LIST: a Referral List of Home Improvement Contractors, Roofers, Tradesmen, Handyman Services, and Yard Maintenance, which would be a helpful guide for other members of... more
Started: December 5th 2006Replies: 1

Combining Assoc Mtgs & parties?

Community comments are solicited for PPCA Board and membership opinion on whether a community business meetings should be convened prior to the start of planned association social events. What is your... more
Started: September 20th 2006Replies: 0

How do I post a discussion here?

You must register first! To ensure the security of your PPCA Web site, we only allow users who have registered and become Neighborhood Link Community Members to post events, discussions, and personal... more
Started: August 10th 2006Replies: 0

Podickory Point Community Real Estate and Home Values

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Protect Your Home's Value From The Foreclosure Next Door
Foreclosesm Vacant homes in your neighborhood can hurt the value of your property; here are four things you can do to help prevent your neighbor’s foreclosure from hurting your home. Even if your home has been safe ...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
How To Collect Delinquent HOA Dues and Fees
Duessm Learn simple, effective and low-cost ways to collect past-due homeowners association fees. If you own property that is managed by a homeowners association, then you know the importance of the fees that are...
What happens when guests are hurt on HOA property?
Fall We have talked about what would happen if a guest damages HOA property, but what happens if a guest gets injured on HOA property? What happens if the guest sues the HOA? In such a case, the injured individual ...
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