Lakewood Heights POA C/O Ams

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Responding to 2020Census

#NationalEMSWeek recognizes all emergency workers and the important work they do in our nation's communities. Without data and responses from the#2020Census, emergency response would not be effective... more
Started: May 22nd 2020Replies: 0

Disappearing Squirrels

We live on Mobud and have always enjoyed the squirrels. We have 3 squirrel feeders which we keep filled with sunflower seeds. Within the past 2 weeks, every squirrel has disappeared. Every morning I... more
Started: August 17th 2006Replies: 8

Cancelation General Mtg. 03-24-2020 and Newsltr

Due to Corona virus no meetings or newsletter until further notice more
Started: March 16th 2020Replies: 0

Lakewood Heights POA C/O Ams Real Estate and Home Values

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Avoiding Foreclosure Rescue Scams
Sadthumb Behind every new foreclosure is a desperate family willing to do anything to save their home. And as foreclosures continue to mount across the U.S., so do the number of con artists trying to take advantage of...

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Selling Your Home? Try These Creative Strategies
Homesalesm Gone are the days when all it took to sell a house was a “for sale” sign in the front yard. Here are five creative strategies to help your home go from “for sale” to “sold.” ...
Are You Prepared for a Blizzard?
Blizzard 2017 saw some of the most extreme weather in years and ended with debilitating blizzards that blew across the east coast and the south. Schools were cancelled, roads were slicked over, and many were left...
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