Heights West Homeowners Group

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Apartment Tenats Jumping Fence on Jalna Street

What can be done? I have already spoken with the appartment manager about this and yet people keep breaking boards to cross into aparments or to Jalna Street. Also the renters located on 7426 Jalna... more
Started: July 17th 2008Replies: 1

Disappearing Squirrels

We live on Mobud and have always enjoyed the squirrels. We have 3 squirrel feeders which we keep filled with sunflower seeds. Within the past 2 weeks, every squirrel has disappeared. Every morning I... more
Started: August 17th 2006Replies: 8

Cancelation General Mtg. 03-24-2020 and Newsltr

Due to Corona virus no meetings or newsletter until further notice more
Started: March 16th 2020Replies: 0

Heights West Homeowners Group Real Estate and Home Values

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What are the FHA Loan Requirements?
Fha Surprisingly, FHA loans are some of the easiest to qualify for. In order to know how to qualify for an FHA, you need to know the FHA loan requirements. FHA Loan Requirements The FHA is a part of HUD (U.S....

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Holiday Decorations And HOAS
Holidaydecorationssm Does your homeowners association have a policy on holiday decorations? Should it? Americans love to show their holiday spirit. From flying flags on Independence Day to spooky set-ups for Halloween to...
Include Virtual Assets in Estate Planning
Estate Consider your virtual assets—including online bank accounts, web-based businesses and social media accounts—when planning your estate. Wills, powers of attorney, beneficiary...
Tags: AssociationLegalEstate
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