Downtown Tenants Association

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Our Downtown Neighborhood is growing with over five thousand plus men and women renting and owning condos & apartments. As the city of Des Moines & the landlords decide what is best for us, it is time we had a voice! Join now to help guide our wishes for a secure future.

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What next?

We started this site at your request. Now what do YOU want to see it accomplish? more
Started: December 8th 2010Replies: 0

Roll Call! Who knew?

I am curious to see who all actually knew this website existed.  Once I found it, I see there is very limited activity.  I'd love to "see" all of the people who are active on this board as... more
Started: February 14th 2010Replies: 9

Highland Park 1950's

I would like to here from anyone who grew up in Highland Park in the 50's to talk about old land marks, places and people. Anyone remember the old Library on Euclid? Linda more
Started: May 11th 2002Replies: 1

Downtown Tenants Association Real Estate and Home Values

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Selecting a Home Improvement Contractor
Hip_th Selecting a Contractor Home improvements and repairs can cost thousands of dollars and are the subject of frequent complaints. When selecting a contractor: Get recommendations and references. Talk to...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
How To Save for College With A 529 Plan
529sm College tuitions continue to rise, but you can help offset your child’s costs by opening a 529 plan. Learn what a 529 plan is and how it may benefit you and your child. The cost for higher education...
Credit Card Collections Can Garnish Your Wages
Pastdue120 Unpaid credit card bills? Credit card companies can sue you to garnish your wages. Don't wait for this to happen. Failing to pay your bills can damage your credit for many, many years. Credit Card...
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