Waveland Woods Neighborhood Association

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Good People Doing Good Things Together

That's what Waveland Woods is all about.  Above is a picture of our 23rd (yes, you read that right) annual flowerbed planting in 2017. From left to right: Pat Hildebrand (Kingman Ave), Bill Lindeberg (57th St) and Tom McGarvey (Kingman Ave).


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For current happenings in the 'hood, be sure to hop over to our Facebook and Next Door pages as well.



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Keys Found.

Keys found on 57th Street. If you lost yours, describe and am happy to get them back to you! more
Started: February 1st 2018Replies: 0


Started: February 1st 2018Replies: 0

Waveland Woods Neighborhood Association (WWNA)...

Happy New Year! Our first neighborhood meeting of the year is this Tuesday, 1/10 at 7 PM at the Windsor Elementary School Library. If you are new to the neighborhood, been thinking of joining the... more
Started: January 8th 2017Replies: 0

Waveland Woods Neighborhood Association Real Estate and Home Values

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FHA 203K Loan
Disrepairhomesm The FHA 203K loan program is designed to help finance the rehabilitation and repair of  run-down properties. It has been utilized as a primary tool in revitalizing run down neighborhoods. What is the FHA ...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgage203K

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Tips For The Home-Buying Process
Listsm Keep these tips in mind as you begin to look for your new home. You’ve taken the steps necessary to be financially ready to buy a home and have your pre-approval letter in hand. Now that that’s...
Budget Preparation Tips
Abudgetprep1_th In order to operate a successful community association, foundation community, or development community there are many important facets of association governance that must be understood and implemented by its...
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