Neighborhood Planning Unit V

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Neighborhood Planning Unit V


The six (6) neighborhoods that comprise NPU-V

The Neighborhoods

Adair Park

% City of % of
Census Category NPU-V NPU-V Atlanta Atlanta

POPULATION 15,825 100.00% 416,429 3.80%
By Age Group
Ages 0 - 4 1,518 9.59% 26,666 0.36%
Ages 5 - 9 1,759 11.12% 27,386 0.42%
Ages 10 -14 1,512 9.55% 25,023 0.36%
Ages 15 - 17 759 4.80% 13,925 0.18%
Ages 18 - 24 1,810 11.44% 55,274 0.43%
Ages 25 - 64 7,151 45.19% 227,659 1.72%
Age 65 and over 1,316 8.32% 40,535 0.32%
By Race
White 569 3.60% 141,429 0.14%
Black or African American 14,613 92.34% 258,610 3.51%
Asian 596 3.77% 9,137 0.14%
Other 210 1.33% 13,070 0.05%
By Ethnicity
Hispanic or Latino 289 1.83% 19,833 0.07%
Population Age 25 and Above 8,467 100.00% 268,194 3.16%
Not High School Graduate 3,767 44.49% 61,952 1.40%
High school graduate 2,597 30.67% 59,876 0.97%
Some college 1,047 12.37% 43,869 0.39%
Associate's degree 212 2.50% 9,620 0.08%
Bachelor's degree 415 4.90% 55,982 0.15%
Graduate degree 172 2.03% 26,911 0.06%
All Persons At or Below Poverty Level 15,648 100.00% 392,406 3.99%
Below Poverty Level 7,332 46.86% 95,743 1.87%
Population Age 16 and Above 10,978 100.00% 333,209 3.29%
In labor force 5,495 50.05% 213,257 1.65%
Employed 4,408 80.22% 182,936 2.07%
Unemployed 1,178 21.44% 29,881 0.55%
All Children Under Age 18 4,824 100.00% 81,609 5.91%
Living with two parents: 807 16.73% 30,077 0.99%
Both parents in labor force 380 47.09% 15,632 1.26%
Living with one parent 4,017 83.27% 51,532 4.92%
Living with mother: 3,746 93.25% 45,197 7.27%
Mother In labor force 2,024 54.03% 29,751 3.93%
Living with father: 270 6.72% 6,335 0.91%
Father In labor force 137 50.74% 4,218 0.27%
Total Females Age 16 and Above 6,084 100.00% 169,097 3.60%
With own Children under 18 2,178 35.80% 41,328 1.29%
Has Own children under 6 485 22.27% 11,256 1.17%
Is In labor force 221 45.57% 7,015 1.96%
Has Own children 6 to 17 1,240 56.93% 21,348 3.00%
Is In labor force 762 61.45% 14,296 3.57%

Total Workers Age 16 and Above 4,408 100.00% 178,970 2.46%
Car (Drive Alone) 1,772 40.20% 114,560 0.99%
Public transportation 1,409 31.96% 26,893 0.79%

Total Units 6,587 100.00% 186,926 3.52%
Occupied 5,729 86.97% 168,148 3.06%
Owner occupied 1,374 23.98% 73,477 0.74%
Renter occupied 4,355 76.02% 94,671 2.33%
Vacant 858 13.03% 18,778 0.46%
Population Age 5 and Above 14,436 100.00% 389,992 3.70%
Lived in the Same House in 1995 6,989 48.41% 172,519 1.79%
Lived in a Different house in 1995: 7,446 51.58% 217,473 1.91%
From Fulton County 4,982 66.91% 104,839 2.29%
From other Georgia county 1,271 17.07% 45,294 0.58%
From outside United States 385 5.17% 15,538 0.18%

Total Households 5,729 100.00% 168,147 3.41%
One-Person Household: 1,889 32.97% 64,657 1.12%
Two or More Person Household: 3,840 67.03% 103,491 2.28%
Mean Household Size 2.741 N/A 2.305 N/A
Primary Language
English 5,165 90.16% 147,392 3.07%
Spanish 285 4.97% 10,711 0.17%
Other Indo-European 118 2.06% 6,702 0.07%
Asian and Pacific Island 130 2.27% 2,065 0.08%
Other languages 50 0.87% 1,471 0.03%

Household Source of Income
Wage or salary income 3,610 63.01% 130,165 2.15%
Self-employment income 259 4.52% 17,357 0.15%
Social Security income 1,413 24.66% 34,757 0.84%
Public assistance income 874 15.26% 9,234 0.52%
Household Poverty
Households Below 150% of Poverty Level 3,659 63.87% 51,074 2.18%
Family households 2,048 55.97% 26,719 4.01%
Married-couple family 291 14.21% 5,642 1.09%
Non-married couple family 1,757 85.79% 21,077 6.58%
Female householder, no husband 1,587 90.32% 18,910 7.53%
Non-family households 1,612 44.06% 24,355 3.16%

Total Family Households (% of Total Households) 3,405 100.00% 83,182 4.09%
Married-couple families 816 23.96% 41,197 0.98%
With own children under 18 years 359 44.00% 15,467 0.87%
Non-married couple families 2,589 76.04% 41,985 3.11%
Female householder, no husband present 2,271 87.72% 34,764 5.41%
With own children under 18 years 1,510 66.49% 19,780 4.34%
Male householder, no wife present 318 12.28% 7,221 0.76%
With own children under 18 years 127 39.94% 2,489 1.76%
Income by Family
Less than $10,000 1,110 32.60% 12,476 1.33%
$10,000 to $19,999 845 24.82% 12,114 1.02%
$20,000 to $29,999 591 17.36% 10,596 0.71%
$30,000 to $39,999 260 7.64% 8,211 0.31%
$40,000 to $49,999 91 2.67% 6,381 0.11%
$50,000 and higher 513 15.07% 33,357 0.62%
Poverty by Family
Below Poverty Level 1,505 44.20% 17,966 1.81%
Married-couple family 172 11.43% 3,054 0.96%
Own children under 18 111 64.53% 1,977 3.63%
Non-married couple family 1,334 88.64% 14,912 7.43%
Female, no husband 1,218 91.30% 13,583 8.17%
Own children under 18 1,101 90.39% 12,016 8.11%
Population Age 30 and Above 7,198 100.00% 213,885 3.37%
Living with own grandchildren under 18 611 8.49% 11,563 0.29%
Responsible for own grandchildren under 18 323 52.86% 5,947 2.79%


Adair Park Today, Inc.
Adair Park
Capital Gateway
Capital: Columbia at MLK Village
Peoplestown Revitalization Corporation [PRC]
Pittsburgh Community Improvement Association [PCIA]
Summerhill Neighborhood Development Inc [SND]
Organized Neighbors of Summerhill


About our association


Neighborhood Planning Unit V (NPU-V) is located just south of the Central Business District and contains the six (6) neighborhoods of Adair Park, Capitol Homes, Mechanicsville, Peoplestown, Pittsburgh and Summerhill. NPU-V’s geographically area spans the southern border of the Central Business District from Hill Street on the east to Whitehall Street/Peters Street on the west. The boundaries of the neighborhoods are, for the most part created by the built environment of railroad tracks, highways and major thoughorfares.

Summerhill and Peoplestown, the eastern communities, sit between I-20 on the north and active Railroad on the south, sharing Ormond Avenue as a boundary between them . Adair Park, the western most community is located between Metropolitan Parkway (U.S. 19/41) and Whitehall/Lee Streets. Mechanicsville and Pittsburgh, sandwiched in the middle share active rail as the boundary between them. Both are separated from Summerhill and Peoplestown by the Downtown Connector (I-75/85). There is a point where Whitehall, Metropolitan and the railroad tracts juncture with Whitehall Street just north of I-20. Here Mechanicsville, Pittsburgh and Adair Park meet. Capitol Homes is the orphan, being the only neighborhood located above I-20 and its primarily thought of as only the Atlanta Housing Authority property which comprised the majority of the area. However, there is more to Capitol Homes than “Capitol Homes Housing Complex”. Single family homes and another complex are located on the neighborhood’s eastern edge.

Each neighborhood in NPU-V was established in the late 1800s, making the entire NPU a “historic area” and, in truth, many outstanding Atlantians lived in NPU-V, as well as some of Atlanta’s finest hospitals were once within its boundaries. NPU-V is the only NPU to have a Historic Preservation Committee, which actively works to ensure the history of each community as well as the NPU is well documented as well as campaigning for the preservation of the remaining built fabric.

All of NPU-V neighborhoods, except Adair Park, are designated redevelopment areas and, in accordance with the Georgia Redevelopment Powers Act, have Community Redevelopment Plans. The Adair Park neighborhood has the distinction of being a Local, State and National Historic site. Mechanicsville, Peoplestown and Summerhill were named Olympic Ring communities which provided resources for upgrading the physical environment and all three, along with Capitol Homes and Pittsburgh were named Empowerment Zone communities. The Empowerment Zone was to provide resources for commercial revitalization, entrepreneurial ventures, residential repair and new construction, dedicated public safety officers, and for social service activities to improve the quality of life of children and their families.

NPU-V contains a variety of assets, including 3 major hotels and about 8 beautiful parks. NPU-V was home to the Olympic Stadium, now Turner Field, and contains a large multi-sport practice field built for the Olympic Games. It’s challenges center around criminal activity, code enforcement and inappropriate use of industrial properties. NPU-V also faces development challenges.

Each neighborhood is unique and maintains its proud heritage, evidences by the large turnouts at their neighborhood reunions each year. Yet these six communities are well-known to rally together as one neighborhood for a cause that may only affect one of them. This cohesiveness has allowed the area, through the NPU system to have excellent citizen participation in the planning process of the City as well as for each individual neighborhood.

Following this introduction is Neighborhood Planning Unit V’s demographic profile and a summary, with demographics, for each of the individual neighborhoods of NPU-V. The summaries detail the assets and challenges the neighborhood faces.


Adair Park
Adair Park
Capital Gateway
Columbia at
Peoplestown Revitalization Corporation [PRC]
Pittsburgh Community Improvement Association [PCIA]
Summerhill Neighborhood Development Corporation [SNDC]
Organized Neighbors of Summerhill [ONS]

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