Monterey Estates Homeowners Association

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I just recieved the note from Swift regarding the property break-ins. The most notable feature is that they all occur Thursday lunchtime. The odds against this being coincidence are 125-1. It... more
Started: August 16th 2007Replies: 1

Letter to the Frick's

Steve and Jeannine Frick, I recenly received your letter to our community. I read it in amazement!! I couldn't believe that you didn't know your buyer had no intention of making 'Monterey Estates his... more
Started: November 29th 2007Replies: 0

Recent property inspection

Hi There, Some of you may have recieved a letter informing you that your property has been inspected and that you have 15 days to fix certain items before Swift et al consider fining you. Check your... more
Started: April 4th 2007Replies: 0

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Pros And Cons Of Owner Financing
Mcsm Find out the possible advantages and disadvantages of an owner-financing arrangement for both the home seller and potential buyer. If you’re considering entering into an owner-financing arrangement for...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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Retirement Savings: Is a Roth IRA conversion right for you?
Irasm The IRA rules around income limitations for converting Traditional IRA money to a Roth IRA have changed. Learn more about the Roth IRA conversion changes and how they might benefit your retirement savings....
Credit Score Numbers
Creditwomancomputer120 Your credit history is measured and rated, and given a score from 550 to 850. So, what do these numbers mean? Good Credit Scores The best credit scores are born from healthy financial lifestyles. The two...
Tags: CreditDebtCredit ScoreAssociation
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