Lakeview Neighborhood Association

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Lakeview Neighborhood Association


Its that time again! The annual $15 membership fee is due on June 1st. Call Janet Davis on 740-9845 to see how to sign up!


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I can't seem to disconnect a Two Way hose connection.  I need someone with strength to get it off!   Call e if that's something you would consider doing for me   Susan - 405-520-6879 more
Started: August 19th 2023Replies: 0

trick or treat night

I just wanted it to be known, there were 4 boys that came up to my car and tried to bully me out of candy last night. I was following my son, who was trick or treating. They did call me a choice name,... more
Started: October 31st 2010Replies: 3

Association does not Endorse or Hire...

Accord Construction has been going door-to-door today telling residents that the neighborhood association HIRED them to do roofing inspections and take pictures. THIS IS NOT TRUE!!!   The police... more
Started: March 18th 2014Replies: 0

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Does Mortgage Aid Hurt Your Credit Score?
Home-in-lifesaversm Homeowners seeking mortgage help through loan modification programs such as HAMP and HAFA, may face another issue—lower credit scores. Loan Modification and Credit Scores Homeowners on the verge of...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Retirement Savings: Is a Roth IRA conversion right for you?
Irasm The IRA rules around income limitations for converting Traditional IRA money to a Roth IRA have changed. Learn more about the Roth IRA conversion changes and how they might benefit your retirement savings....
Selecting and Contracting Service Providers
Working_th A comprehensive written contract between a community association and each of its service providers should include many components. Each of these key provisions are necessary to clarify the agreed upon terms...
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