Charlotte Park Neighborhood Association

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Just signed up for Charlotte Park Link... Am I the only one here? Seems like it could be a useful tool for the neighborhood. more
Started: December 3rd 2001Replies: 2

need one bedroom apt.

I am on the music committe at  West End United Methodist Church and am searching the neighborhood for a one bedroom apt./studio for our new music intern. He will be arriving the first part of... more
Started: June 17th 2011Replies: 0

Strange Activity

FYI: A strange man in a black car followed my wife and children on Near Top 6-10-16. He was middle aged and average looking. He also wanted them to get in the car with him after trailing them at their... more
Started: June 12th 2016Replies: 0

Charlotte Park Neighborhood Association Real Estate and Home Values

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HUD Manufactured Home Fact Sheet
Mobil_th Description of Program The Manufactured Housing Program is a consumer protection program that regulates the construction of certain factory built housing units, called manufactured homes, formerly known ...
Tags: HousingHomeownerHUD

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Retirement Planning: Tips for saving
Savingstipssm This is the third of a four-part article series meant to help you start planning for retirement.  This article provides tips on how to save for retirement. Start saving now Now that you’ve thought ...
Federal Laws Do Apply to Homeowner Associations
Flag_th This brief summary is intended to acquaint you with the major federal laws that affect homeowner associations. For authoritative information on these laws, you should consult your state...
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