Assateague Pointe HOA

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Started: October 30th 2012Replies: 0


As we all know - the city does not maintain the overall upkeep of our neighborhood. It is our responsibility as property owners to remove any debris and trash blown or dumped on our property - this... more
Started: April 29th 2005Replies: 3

Furniture Bulk Pick-up

Hello Sir or Ma'am,   What is the process for requesting a furniture bulk pick up in the Blackburn Village neighborrhood.. Please advise.... lso , how often can they be scheduled?  ... more
Started: March 26th 2018Replies: 0

Assateague Pointe HOA Real Estate and Home Values

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Do You Need an Attorney if You Are Buying or Selling a Home?
Peoplepaperwork120 Paying an attorney for a couple of visits before all of the paperwork is signed may be worth the expense. Before You Sign, Call an Attorney Buying or selling a home has become a streamlined process where...
Tags: HomeownerLawyer

Neighborhood Resource Guide

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The Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan (HASP)
Haspthumb Falling house values have been at the forefront of the current financial crisis. The Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan HASP is an ambitious program by the Obama administration to address the mortgage ...
What happens when guests are hurt on HOA property?
Fall We have talked about what would happen if a guest damages HOA property, but what happens if a guest gets injured on HOA property? What happens if the guest sues the HOA? In such a case, the injured individual ...
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