Woodlands of Riverside

January 2010





The annual Association Dinner Meeting will be held on January 18, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at Don Hall’s Factory.  The Association pays for this meal; consequently it is limited to two members per household.  RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED ON OR BEFORE JANUARY 11th.  If you plan to attend, please call Deb Ross at 484-6918 or Matt Dager at 471-4041.  An RSVP is required.


Congratulations to Mark & LeAnn Spitnale, at 5204 Inland Trail, winners of the Holiday Decorated Home.  A check in the amount of $25.00 has been delivered.  Thanks to all who made our Addition appear more festive.



The question was:  How many shrubs are required for each lot pursuant to our Protective Restrictions?  The correct answer is 8 shrubs.  Five individuals submitted correct answers and President Ross drew the winner from the hat. CONGRATULATIONS to Cheryl Ealing on Basin Court and thanks to all who participated.  The $10.00 Walmart gift card has been delivered. 


To Woodlands Residents

If you would like to be advised by e-mail, of fast-breaking news and updates regarding our neighborhood, please send an e-mail to bellelawrence@verizon.net Re: Woodlands News, with your name and address, which will be added to a group mailing list.  Be advised that your e-mail address WILL NOT be given to anyone outside our neighborhood.  Thank you.




The Government has extended the “first time home buyer” tax credit up to a maximum of $8,000 to May, 2010.  NEW!!  There is an existing homeowner credit (if you own now and want to move) of up to $6,500 added for 2010.  Call Emily Simpson, ReMax Results, 1612 Channel Place 482-2804 or a realtor of your choice for more details.  If you would like more information regarding these credits, go to:  www.federalhousingtaxcredit.com.



While it cannot be definitely proven, one of our residents thinks that gas may have been siphoned out of a vehicle parked in her driveway.  You may want to keep an eye on your gas gauge.  Tough economic times cause individuals to resort to all sorts of bad things.



January 11 – 25; February 8 – 22; March 8 - 22



The tradition of kissing underneath the Mistletoe was brought to America from England.  The Druids and ancient Celts are said to have cut Mistletoe from the Sacred Oaks to distribute to the people as magical charms.  Mistletoe is a parasitic woody perennial, native to Europe and the SE United States.  The plant can actually kill the tree that it feeds and grows upon.  Its favorite host tree species is the oak.  The berries of Mistletoe are very toxic, but the plant was used as an herb by the Celts and Druids, who also believed the plant was useful as an aphrodisiac.  If you are hanging it in your doorways, use caution so the berries do not fall to the floor where kids and pets could consume them.  Kissing under the Mistletoe is much safer (and more fun!!) than eating it !!! (reprinted w/permission of Ricky Kemery from Silver Maples and Garden Fables)



THANK YOU to Dave Berg and Stuart Engler for cooking the hot dogs and serving drinks to our goblins on Halloween.  This is a huge hit with all the kids (adults too!!!)


Topics Discussed at 4th Quarterly Meeting

  • Posting “No Solicitation Signs” in our Addition.
  • Purpose of our Association.
  • Explanation of Dues & Assessments language.
  • Discussion of proposed 2010 budget.
  • Lengthy discussion on proposed increase in annual dues.
  • The vote on increasing annual dues to $50.00 per year passed    18 for – 8 against.  This increase is effective January 1, 2010.
  • 22 homes represented at the meeting. 


  • Construction on Inland Trail
  • Approximately 5 years ago our area received over 6 inches of rain in one afternoon which caused severe flooding of homeowners along the North side of Channel Court.  The creek that runs from Clinton Street along the North border of homes parallel to Channel Court has eroded over many years and is not able to allow proper drainage of surface water in that area.  The Association and homeowners have been working with the City for many years, insisting that this problem be resolved; hence, the construction you see on Inland Trail as you enter or exit our Addition.  The City will be placing a 24” tile along the North easement of the affected properties and cut across Inland Trail, to allow water to flow downstream past homes that are located along Channel Place. Barring any unforeseen problems, the project will hopefully be completed by mid February.




The Association Board again reminds our residents that plowing of snow in our Addition is a service provided to our residents, payable out of annual dues proceeds.  It is not the job of our plowing service to do driveways or handle complaints.  IF YOU HAVE A COMPLAINT REGARDING SNOW PLOWING, PLEASE CONTACT PRESIDENT DEB ROSS.  Please also remove your vehicles from the street when 3” or more of snow is in the forecast.  This will prevent your vehicle from being “snowed in”.  Thank you.




If snow or ice becomes slippery and difficult to remove, try sand, lawn fertilizer or even birdseed scattered around to provide traction. These products do not damage concrete.  For stubborn ice and packed snow, you may want to try 100% magnesium chloride (MgCl).  This product is slightly more expensive than other chemicals, but it pales in cost to replacing damaged sidewalks and driveways.  This product goes under the name of Safe Step at Do It Best Hardware and Ace Hardware; Freeze Guard at Menards and Mag at New Haven Turf Center.  Avoid products containing any calcium chloride or sodium chloride, i.e. rock salt and water softener salt.  Both of these are damaging salts no matter what the label says.  Salt also kills lawns and trees.  Watch where you pile the snow if you are using chemicals.



Pursuant to Article VI, Dues and Assessments:

Section A:  Each member is OBLIGATED to pay to the Association annual dues and special assessments which are secured by a continuing lien upon the property against which the assessment is made. 

Section B: ……. Dues must be paid within thirty (30) days of the beginning of each new fiscal year (January 1st).  An automatic late penalty equaling 10% of the dues will be assessed for those dues not paid within that thirty (30) day period. 

Section C: …… No owner may waive or escape liability for the assessment.

Visit our Website at:

 www.neighborhoodlink.com/ftwayne/woodofriver/ to read the complete Section on Dues and Assessments.  Thank you.



To our Basin Court residents:  You now have a new block captain.  Many thanks to Cheryl Ealing who has accepted this position.  Please see the Block Captains’ list on the last page of this newsletter to review Cheryl’s address and phone number in the event you need to contact her.  A BIG THANKS also to Bob Sinacola who has been serving this area in the past.


JoAnn Lee residing at 5316 Inland Trail is looking for a few Bridge players – either couples or a women’s group.  Call her at 483-4515 if you are interested.  This could be a great opportunity to meet your neighbors and/or other residents in our Addition

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