Sandspoint West HOA

Board member(s) still needed

Posted in: Sandspoint West

Okay James.  That's nice of you to help out a relative in need of help.  Off the topic, my 16 year old cat just died last night.  I was going to make an appointment with the vet today to put her to sleep but she passed during the night.  It's just like loosing a family member.  At least I don't have to go through with the vet it would be even more heartbroken for me.

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  • jamesn
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Sorry to hear about your loss.  I know exactly how you feel.  I decided to never raise another dog after my poodle died (also at the age of 16).  I too, did not have to go through the misery of putting him to sleep.  It's the loyalty and the unconditional love that make animals and small kids better than most adult humans.  They get so happy when you get home and they always come back to you uncondionally after having been hit or shouted at.  I guess that's why we like to keep animals for companionship. 

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  • jamesn
  • Respected Neighbor
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Looks like the deal with my relative won't happen.  Anna, do you know if your friend is still looking for a rental place?

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