Sandspoint West HOA

Where is everybody?

Posted in: Sandspoint West
  • Stock
  • johng
  • Valued Neighbor
  • Houston, TX
  • 2 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor
James? Anna? other people? Where'd you all go?
  • Stock
  • james106
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Houston, TX
  • 17 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

I'm still here.  I don't know about the others but I'm sure they're still checking this forum once in a while.

The main reason I don't check and post as often as before is because of the new format.  I no longer feel any privacy for our local neighborhood and I don't want the whole nation to see our soap opera and sometimes our personal information.

I maybe wrong but I think Neighborhood link should provide the US link for those who only want to post and discuss on that link.  The rest of the local discussion should be limited to that particular neighborhood only, no one else should be able to see it.  I also think anonymous postings should also be allowed, for those who don't want themselves exposed when reporting sex offenders for example.

I will continue to reply if there were questions for SPW board, so by all means continue to participate in our forum discussion.


I'm still here, with a new user name to associate myself with SPW.  I don't check the forum that often any more.  The speed is slow & a waste of time.  I also hate the idea that the entire nation is watching every word you say.  Maybe they have added a box where you could check SPW so your topic won't appear on US forum but I don't know if it's working.  If the topic originator forgot to check on this box then the rest of us would have no choice but to post for the US forum to see.  Maybe I'm still in the learning process but everything is changing so much I no longer have any interest checking this website daily.  Weekly may be.
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