Sandspoint West HOA

Rookin Street

Posted in: Sandspoint West
I found out today that Rookin street is closing late next month. Well, I won't be voting for MJ Khan again.

By John
Rookin Street

Sad news, although we all knew it would eventually come down to this. We were fighting a loosing battle but we did put up a good fight.
I have a feeling we'll be fighting another battle when traffic on Tarnef Street gets real bad for us. As for M.J. Khan, loosing our votes probably won't hurt him a bit. He's likely to get hundreds of thousands out of this for his next campaign.

By James

At least MJ Khan be remembered as a failure. He's done nothing progressive for this district. The district as just gone in the toilet.

By John

As soon as I see signs of workers coming back to the field to start construction, I will put out the rest of the protest signs down Sands Point & Rookin. I dread the extra traffic being routed down to our part of Tarnef. Maybe most traffic will just keep going down Hillcroft to High Star or Bellaire.

By Sherry
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