J. O. Blanton House Tenants Assoc. Inc.



Rules of Order.
The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the
proceedings and the conduct of the meetings of the Association and its
Committees, in all cases to which they are applicable and which are not covered in
the Standing Orders or Bylaws.

Bylaw 1: Name of the Organization
1.1 The official name of the organization herein after shall be; J.O. Blanton House Tenants Association.

Bylaw 2: Corporate Seal.
2.1 Design (Reserved)
2.2 Use (Reserved)

Bylaw 3: Unofficial Seal.
3.1 Designs and Use (Reserved)

Bylaw 4: Officers of the Association
4.1. Nominations: Before proceeding to an election to fill an office it is necessary to
nominate one or more candidates.
The nomination of persons to fill the office of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer,
and the Executive Representatives shall be done by a special Committee elected
by the Membership.
When the vote is viva voce or by rising, the nomination is like a motion to fill a
blank, the different names being repeated by the chair as they are made, and then
the vote is taken on each in the order in which they were nominated, until one is
elected. The nomination need not be seconded. Sometimes a nominating ballot is
taken (as prescribed by committee) in order to ascertain the preferences of the
members. But in the election of the officers of the Association the nominations
shall be made by a committee. When the committee makes its report, which
consists of a ticket, the chair asks if there are any other nominations, when they
may be made from the floor. The committee's nominations are treated just as if
made by members from the floor, no vote being taken on accepting them. When
the nominations are completed the assembly proceeds to the election, the voting
being by the methods mentioned under Voting, [Bylaw 5], unless an amendment of the by-laws prescribe a different method.

4.2 Elections.
An election takes effect immediately if the candidate is present and does not
decline, or if they are absent and has consented to their candidacy. If they are
absent and has not consented to their candidacy, it takes effect when they are
notified of their election provided they do not decline immediately. After the
election has taken effect and the officer or member has learned the fact, it is too
late to reconsider the vote on the election. An officer-elect takes possession of
the office immediately, unless the rules specify different time. (Standing Order

Bylaw 5. Exercise of Powers
5.1 Voting. If a question is undebatable, or debate has been closed by order of the
assembly, the chair, immediately after stating the question puts it to vote;
only allowing time for members to rise if they wish to make a motion of higher
rank. If the question is debatable and no one rises to claim the floor, after the chair
states the question, they will inquire, "Are you ready for the question?" After a
moment's pause, if no one rises, they should put the question to vote. If the
question is debated or motions are made, the chair should wait until the debate has
apparently ceased, and, at that time again inquire, "Are you ready for the
question?” Having given ample time for any one to rise and claim the floor, and no
one having done so, they should put the question to vote and announce the result.

5.2 Roll Call. The method of taking a vote is viva voce (by the voice), show of hands,
or by roll call, as determined by the Chairman or by general consent. In voting by
any of the first three methods, the affirmative answer aye, or raise the right hand,
or rise, as the case may be: then the negative answer no, or raise the right hand, or rise. The responsibility of announcing, or declaring, the vote rests upon the
chair, and they, therefore, have the right to have the vote taken again, by rising,
if they are in doubt as to the result, and even to have the vote counted, if
necessary. The Chair cannot have the vote taken by ballot or by yeas and nays
(roll call) unless it is required by the rules or by a vote of the assembly. But if the
viva voce vote does not make the Chair positive as to the result the Chair may at
once say, "Those in favor of the motion will rise;" and when they are seated
they will continue, "Those opposed will rise." If this does not enable the Chair to
determine the vote, they should say, "Those in favor of the motion [or, Those in
the affirmative] will rise and stand until counted." The Chair then counts those
standing, or directs the secretary to do so, and then says, "Be seated. Those
opposed [or, Those in the negative] rise and stand until counted." After both sides
are counted the chair announces the result as shown below. In a very large
assembly the chair may find it necessary to appoint tellers to count the vote and
report to the Chair the numbers.
In small assemblies a show of hands may be substituted for a rising vote.

When the vote is taken by voice or show of hands any member has a right to
require a division of the assembly by having the affirmative rise and then the
negative, so that all may see how members vote. Either before or after a decision
any member may call for, or demand, a count, and, if seconded, the chair must put
the question on ordering a count.

5.3 Announcing the Vote. When the vote has been taken so that the chair has no doubt as to the result, and no division is called for, or, if so, the assembly has divided, the chair proceeds to announce, or declare the vote thus: "The ayes have
it and the resolution is adopted." If the Chair is not very positive, they may say,
"The ayes seem to have it," and, if no one says they doubt the vote or calls for a
division, after a slight pause they add, "The ayes have it," etc. If the vote was by
show of hands or by rising, it would be announced thus: "The affirmative has it (or, the motion is carried) and the question is laid on the table;" or if there was a
count, the vote would be announced thus: "There are 95 votes in the affirmative,
and 99 in the negative, so the amendment is lost, and the question is now on the
resolution; are you ready for the question?" In announcing a vote the chair
should state first whether the motion is carried or lost; second, what is the effect,
or result, of the vote; and third, what is the immediately pending question or
business, if there is any. If there is none, the Chair should ask, "What is the
further pleasure of the assembly?"
When a quorum is present, a majority vote, that is a majority of the votes cast,
ignoring blanks, is sufficient for the adoption of any motion that is in order, except
those mentioned in the Bylaws, which require a two-thirds vote. A plurality never
adopts a motion nor elects any one to office, unless by virtue of a special rule
previously adopted. On a tie vote the motion is lost, and the chair, if a member of
the assembly, may vote to make it a tie unless the vote is by ballot. The chair
cannot, however, vote twice, first to make a tie and then give the casting vote. In
case of an appeal, though the question is, "Shall the decision of the chair stand as
the judgment of the assembly?" a tie vote, even though their vote made it a tie,
sustains the chair, upon the principle that the decision of the chair can be reversed
only by a majority, including the chair if a member of the assembly.

It is a general rule that no one can vote on a question in which they have a direct
personal or pecuniary interest. Yet this does not prevent a member from voting for
themselves for any office or other position, as voting for a delegate or for a
member of a committee; nor from voting when other members are included with
them in the motion, even though they have a personal or pecuniary interest in
the result, as voting on charges preferred against more than one person at a time. If
a member could in no case vote on a question affecting themselves, it would be
impossible for a society to vote to hold a banquet, or for a Committee to vote
salaries to members, or for the majority to prevent a small minority from preferring
charges against them and suspending or expelling them. By simply including the
names of all the members, except those of their own faction, in a resolution
preferring charges against them, the minority could get all the power in their own
hands, were it not for the fact that in such a case all the members are entitled to
vote regardless of their personal interest. A sense of delicacy usually prevents a
member from exercising this right of voting in matters affecting himself except
where their vote might affect the result. After charges are preferred against a
member, and the assembly has ordered him to appear for trial, he is theoretically
under arrest, and is deprived of all rights of membership and therefore cannot vote
until his case is disposed of.

While it is the duty of every member who has an opinion on the question to
express it by his vote, yet he cannot be compelled to do so. He may prefer to
abstain from voting, though he knows the effect is the same as if he voted on the
prevailing side.

Bylaw 6. Committee Procedures
6.1 Order of Business of the Committee.
The following shall be the order of business at each regular meeting of any
Roll Call
Approval of the minutes of the last meetin
Report of the Chairperson of the Committee
Reports of Special Committees (When appropriate)
Reports of the Treasurer
Unfinished business
new business
At special meetings the order of business shall be:
Roll call
Reading of notices and statement of service thereof
the special business for which the meeting was called
The regular order of business may be suspended at any meeting by a vote
of a majority of the Committee present.

6.2 Attendance of Associate Members and Others
The attendance of Associate Members of the Association and representatives of
other organizations have a standing invitation to attend meetings of the
Association, (unless any a meeting is held as a closed session. )

6.3 Quorum of the Executive Committee.
Four Committee Members shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business at
regular meetings of the Executive Committee, and four Committee Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at special meetings of the Association.

6.4 Quorums of Committees.
Two-thirds of any standing committee, special committee, or subcommittee shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

6.5 Adjournment When No Quorum.
Any meeting may be adjourned and its business continued on an appointed day by
the vote of a majority of the Committee Members present even though there shall
be present less than a quorum.

6.6 Presiding at Committee Meetings.
In the absence of the Chairman, an Executive Representative shall preside and
otherwise perform the Chairman's duties providing a quorum can be established.

6.7 Procedures for Reports.
Reports shall be submitted to the Committees in accordance with a schedule of
Reports adopted by the Committee.
Requests for other reports to be prepared for submission to the Committees shall
be Voted by the Committee or the Membership, which ever is applicable and which
Are not covered in or by the Bylaws.

6.8 Communications.
Communications for presentation to the Committee thereof shall be in writing and
shall be presented by the Secretary at the next regular meeting following their
receipt by the Secretary, provided that communications from the various Housing
Authorities or members of the Board of Trustees (J.O. Blanton House), Managing
Agency or employees of the Managing Agency shall be presented only through the
Chairperson of the Association.
This Bylaw does not apply to communications presented by members of the J.O. Blanton House Tenants Association or by members of any Special Committees convened by the Association’s Committee.

6.9 Appearances Before the Committees.
Individuals or organizations shall have an opportunity to address the Committee
directly on each open session agenda issue before or during discussion or
consideration of the issue in accordance with such procedures as may be adopted
by the Committee by resolution, provided that the Chairman of the Association or
the Committee, as appropriate, may reasonably limit the total amount of time
allocated for general testimony on particular issue and for each speaker and may
limit testimony either to assure that it is germane to the issue or if it does not
involve a specific matter which has been delegated to an officer and which is more
raised with that officer. Individuals seeking to address the Committee shall
communicate their intention to the Secretary no later than the beginning of the
morning or afternoon sessions of The Association’s Committee on the day the
individual wishes to speak.
No Officer, Special Committee member, or other staff, or member of the
Association or any group of Officers, Special Committee members, Staff, or
members of the Association shall submit any matter to the Committees for official
consideration except through the Chairperson of the Association.
The Chairperson of the Association shall invite to attend and appear before
meetings of the Committee such Members of the Association and such other
persons as may be needed in the best interest of the Membership.
At all general meetings of the Association, members of the Kentucky Housing
Authority, official bodies addressing Tenant related subjects, and members of
HUD may be granted permission by the Committee
Chairman to speak on agenda issues.

6.10 Reconsideration, Repeal, or Rescission.
No motion for repeal or rescission of any action taken by the Committee shall be
voted upon unless notice of intention to make such motion shall have been given at
the previous meeting or by mail by the Secretary to each member of the Committee
and the subject matter of the motion has been placed on the agenda in accordance
with any member may move for the reconsideration of an action taken by the
Committee. Such motion must be made and voted upon at the same meeting at
which said action is taken.

6.11 Minutes of Committee Proceedings.
Minutes of the proceedings of the Committee shall be kept by the Secretary and, as
soon as practical after a meeting, a copy of said minutes shall be posted.
The Secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings of each General meeting
and, as soon as practical after a meeting, a copy of said minutes shall be mailed or
posted in a prominent location, to be viewed by each member.
The minutes of closed sessions shall be kept separate from those of the public

6.12 Subscription Fee; (Dues)
In addition to funding programs and services supported by the Subscription Fee
(Such as Resident’s enrichment and related programs, and, operational expense),
income generated by the Subscription Fee may be used for general support of the
Association's projected operating budget.
Revenue from the Subscription Fee may be used to fund all costs related to formal
instructions provided to the membership, including staff salaries.
In recommending to the Committee subscription limits, the Chairperson shall take
into consideration the following factors:

1. The resources necessary to maintain access under the master plan, to
Sustain Residential quality, Associational quality, and to achieve the
Association's overall mission;

2. The amount of support available from various sources to assist the
Association in funding the cost of any legal representation the Association
may incur.

3. And the overall General Fund for support of the Association.

The Chairperson annually shall solicit resident’s views on the level of the
Subscription Fee, through the appropriate consultation processes. A fee schedule
shall be posted within three (3) days of enactment.

As presented to the Association Committee August 27, 2002
Adopted September 10, 2002 (Rev-1)

Posted by chairone on 12/12/2002
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