Graystone Manor

Our Information

About Us

Graystone Manor Condo Association

Association Board Meetings

These are held the 2nd Tuesday of each Month at 6:30 pm in the Community Center.

About Graystone Manor

Graystone Manor is located inside the Snyder Freeway, off Westport Road between Frys Hill and Hurstbourne Lane. Springhurst Town Center is within easy walking distance. E.P. Tom Sawyer is also within easy walking distance.
There are 144 patio units; each building has four units. There is a clubhouse that may be rented for parties, an exercise room for residents, a swimming pool, and a tennis court. The grounds cover about 50 acres. Most units have two to two and a half bathrooms, attached one or two-car garages, and fireplaces. Maintenance fees include lawn care, garbage collection, water, and club house facilities.

About our association

Revised Bylaws May, 2007

Revised Bylaws of
The following bylaws shall apply to the above-named condominium project (herein called the "Project"), located on Graystone Manor Parkway in Jefferson County, Kentucky, as described in and created by Master Deed and Declaration of Condominium Property Regime of Graystone Manor Condominiums (herein called the "Master Deed") recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Jefferson County, (Book 5980, pp. 298-312) Louisville, Kentucky and to all present and future owners and tenants. Upcoming issues of concern to owners/residents shall be in writing and delivered to owner of record at least ten days prior to any action.
ARTICLE I - Membership
Section 1. Qualification: All owners of units of the Project shall constitute the Council of Co-Owners, herein called "Council". The owner of any unit, upon acquiring title, shall automatically become a member of the Council and shall remain a member until such time as his/her ownership of such unit ceases for any reason, at which time his/her membership in the Council shall automatically cease. Voting shall be based on a percentage of common interest as expressed by the Master Deed, Exhibit B. Proxy voting may be given to any Board member.
Section 2. Place of Meetings: Meetings of the Council shall be held in the Project or other such suitable place convenient to the unit owners as may be designated by the Board.
Section 3. Notice of Meetings: Monthly meetings shall be on the second Tuesday of the month at the community center unless notice is given otherwise. Annual meetings shall be held in conjunction with the March monthly meeting. Agendas for annual meetings shall be mailed or delivered to the owners of record. Newly elected Board members shall be announced at the annual meeting. Votes on such matters as budget and residents running for office will have been returned to the Board and tallied.
Section 4. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Council may be held at any time upon the call of the President. Notice shall be given to each member by mail or delivery, at least ten days prior to meeting, stating the time, place and purpose of such meeting.
Section 5. Quorum: One third, forty-eight of the owners shall constitute a quorum. Fifty-one per cent of the quorum may decide such matters as monthly condo fees, special assessments or other community matters. Upcoming issues of concern to owners/residents shall be in writing and delivered to owners of record at least ten days prior to any action.
ARTICLE II: Board of Administration
Section 1. Number and Qualifications: A Board composed of at least three and no more than five persons shall govern the affairs of the Council and the Project. The Board members shall serve without compensation unless otherwise authorized by the Council. Nominees for the Board must be owners of record and residents for at least a year.
Section 2. Powers: The Board shall have all powers necessary for the administration of the affairs of the Council.
Section 3. Election and Term: Any owner of record may become a Board member after living in residence one year. Residents may nominate themselves or any member of the Council. Candidates must submit a resume. Ballots shall be sent to owners of record. All elected shall serve two years with the following exception. If a Board vacancy of more than one year occurs, the two candidates receiving the most votes shall serve two years. The term shall begin at the annual meeting in March and run through March, two years later. The candidate receiving the third highest number of votes will fill the one-year vacancy. The Board may function with three or four members until the next scheduled election. Weighted votes for election to the Board will use Exhibit B of the Master Deed. Voting shall be by secret ballot. The Board shall determine voting procedure.
Section 4. Vacancies: Death, incapacity or illegal activities concerning Board matters or resignation of any director, or his/her continuous absence from the state of Kentucky for more than three months shall cause his/her office to become vacant.
Section 5. Annual Meeting: An organizational meeting of the Board shall determine the officers of the Council for the ensuing year provided that a majority of the whole Board shall be present.
Section 6. Quorum of Board: A majority of the total number of Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 7. Fidelity Bonds: The Board may require all officers, employees and agents of the Council handling or responsible for its funds, to furnish adequate fidelity bonds. The Council shall pay the premiums on such bonds.
ARTICLE III - Officers
Section 1. Designation: The principal officers of the Council shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Coordinator of Committees.
Section 2. President and Vice President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Council and shall preside at all meetings of the Council. The Vice President shall serve in the absence of the President.
Section 3. Secretary: The Secretary shall attend and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Council.
Section 4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall maintain and keep the financial records and books of account of the Council and prepare regular reports.
Section 5. Coordinator of Committees: The Coordinator of Committees shall assist in organization and work of all committees.
Section 6. Auditor: The Council may appoint annually an accountant or accounting firm as auditor.
ARTICLE IV - Administration
Section 1. Management: The Board shall at all times manage and operate the Project and have such powers and duties as may be necessary or proper, including, without limitation, the following:
(a) Supervision of the Project and its immediate management and operation;
(b) Inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement and restoration of the Common Areas and any additions and alterations thereto;
(c) Purchase, maintenance and replacement of any equipment provided for all water and utility services required for the Common Areas;
(d) Provision at each unit of all water, sewer, electricity and such other utility services and utilities as the Board shall deem necessary either at the expense of such unit or as a common expense as determined by the Board;
(e) Employment, supervision and dismissal of personnel as may be necessary for the maintenance and operation of Project;
(f) Begin preparation of a proposed budget and schedule of assessments at least sixty (60)days before annual meeting;
(g) Collection of all installments of assessments levied and payment of all common expenses authorized by the Board;
(h) Purchase and maintenance of all policies of hazard and liability insurance for the Project required by the Master Deed, and such other insurance and bonds as may be required or authorized by the Master Deed, the Council or the Board;
(i) Proposed gifts or voluntary services to the association must be approved by the Board; and,
(j) Supervision of the use of the Common Areas and Limited Common Areas to include adoption and enforcement of Project Rules and enforcement of the provisions of the Master Deed and these bylaws.
Section 2. Managing Agent:
(a) The Board may employ a responsible Managing Agent or administrator to manage and control the Project subject at all times to direction by the Board. This agent, with Board approval, shall be responsible for keeping records and notifying owners of any delinquency or violation of Project Rules. A unit may be assessed fines for delinquencies or violations.
(b) Execution of Instruments: All checks, drafts, notes, acceptances, conveyances, contracts and other instruments shall be signed on behalf of the Council.
ARTICLE V - Obligations of the Unit owners
Section 1. Assessments: All unit owners shall pay monthly assessments as assessed by the Council. Assessments are due on the first of each month. Automatic withdrawals shall be drafted on the tenth of each month. Should payments not be received by the fifteenth of a month, a penalty of ten per cent shall be payable for each month of delinquency beginning with the initial month. A lien, together with penalty, may be placed upon any unit in delinquency beginning with the initial month. Should the Board decide there is need for a special assessment, the assessment will be determined when the contract(s) are awarded for the work. Cost will be divided among owners according to Exhibit B of the Master Deed. The Board may provide payment options.

Section 2. Maintenance of Units: Each owner shall be responsible for reasonable maintenance of units, including patio and garage. In the event of failure to perform such work, the Board may perform the work and bill the unit owner for all such expense. Owner shall reimburse the Council promptly on demand all expenses incurred by it in performing any such work. Failure to reimburse the Council may result in a lien upon the unit.
Section 3. Use of Project:
(a) All units of the Project shall be used only for one-family residential purposes. No unit shall be rented to anyone other than an immediate family member, such as a child, mother, and/or father. The number of units owned by one person or organization may be limited by the Board;
(b) All Common Areas of the Project shall be used only for their respective purposes as designed;
(c) No unit owner or occupant shall place, store or maintain in the Common Areas any furniture, packages or objects of any kind, or otherwise obstruct transit through such areas or permit said areas to be unsightly or disorderly;
(d) No unit owner shall use his/her unit in an offensive manner. Removal of any furniture or furnishings or equipment from Common Areas shall be prohibited;
(e) No unit owner or occupant shall erect or place in the Project any structure or make any additions or alterations to any Common Areas or any Limited Common Areas;
(f) No signs or posters may be placed in the Project, except a "For Sale" sign not to exceed three feet by two feet in size;
(g) No unit owner may decorate or landscape without prior Board approval. A unit owner may garden and landscape only his/her patio area and twenty inches outside patio fence. Plants shall meet minimal standards of the landscape committee. Council will not be responsible for the upkeep or maintenance of plants within the patio area;
(h) All occupants shall exercise extreme care about making excessive noise, either verbally or with musical instruments, radios, televisions and amplifiers that may disturb other occupants;
(i) No garments, rugs or other objects shall be hung from windows or facades of the Project or in other areas;
(j) NO rugs or other objects shall be dusted or shaken from windows of the Project or cleaned by beating or sweeping on any exterior part of the Project;
(k) No refuse, garbage or trash of any kind shall be thrown, placed or kept on any Common Areas of the Project except in the areas provided for such purpose;
(l) No livestock, poultry, rabbits, snakes or other such animals shall be allowed or kept in any part of the Project. Dogs, cats and caged animals or birds shall be allowed subject to regulation by the Board, including regulations as to the number thereof;
(m) No unit owner or occupant shall, without the written approval of the Board, install any wiring for electrical or telephone installations, machines or air conditioning units, or other equipment or appurtenances whatsoever on the exterior of the Project or protruding through the walls, windows or roof thereof; and
(n) Nothing shall be allowed, done or kept in any units or Common Areas of the Project which would overload or impair the floors, walls or roof thereof, or cause any increase in the ordinary premium rates or the cancellation or invalidation of any insurance maintained by or for the Council.
Section 4. Project Rules: The Board may adopt, amend or repeal any rules and regulations governing details of the operation and use of the Project not inconsistent with any provision of law, the Master Deed or these bylaws.
Section 5. Expenses of Enforcement: Every unit owner shall pay the Council promptly on demand all costs and expenses including reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by or on behalf of the Council in collecting any delinquent assessments against such unit, foreclosing any lien thereon or enforcing any provisions of the Master Deed, these bylaws and project rules against such owner or any occupant of such unit;
Section 6. Record Ownership: The Board or Managing Agent shall keep records of ownership of each unit.
Section 7. Mortgage: The Board or Managing Agent shall keep records of recorded mortgages or liens upon any unit.
ARTICLE VI - Miscellaneous
Section 1. Amendment: These bylaws may be amended in any respect not inconsistent with provisions of law or Master Deed. Fifty-one per cent of the voting quorum may constitute the change of any bylaws.
Section 2. Indemnification: The Council shall indemnify every Board member and his/her executors and administrators, against all reasonable expenses incurred by or imposed on him/her in connection with any action, suit or proceeding to which he/she may be made a party by reason of being a Board member, except in relation to matters that may be determined to be illegal. If legal council of the Board determines Board member acted in good faith and that action was in the best interests of the association, the Board member may not be held personally liable for any action taken on behalf of the Board.
Section 3. Interpretation: In case any provision of these bylaws shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not render invalid any other provision hereof, which can be given effect. Nothing in these bylaws shall be deemed or construed to authorize the Council or Board to conduct or engage in any active business for profit on behalf of any or all of the unit owners.
Section 4. Inter-Council Association: By action of the Board, the Council may participate in and contract with other such boards and councils of condominium regimes for the purposes of efficiency and economy in the operation and maintenance of the condominium regimes participating therein.
Section 5. Enforcement: The Board and/or Managing Agent has the power to enforce all rules and bylaws as set herein.

Revised Project Rules May, 2007

Revised Project Rules for Graystone Council

The Board of Administration of the Council of Co-Owners for Graystone Manor Condominiums (hereinafter, the “Board”), under authority conferred by both the Master Deed for the Graystone Manor Condominiums and the bylaws of the Graystone Manor Condominium Council of Co-Owners, (hereinafter, the "Council") hereby adopts the following Project Rules. Project Rules also apply to the Community Center during all activities.

Condominium Unit: The enclosed space in a building having direct access to the Common Areas. (This is the action area each unit owner actually owns, i.e., the inside of the unit.)

Unit Owner: Such term shall be intended to apply to the unit owner of any condominium unit.

Board: The Board of Administration and the Management Agent, where such authority is delegated by the Board to Management Agent.

Personal Property: A unit owner's property consisting of things that are temporary or movable. Generally, any personal property put or left outside the unit or fence represents a violation.

Common Area: All areas outside patio fence or unit.

Limited Common Area: The areas which are agreed upon by all co-owners to be reserved for the use of a particular unit to the exclusion of other units, such as patios.

Fiscal Year: Fiscal year will start March 1 and run through the last day of February of the following year.
1. Nothing shall be done or maintained in any condominium unit or upon any Common Area or Limited Common Area, which would be in violation of any law.
2. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on within or outside any condominium unit, nor shall anything be done or be permitted to remain in any condominium unit or on the Common Areas which may be or become a nuisance or annoyance to other unit owners.
3. Unit owners shall not make or permit to be made any disturbing noises, which will unreasonably interfere with the rights, comforts or conveniences of any other unit owner. All unit owners shall keep the volume of any radio, amplifier, stereo, television or musical instrument in their condominium unit sufficiently reduced at all times so as not to disturb other unit owners in any building.
4. Unit owners shall not permit any act or thing deemed hazardous on account of fire or that will increase the rate of insurance on the premises. Unit owners shall not keep any gasoline or other explosives or highly flammable material in said premises or storage area.
5. No burning of any trash and no accumulating of anything unreasonable, unsightly or offensive smelling or storage of litter, new or used building materials, garbage or trash of any other kind shall be permitted within any condominium unit or upon any Common Area or Limited Common Area except where expressly authorized by the Board. Garbage must be kept in the resident’s garage at all times except for trash collection day. The trash may be put out after 4:00 p.m. the evening before trash day; however, if the garbage is disturbed during the night, the condo owner must assure it is cleaned up.

6. Unit owners shall not permit anything to be thrown out of the windows onto the premises or grounds of the Common Areas or the dusting or shaking of mops, brooms or other cleaning material out of either the windows or the doors of the premises, and shall not permit anything to be placed in or under the outside of said window.

7. There shall be no obstruction of any Common Area. Nothing shall be stored upon any Common Area without the approval of the Board.

8. No baby carriages, motorcycles, bicycles or other articles or personal property shall be left unattended on the ground of the Common Area.
9. No structure of a temporary character, trailer, tent, or other outbuilding shall be maintained upon any Common Area at any time.

10. No clothing, laundry, rugs, wash, or any other items shall be hung so as to be observed from Common Area or Limited Common Area.
11. All personal property placed in any portion of a condominium unit shall be at the sole risk of the unit owner and the Board shall in no event be liable for the loss, destruction, or theft of, or damage to such property.
12. Animals within the Project:
• The breeding, boarding and raising of animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind, regardless of the number, shall be and is hereby prohibited, within any condominium unit or upon Common Area or Limited Common Area.
• This shall not prohibit the keeping of one domestic pet, such as a small dog (not exceeding forty pounds) or a domestic cat.
• All animals, either belonging to a unit owner or visitor, must be picked up after immediately.
• In no event shall any animal be permitted in any of the Common Areas of the Project unless carried or on a leash.
• The owner of such animal shall indemnify the Board and other unit owners and hold them harmless against any loss or liability of any kind or character whatsoever arising from or growing out of having any animal in the Project.
• If a pet or other animal becomes obnoxious to other unit owners by barking, by elimination in undesignated areas or otherwise, the owner thereof must cause the problem to be corrected; or if it is not corrected, the unit owner, upon written notice by the Board, shall be required to dispose of the animal.

13. All persons shall be properly attired when present on any of the Common Areas.

14. Solicitors are not permitted on the premises without consent of the Board. If one contacts you, please notify a Board member or Management Agency.

15. Those Common Areas designated as parking areas are for personal vehicles only. Automobiles must have current license plates and be in operating condition. No vehicle repairing shall be permitted in the parking areas.

16. All unit owners must observe and abide by all parking and traffic regulations as adopted by the Board or local authorities. Vehicles parked in violation of any parking rules or regulations will be towed away at the owner’s sole risk and expense, with the cost of moving or towing being added as a part of the responsible unit owner’s maintenance charge.
17. No buses, large trucks, motor homes, trailers or commercial vehicles shall be parked in the parking areas or in driveways. A motor home or RV may be parked in driveway no more than 24 hours for “loading” prior to a trip and 24 hours for “unloading” following that trip. It must be stored off property at
all other times.

18. No boats, motorcycles or campers shall be parked or stored in parking areas.

19. Parking so as to block sidewalks or driveways shall not be permitted. Each unit owner expressly agrees that if he/she shall illegally park or abandon any vehicle, he/she will hold the Council harmless for any and all damages or losses that may occur.

20. Toilets, sinks, and drains shall not be used for purposes other than for those for which they were designed.

21. The planting of plants, flowers, trees, shrubbery and crops or landscaping of any other type is prohibited in the general Common Areas immediately adjacent to the condominium units without approval of the Board. The exception to this rule is that low level flowers may be planted on the outside of the patio fence providing that the length of fence is heavily mulched in a straight line extending no more than 20” from the fence. The unit owner must maintain this area, i.e., weeding, adding mulch, etc. This way, hand trimming will not be necessary. Flower pots, baskets or plantings under trees are not permitted outside of the unit. Do not hang or suspend hoses or other articles from fences or fence posts.

22. Employees and agents of the Board are not authorized to accept packages, keys, money or articles of any description from or for the benefit of the unit owners. If packages, keys, money or articles of any description are left with the employees or agents of the Board, it shall be at the sole risk of the unit owner. The Board does not assume any responsibility for loss or damage in such cases.

23. Should an employee of the Board, upon the request of a unit owner, handle, move, park, or drive any automobile placed in the parking area, then and in every such case, such employee shall be deemed the agent of the unit owner. The
Board shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense that may be suffered or sustained in connection therewith.

24. Any damage to the equipment, facilities, or grounds of the Common Areas caused by a unit owner, his/her family, visitors, guests or pets shall be
repaired at the expense of the unit owner.

25. Each unit owner shall provide the Board with a current Certificate of Insurance from his/her insurer, showing that the required property and comprehensive personal liability insurance is in effect.

26. Unit owners shall not apply any coatings or driveway sealers, etc. to any Common Area roadways, parking areas, driveways or walkways. This will be done under a planned maintenance schedule.
27. Garage sales, yard sales or any other sale “events” that generate traffic and or parking problems are prohibited. This includes community-wide or individual sales. These events were discussed and voted on by all owners attending our annual May 20, 1993 meeting.
28. This following schedule is deemed necessary to enforce compliance with the
Association Bylaws and Project Rules.

a. Step One: After the Board’s approval, a letter of "Notice of
Noncompliance" and "Request for Compliance" will be sent to
the offender with a fifteen day response time.
b. Step Two: If no compliance has occurred in fifteen days, a final letter
will be sent asking compliance and stating the date on which the initial
fine of $25.00 will be levied and that the fines will continue at the rate of $1.00 per day until compliance is accomplished.
c. Step Three: With the final notice letter, the offender will be informed
that if there are any outstanding fines at the time of the next association vote, the offender's vote will not be counted. (Approved May 13, 2003.)

29. No unit shall be rented to anyone other than an immediate family member, such as a child, mother, and/or father. The Board may limit the number of units one person may own.
30. Holiday decorations shall only be displayed during seasonal periods. Winter decorations should not go up until the weekend following Thanksgiving. They must be removed by January 10.
31. The unit owner(s) shall comply with the entire Project Rules.

Community Center


The Community Center at Graystone Manor is a private club owned, operated and regulated by the Graystone Manor Condominium Association, Inc. The Community Center is for the use of residents of Graystone Manor Condominiums and their guests. To maintain equity and safety in the use of the facility, the guidelines must be followed.

The Community Center is available every day for general use by residents and their guests between the hours of 9 A.M. and midnight. An exception may be made for an association activity or a resident wishing to schedule a private party in the Community Center. Please reference “RESERVING THE COMMUNITY ROOM”.

The swimming pool is open Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day, daily from 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Unless a certified pool attendant is on duty, there can be no fewer than two people at the pool and no more than five people in the pool;
Swimming is at your own risk. Please reference "GUEST POLICIES".

The grill is available for use by any adult resident on a no reserved, no charge basis. The adult resident using the grill assumes responsibility for safety precautions and leaving the grill clean .

1. Any owner or owners who want exclusive use or meeting for entertainment purposes must reserve the room and pay the applicable fee.

2. The Community Room is available from 9 A.M. – midnight any day for residents seventeen years of age or older, unless reserved by an adult resident for a private event or reserved by the social committee for an association activity. (Please reference "RESERVING THE COMMUNITY ROOM".)

3. Residents and guests may use the Community Room (unless it is reserved) for social functions (e.g. cards, arts & crafts, discussion groups) on a non-exclusive basis without reservation or fee. The room is intended for entertaining; business use is discouraged. A calendar is posted on the bulletin board in the hallway of the Community Center to indicate when an activity is to take place in the Community Room. This is for informational purposes only. It does not presume exclusive use of the room.

4. No sweaty or wet clothing is allowed in the Community Room. If you would like to enter after swimming or exercising, please bring a warm-up suit or other appropriate cover-up.

5. The large screen TV will be scheduled to accommodate the majority interest of the residents.

6. The appliances in the bar areas of the Community Room are provided for heating, cooling, and cleaning up in the preparation and serving of food when Community Room is used for events. For example, if you warm a pizza or chill a beverage when you use the room, please clean up, dispose of trash properly, and take any leftover food home with you. The refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, and sink should all be clean and empty when residents who reserve the room come to use it.

7. At all times, residents using the Community Center must adhere to number of persons allowed by the Worthington Fire Department. While the current sign places that number at sixty seven, the Council has voted to limit the crowd to fifty.


1. The room may be reserved between the hours of 9 A.M. and midnight.

2. A $50.00 fee shall be charged when the Community Room is reserved for a private event. A $100 damage deposit (refundable) is required. In the case of a wake or a funeral of an owner or an immediate family member, the $50.00 fee could be waived.

3. Only upon receipt of the check and signed agreement will the reservation be considered firm. See the Community Center bulletin board or contact a Board member for the name of the current reservation contact.

4. A list of all reserved dates will be posted on the Community Center bulletin board by the Community Room reservation contact person.

5. Reservations must be made at least one week in advance but cannot be made more than four months in advance.

6. While the social committee does not have to pay a fee, it does have to reserve the room to schedule an association activity and to have it placed on the reservation calendar.

7. Cancellation of a reserved time or date must be received in writing by the reservation contact person fourteen days before the reserved date to receive a refund.

1. Nonresidents or guests must be accompanied at all times by a resident when in the Community Center or pool area.

2. Each resident is responsible for the actions of their guests while they are using the facility. It is the responsibility of the resident to make sure their guests are aware of and follow all rules relative to the use of the Community Center.

3. All children (fourteen years and younger) must be accompanied by an adult.

4. Guests must respect the privileges of residents in the use of the Community Center facilities.


1. The exercise room is for the exclusive use of residents.

2. Residents who use the room should familiarize themselves with the proper use and operation of the exercise equipment.

3. Proper workout clothes and shoes must be worn at all times. Bring a towel to wipe perspiration from the equipment.

4. If you have disassembled or rearranged any piece of equipment, please return it to its original configuration for the next person. What might be easy for you to move may not be for the next person.

5. There is a thirty minute time limit on each piece of equipment if someone else is waiting to use it.

6. Food and drink are not allowed in the exercise room. Water bottles with caps are permitted.

7. Residents must be eighteen years of age or older to enter the exercise room.


Persistent misconduct may result in privileges to the Community Center being cancelled. Please be respectful of the rights of all residents to enjoy the facilities in an atmosphere free of profanity, loud noises and any offensive conduct.
1. No smoking or smokeless tobacco is allowed in the Community Room. Smoking is permitted only on the pool deck outside the Community Center. Ashtrays will be available for the proper disposal of ashes and other remains.

2. No pets are allowed in the Community Center or in the pool area.

3. No skateboarding or rollerblading is allowed anywhere near the Community Center or tennis court area.

4. The association assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen articles. It is the responsibility of each resident and guest to properly secure their valuables.

5. No refuse, garbage or trash of any kind shall be thrown, placed or kept on any Common Area of the Project except in the areas provided for such purpose.

Community Room Reservation Agreement Form

DATE & TIME ROOM RESERVED: ______________________________________

RESIDENT'S NAME: ______________________________________________

RESIDENT'S PHONE # ___________________NUMBER OF GUESTS____________

RECEIPT #: ________TYPE OF EVENT_________________________________
The Community Center is for the use of residents and their guests. To maintain equity and safety in the use of the facility, the following guidelines must be followed.

1. Adult residents may reserve the Community Room for private events any day or evening with the exception of dates reserved for Association events.
2. No more than fifty people may be in the Community Room at any one time.
3. All fees must be paid and the Agreement signed for the date to be reserved.
4. Reservations must be made at least one week in advance, but not more than four months in advance.
5. A separate check for the fee and damage deposit shall be presented to the reservation chairperson. The checks should be payable to "Graystone Manor Condominium Association". Cash will not be accepted. A receipt will be issued.
6. Residents reserving the Community Room must be present at the event and are responsible for the actions of guests while using the facility.
7. Resident reserving the Community Room is responsible for any damage to furniture or fixtures. Repair will be paid with the deposit and remaining cost billed to the resident.
8. Guests must wear proper attire and respect the privileges of residents in their use of the facility.
9. The exercise room, swimming pool, pool deck and tennis courts are for the use of the residents only and ARE NOT part of any reserved activity. The gazebo and grill may be part of the reserved activity.
10. Courtesy toward residents is a must. Noise levels are to be kept reasonable.
11. When the event is over:
1. Thermostat must be reset. Winter: 60 degrees; Summer, 80 degrees.
2. Furniture must be returned to its regular places.
3. Community Room must be picked up and appliances cleaned.
4. Garbage must be placed in trashcans.
5. Outside must be checked for trash and cans.
6. Lights are to be turned off, windows and doors locked.
12. Parking is available in front and at side of Community Center. Overflow parking is on the east side of Graystone Manor Parkway, from Parkstone Drive to gatehouse. Fire lanes must be observed.
13. Violation of rules stated in this agreement may cause loss of future reservation privileges.
14. Cancellation of reserved time must be received in writing fourteen days before reserved date to receive cleaning fee refund.
Signature of Resident and date:


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