Milwaukee Professionals Association



Taxpayers have


As a Property Owner and Taxpayer, WE have both RIGHTS and PRIVILEGES.

PUBLIC HEARING – City of Milwaukee
The Citizen Participation Plan, Resolution Number 902098 - The City of Milwaukee’s Citizen Participation Plan provides for public hearings to obtain citizen views regarding the expenditure of federal funds and to respond to proposals and questions at all stages of the community development program, including the development of needs, the review of proposed activities, and review of program performance.

State Statute 66.1109 – Municipal Law, 2(c) provides: “At least 30 days before creation of the business improvement district and adoption of its initial operating plan by the municipality, the planning commission has held a public hearing on its proposed business improvement district and initial operating plan. Notice of the hearing shall be published as a class 2 notice under ch. 985. Before publication, a copy of the notice together with a copy of the proposed initial operating plan and a copy of a detail map showing the boundaries of the proposed business improvement district shall be sent by certified mail to all owners of real property within the proposed business improvement district. The notice shall state the boundaries of the proposed business improvement district and shall indicate that copies of the proposed initial operating plan are available form the planning commission on request.”

BID #32
The practice of Jim Crow justice is wrong no matter who does it.

Over the last ten years in Milwaukee the practice of Jim Crow has increased. Sometimes, it has been sneaky and committed by one, other times, it has been “in-your-face” and committed by many with no accountability.

Now we see more and more, people of color taking this covert, backward and unacceptable step to see that those of favor are successful, to see that projects are forged ahead, to see that the process of “due process” is overlooked.

Policy making and policy implementation has taken on a “practice” that must be stopped. It is the practice of JIMCROW justice for the Inner City of Milwaukee.

The systematic practice of discriminating against the stakeholders of the Inner City, a segregating of people of color and low, moderate, no income individuals, to take away RIGHTS and ASSETS, especially as practiced in the American South from the end of Reconstruction to the mid-20th century.

Business Improvement District #32 was created with the STEPS and appearance of IMPROPRIETY/incorrectness.

Further, it was created with the assistance of the Department of City Development at the helm. The body responsible for lead in seeing that the “peoples business is correctly performed”.

The evidence obtained from the Department of City Development states:
1. Seven handpicked individuals have made a decision for 117.

2. The Six (6) Steps provided by the Department of City Development was not followed.

3. Lack of “due diligence – Rhonda Manuel, staff of the Department of City Development and Damien Dorsey, staff of North Avenue CDC, failed to provide requirements per State Statute.

4. Damien Dorsey, North Avenue CDC failed to provide notification and consensus as his communication to Rhonda Manuel explains.

5. Damien Dorsey purchased space at the YMCA, 12 & North for three dates, only one is documented with attendance.

Of the one day of attendance, two of the seven people present were property owners in the BID District; three were North Avenue CDC representatives, one was listed as a resident and one listed as a volunteer.

6. The 117 Taxpayers were not given adequate time for response.

7. Many taxpayers did not receive the Certified Notice mailed by the City.

8. In initial contact, some thought the Certified Notice had to do with “regular taxes”

9. A few thought the Certified Notice was regarding the year 2000 pending “assessed taxes” for the Fond du Lac/Highway 145 Restoration Plan.

10. CFNBA – CNI/Fondy North Business Association was clearly left out of Notification, even though CFNBA has been seeking DCD for information and cooperation in creating a BID back before 2000.

Even though, CFNBA has history in the area of neighborhood strategic planning that connects with the Community Block Grant process - Amani Strategic Plan, the Original Historic Main Street Program - state based and PLAN OBJECTIVES w/activites.

11. CFNBA had no opportunity to participate and since notice came in October, 2004, was not given an opportunity for public hearing or Rejection Process mentioned in State Statute.

12. Unclear paperwork – Notice
13. Notice posted in paper not likely to be seen by those affected.

Mr. Dorsey and Ms. Manuel failed to execute the six (6) steps given by the Department of City Development for forming a BID. They are:

I. Create the BID formation infrastructure
 Property owner support committee
 City BID representative
 Database Development
 Staff support team

II. Consensus Building/Education
 Property and business owner focus group
 Informational Meetings
 Communication and Outreach

III. Management Plan Development
 Improvements and activities (What project will be initiated)
 Budget (What are the costs associated with this project)
 Assessment Methodology (cost to individual properties)
 Engineering Review of Assessment/Benefit Analysis
 Governance (who’s in charge)

IV. Plan Review/Consensus
 Plan Review Workshops
 Leadership Consensus
 Legal Review – compliance with City and State Law
 Final Plan and Assessment Methodology

V. Petition Campaign
 Communication Materials
 Petition Preparation and distribution
 Collection of signed petitions

VI. City Council Hearings
 Planning Commission(Operating Plan)
 Public Noticed
 Economic Development Committee(Operating Plan)
FORMING BID #32 or any other Business Improvement District in the City of Milwaukee is OUT-OF-ORDER without notice to the property owners affected - knowledge and opportunity to object AND/OR support. This is Jim Crow justice.

After all, the property owner will have to pay the ADDITIONAL assessed “taxes” beyond the regular property taxes.
There were 124 property owners per information from Rhonda Manuel, Department of City Development. There were approximately 155 properties assessed.

The assessments run from $1,500 to $300. Some taxpayers will have up to four(4) additional assessments in this process, since they own four properties in the defined BID District.

The truth is, the Department of City Development failed the citizenry. They did not see that the process was inclusive and followed the law of due process.

Damien Dorsey of North Avenue CDC submitted a petition of seven (7) handpicked names to create BID #32.

Seven people signing for a BID out of 124 commercial taxpayers, something is wrong here.


We have asked Mayor Tom Barrett "to not APPOINT THE BOARD".

Let’s see where he stands for accountability and processing this Jim Crow BID.

Email us

Posted by busybeaver on 05/17/2005
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