Wrigley Association

Membership Renewal

May 16, 2007

Dear Member

It?’s that time again for us to renew our memberships. Please fill out the form below and mail your dues to our PO BOX Number shown above or you can also pay your dues at the June meeting. I?’d like to have renewals in early, thanks. It makes my job a lot easier. Our dues are from
June 1, 2007 to May 31, 2008. A second notice will be sent out.

We look forward to seeing you at our monthly meetings, held the first Monday of every month, 7PM at Veteran?’s Park. Thank you, for continuing to support the Association.

Members, for those of you that give donations to Daisy. Please make a separate check with a memo (Daisy Ave. Christmas Fund) and mail to Wrigley Association (Daisy Christmas Fund) P. O. Box 16192, Long Beach CA 90806 thanks for all your continued support.

Thank You,




Telephone Number, Please______________________________________________________

Email Address________________________________________________________________

As a member, I/We agree to abide by the Association By-Laws
Membership Year is June 1, 2007 through May 31, 2008

Annual Membership Fee: $15.00

Optional Contributions: $_____For Wrigley Landscape Project
$_____For Wrigley Legal Defense Fund
$_____Total Payment

Type of Membership: Resident___Business___Associate___
Please check if you are interested in volunteering for Association Activities__

The newsletter is distributed free at the monthly meetings.

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