Triwoods Civic Association

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Triwoods Civic Association

About Your Civic Association...

TriWoods Civic Association represents the residents of the TriWoods community, comprised of Sherwood Forest, Elmwood and Foxwoods. The association performs many functions to maintain and improve the community and enrich the lives of residents. All residents of the community are welcome to join the association and all are encouraged to become involved. The association can only be as strong as its membership and by participating, residents can help to improve their community.


The association’s Grounds and Maintenance Committee works in winter to get the streets plowed when it snows and sanded or salted when they ice. It works to clean and maintain the entrance signs and planters. It works with the county, utility companies and DelDot to ensure safe maintained streets, public land and park.

The Civic Committee interacts with our state and county legislators, school board and other agencies to ensure that our community has a voice in planning, zoning and law making that affects our community and it’s residents. It works with other civic and community interest associations to coordinate strategic initiatives that will raise issues, increase services, protect the stability of the community. This committee also assists the Executive Committee in scheduling speakers for the membership meetings to speak on topics of interest to the community.

The Welcome Committee greets our new neighbors and members. Ideally, when a new resident moves into the community, a Welcome Committee member will pay a visit and formally greet the new resident and their family on behalf of the association. They provide a token welcome gift and a copy of our Welcome Book, which contains information about the community and lists many useful contacts and phone numbers. The committee members will inform the new resident about the association and encourage them join the association and to get involved. Sometimes we do not learn of new residents in a timely fashion, so if you are a new resident and have not had a visit, please contact our Welcome Committee Chairman.

The Social Committee plans events for the community, especially the children. You can count on several holiday activities and events which will give new residents an opportunity to meet their neighbors and the children will have a some fun too.

The Membership Committee is responsible for the association’s membership drive. This committee is very much responsible for the financial health of the association. Without this committee’s hard work there would not be funds to plow the streets and maintain the entrances. Many of our events are provided at no cost to the residents because of the membership dues collected by this committee.

The Executive Committee administers the business of the association. They preside over the membership meetings, finances and documents/records of the association. This committee ensures the activities of the standing committees are performed in a timely and effective manner. It approves funding and coordinates planning of the events and activities of the association. It sets the annual goals and strategies of the association based on the input and feedback of the membership and community.

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About our association


Triwoods Civic Association

The Triwoods Civic Association meets monthly from
September to June. Meetings are held at Christiana High School on the third Tuesday of the month. The meetings start at 7:30PM. From time to time, this date may change for special events or cancellations. Check here at the website, watch for the signs at the entrances, for special flyers at your door, or contact one of the executive committee members for the latest

Constitution and Bylaws

Section 1. The name of the organization shall be The TriWoods Civic Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association.
ARTICLE II — Purpose
Section 1. The Association is organized to promote civic programs by which community standards, safety, education, recreation and welfare may be maintained and improved. The Association is non-profit, non-sectarian and non-partisan.
ARTICLE III — Fiscal Year
Section 1. The fiscal year of the Association shall be September 1 to August 30. The annual budget shall cover the fiscal year and shall be prepared on the basis of dues payable for the coming fiscal year.
ARTICLE IV — Membership
Section 1. Deed holders and adult residents of Sherwood Forest, Foxwoods and Elmwood shall be eligible to become members of the Association.
Section 2. One membership shall be available to each household of Sherwood Forest, Foxwoods and Elmwood upon payment of dues; except that new residents of the community shall have full dues-free membership privileges within the membership year in which they become residents. Those residents who became residents after May 31st will also receive free membership for the following year.
Section 3. Membership entitles members to participate in subsidized programs sponsored by the Association.
Section 4. Membership is terminated upon ceasing to be a resident or property owner or by nonpayment of dues.
ARTICLE V — Governing and Voting
Section 1. The Association shall be governed by the Executive Committee except for those items identified in the Bylaws as being reserved for the General Membership.
Section 2. Each adult member is entitled to one (1) vote with a maximum of two (2) votes per property address. In cases where the property owner is not also a resident and membership is retained by both the property owner and resident of the property, there will be one (1) vote eligible for the property owner or owners and one (1) vote for the resident. In no instance shall any resident or owner have more than one (1) vote.

ARTICLE VI — Organization and Duties
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the elected officers and the chairs of the standing committees of the Association
Section 2. The officers of the Association shall be: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Section 3. The duties of the officers are as follows:
a) The President shall chair all general meetings; direct the overall operation in the best interest of the Association; formulate temporary special purpose committees to conduct business not covered by the standing committees; chair the Executive Committee; and appoint the chairs of the standing committees with the approval of the membership.
b) The Vice President shall assist and serve in the President’s absence; participate in the Civic and Grounds and Maintenance Committees; and chair the Nominating Committee for the annual election.
c) The Treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the Association, collect all dues and other funds, deposit and disburse said funds as authorized by the membership at the general meetings of the Association; pay snow removal bills with the approval of the President (the Vice President and Secretary shall act in the absence of the President and Treasurer, respectively). A statement of the accounts shall be rendered at each general meeting; all records are to be submitted yearly for an audit. If required by the Executive Committee, the Treasurer shall furnish a bond at the expense of the Association. The Treasurer shall participate in the Membership Committee.
d) The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Association and of the Executive committee; conduct all correspondence, read same at the general meetings; maintain secretarial equipment at the expense of the Association with the approval of the Executive Committee; participate in the Membership Committee, and appoint the Communication Committee Chairperson

Section 4. The standing committees of the Association shall be Civic, Community Watch, Information, Membership, Grounds and Maintenance, Recreation and Social, Website, and Welcome. All chairs must be members in good standing.
Section 5. The duties of the committees are as follows:
a) The Civic Committee shall keep the Association informed of and represent the Association in all matters and legislation pertaining to civic activities.
b) The Community Watch committee shall perform all functions in accordance with local and state guidelines that outline a community self-policing program.
c) The Information Committee shall be responsible for the publishing of the newsletter, creating flyers and signs, and providing any assistance to the web site committee as required.
d) The Membership Committee shall be responsible for maintaining names and addresses of all members, soliciting and collecting dues as directed by the Executive Committee, and providing a current roll of membership to the Secretary.
e) The Grounds and Maintenance Committee shall be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of community grounds, e.g., entrances, and play areas. They shall have the duty of contacting the proper authorities to see that the streets, gutters, lights, and sewers are properly maintained and snow removal is conducted properly.
f) The Recreation and Social Committee shall promote appropriate leisure and seasonal activities within the Association.
g) The Website committee shall be responsible for posting the association’s newsletter and other key information and dates on the website to keep the membership apprised of association business.
h) The Welcome Committee shall be responsible for contacting new residents to acquaint them with the Association and providing them with a copy of the Welcome book and annual directory. They also will explain the free membership provision.
Section 6. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that an annual audit is conducted of the Association books within 30 days of an election and that a special audit is conducted in the event of a vacancy of the office of Treasurer.

ARTICLE VII — Budget and Dues
Section 1. The amount of dues shall be recommended by the Treasurer and approved by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. The President shall present the Executive Committee budget for approval at the first General Membership meeting following elections.
Section 3. The snow removal fund for any given year shall be at least an amount of money equal to fifty percent (50%) of the preceding year’s paid membership dues. Snow removal funds shall not be utilized for any other purpose unless authorized by the membership at a General Membership meeting.
Section 4. The Executive Committee may authorize the expenditure of up to $300.00 for non-budgeted expenses without the approval of the membership between any two general meetings except for snow removal, sanding, and salting. There is no limit for these expenses.
ARTICLE VIII — Election and Recall process
Section 1. The Vice President shall chair the Nominating Committee composed of up to four other members who are not on the Executive Committee.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for presenting a slate of nominees for the offices of the Association at the May General Membership meeting. Nominations may be taken from the floor as well.
Section 3. Elections shall be by secret ballot at the June General Membership meeting. The new officers shall take office at the September General Membership meeting.
Section 4. No one shall be permitted to run for office that is delinquent in payment of dues at the time of the election.
Section 5. No person shall hold more than one elected office at any time.
Section 6. Upon petition of the majority of the membership present at a general meeting stating specific charges against any member of the Executive Committee, a ballot calling for a vote on the proposal for recall of the individual involved must be presented to the Association members present.
Section 7. Recall will be successful if at least two—thirds (2/3) of the membership present at the next General Membership meeting approve the proposal for recall.
Section 8. Offices affected by recall, resignation, death, or otherwise vacated, shall be filled by appointment of the remaining members of the Executive Committee. In the case of the President, exception is made; the Vice President shall assume that office and a new Vice President appointed as outlined above.
ARTICLE IX - Meetings
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall meet as often as deemed necessary, provided it shall meet at least quarterly.
Section 2. General meetings of the membership shall be held monthly, except for the months of July and August or other months in which there is no Association business. However, the minimum number of General meetings, regardless of business, is five. The Executive Committee will advise the membership as to the time, date and place of general meetings and special meetings as appropriate.
Section 3. The quorum for an Executive Committee meeting shall be a minimum of six people provided at least two of the six are elected officers.
Section 4. The quorum for a General Membership meeting shall be twelve (12) dues paying members provided at least five (5) of the twelve are from the Executive Committee to include either the President or Vice President.
Section 5. Special Meetings may be called at any time by the President. The President must call for a special meeting, if petitioned by at least ten (10) percent of the members. Notifications of the date and time for a Special Meeting must be provided to the entire membership through any of the following methods; signs at the subdivision entrances, announcement in the local paper, or through flyers delivered to each residential address. A minimum of 48 hours must take place from the time of notification to conducting the special meeting.
ARTICLE X — Amendments and Ratification
Section 1. The constitution and bylaws may be amended at any general meeting by a vote of the majority of the members present, such amendment having been presented at the previous general meeting and published in the newsletter preceding the meeting at which the amendment will be acted upon.
Section 2. The bylaws shall be reviewed and ratified by each elected board and documented in the Executive Board minutes. The Association must reaffirm the bylaws at a General Membership meeting every ten (10) years even when there are no changes.
ARTICLE XI — Termination of Association
Section 1. The Association shall use its funds to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in the constitution and bylaws. No part of said funds, shall be for use by, or distributed to, the members of the Association other than for nominal items given in appreciation for services rendered, as approved by the association. Upon dissolution of the Association, any funds remaining shall be distributed to one or more regularly organized and qualified charitable, educational, scientific, or philanthropic organizations to be selected by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. The Association shall be dissolved upon the vote of two- thirds (2/3) of the member households.
Section 3. Should the association be unable to elect a slate of officers, then the Association will be in a transition state for two months. If after two months the Association is still unable to fill all the board positions, then notification must go out to all households about the situation. The Association will be considered dissolved after the General Membership meeting following notification, if any elected position remains open.
ARTICLE XII – Parliamentary Authority
Section 1. The current edition of Roberts Rule of Order shall be the final source of authority in all questions of parliamentary procedures except when the rules are inconsistent with the constitution or bylaws of the Association.

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