Sunset Ridge Homeowners Association

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Sunset Ridge Homeowners Association

Sunset Ridge Homeowners Association

Sunset Ridge Homeowners Association Background
We are a voluntary group of homeowners that banded together in the spring of 2007 to improve our neighborhood. Our primary original goals were to renovate the front entrance, finish the street lights in the neighborhood, and address the drainage issue at the South Entrance. As of July 2007 we have 45 of 60 homes in the neighborhood included as members.

Sunset Ridge is located in the Southwest corner of Joplin within 1 mile of the two major medical facilities.

Joplin - A great place to be

Joplin is located in southwest Missouri in the "four states" region encompassing Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas. At the edge of the Ozark Mountain region, Joplin has a current population of 49,024. The daytime population swells to 270,000 while the population within a 40-mile radius of Joplin is 400,000, making it Missouri’s fourth largest metropolitan area. Joplin combines the beauty and hospitality of country living with the convenience and commerce of city vitality.

Incorporated in 1873, the City of Joplin is a full-service municipality. It operates under the Council-Manager form of government and has approximately 400 employees delivering a variety of services to the regional community.

Joplin is readily accessible to eight major lakes, numerous clear-water streams, and a number of entertainment and vacation attractions. Located at the crossroads of Interstate Highway 44 and U.S. Highway 71, Joplin serves as the commercial, cultural, financial, educational, medical, recreational and transportation center of a 5,000 square-mile area. Joplin’s regional airport provides ready access to major transportation centers and is served by US Air to Kansas City, MO.


Joplin Convention and Visitors Bureau
Joplin Chamber of Commerce


About our association

Sunset Ridge Homeowners Association Background

We are a voluntary group of homeowners that banded together in the spring of 2007 to improve our neighborhood. Our primary original goals were to renovate the front entrance, finish the street lights in the neighborhood, and address the drainage issue at the South Entrance. As of July 2007 we have 45 of 60 homes in the neighborhood included as members.

SRHA Bylaws (SRHA Members only)

FINAL, As adopted by the Membership
May 1, 2007
As Amended July 10, 2007

Bylaws and Covenants (Declaration of Restrictions)

Be it resolved that the majority of residents and property owners of Sunset Ridge Edition, Joplin, MO, hereby establish the Sunset Ridge Homeowners Association. The preparations for establishment shall be performed by a steering committee and presented to the membership for approval and adoption at the first annual meeting. Membership and participation in the Association shall be voluntary. The establishment of this Association is contingent upon the approval, acceptance, and funding by a majority of the homeowners. The purpose of this Association is to promote and maintain the quality of life and property values of the homeowners. All property owners, regardless of membership status in the Association, are still subject to the established covenants as recorded by Loyco Enterprises with the County of Jasper. Nothing in these bylaws shall be construed to encroach upon individual property owner’s rights, privileges, or independence with regard to their property.

Establishment of the Association

Upon the direction of a simple majority of the residents of Sunset Ridge, the Association shall be formed upon adoption of the bylaws and budget by said majority, and confirmed by payment of initial dues. Dues shall be established based upon the projected expenses and reserve funds for the following year as outlined in the budget. The election of Officers and Board Members shall be conducted in a manner consistent with Roberts Rules of Order. The initial elections shall be supervised by the Steering Committee. A majority vote for any person nominated shall constitute their election to the position. Said elected Officers shall then take office and manage the affairs of the Association, to include appointment of committees and assignments thereof. Initial projects approved by the membership shall be pursued under the direction of the newly elected Board of Directors, or their designees.


Article I – Identification

This organization shall be known as the Sunset Ridge Homeowners Association, herein after referred to as the “Association” and shall be responsible for the affairs and maintenance of said neighborhood as specified by the Membership. All activities of the Association shall be in compliance with registered covenants; laws and ordinances of Joplin, Jasper County, and the State of Missouri; and other agreements as mandated by a simple majority of the membership. Membership meetings shall be conducted utilizing guidelines specified by Roberts Rules of Order.

Article II – Membership, Annual Meetings, Annual Dues, & Special Assessments

There shall be one vote per member household, or property owner (regardless of the number of lots owned), of the Association. Votes may be in person, or by written proxy that is specific to the matter at hand, and given to one of the Board Members prior to the related meeting. There shall be one annual meeting of the general membership to discuss and make decisions regarding the operations of the Association. The general membership meeting shall be established by the Board of Directors, and shall fall within the month of April. A current financial statement shall be presented to members at each annual meeting. At each meeting of the membership, dues for the following year shall be established. Dues are to be paid to the Treasurer within the first 30 days of the beginning of the fiscal year. The fiscal year will be May 1 through April 30. Members who fail to pay established annual dues will be in default, resulting in a loss of voting privileges until dues are paid. Special assessments of the membership may be imposed to cover the cost of emergency situations such as repairs of property owned or controlled by the Association or special projects as mandated by the Membership if accrued reserve funds are depleted. Special meetings of the Membership may be called by the Board of Directors or a simple majority of the membership by petition. Contributions by non-members shall be accepted and applied to the project of their choice. In the event that a member moves prior to their renewal date, the new owner shall have membership rights until the normal date for renewal for that property.

Article III – Establishment of Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall be comprised of five members: President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and two at large Directors. Officers shall be elected by the membership at the annual meeting by a simple majority of the quorum present. Term of office will begin at the beginning of the following fiscal year. No person shall serve in any one position for more than one year consecutively, unless approved by a simple majority of the membership present at the election. If a position on the Board of Directors is not filled by a nominated or voluntary candidate, the current Board of Directors shall be authorized to appoint. No two members of the same immediate family household shall serve on the Board of Directors at the same time. Should a Board member resign during their term of office, the remaining Board members shall appoint a replacement to complete the term. Should a Board member be removed by the membership for just cause, it shall be accomplished by a 2/3 majority vote of those present at a special meeting. A quorum of the Membership must be present and voting to validate the decision. A 15 calendar day notice shall be distributed to the membership prior to the meeting outlining the purpose and justification for the proposed action. The notice shall be distributed by the Secretary or another Board Member in the event that the Secretary is unavailable or the subject of the proposed action.

Article IV – Duties of Officers (Board Members)

President: The President is responsible for representing the neighborhood and membership on Association matters, arranging and conducting meetings of the membership annually and any other meetings called by a simple majority of the membership or Board of Directors. The President shall represent the Association in dealings with the community, contractors, employees, etc.; sign contracts; arrange purchases; authorize repairs; and otherwise be the primary legal representative regarding association affairs. The President, or another member of the Board of Directors in their absence, shall also serve as the Mediator regarding disputes among members and assure resolution between the parties on mutual agreement. Issues unable to be resolved within a reasonable period of time shall be handled by the parties through traditional legal means.

Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for recording and maintaining official records of the Association, all meetings, affairs, and activities. The Secretary shall send an Agenda of Business to the membership at least two weeks prior to meetings. The Secretary shall publish minutes/summaries of formal meetings and disseminate to the total membership within 60 days of the meeting. In the event of transfer of property of a member, the Secretary shall be responsible for advising both the Seller and Buyer of the Association, and presenting a copy of the Association Bylaws and neighborhood Covenants, as registered with the county of Jasper, to the Buyer by whatever means is most expedient. The Secretary serves as both official archivist and historian of the Association, and shall pass on the entire contents of records to his/her elected successor upon their assumption of office.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the official financial records of the Association, annual dissemination to the membership of financial statement, reconciliation of account data with the bank (which must be a FDIC or FSLIC insured facility), and advise the membership of financial needs. The Treasurer shall propose an annual budget at the annual membership meeting and otherwise ensure than the funds and assets of the Association are reasonably protected and secured. It is the Treasurer’s responsibility to secure the approval of at least one other Board of Directors member before checks are written from the Association’s checking account, and that checks drawn are consistent with the will and intent of the membership. The Treasurer shall be responsible for updating the check writing signature records maintained by the Bank and shall pass on the entire contents of financial records to his/her elected successor upon their assumption of office.


Nothing in these bylaws shall be construed to remove or replace the established Neighborhood Watch
Program, and should be considered as a supplemental effort to mutually observe and protect the
assets of the neighborhood and membership. Members are encouraged to assist neighbors and report
to appropriate authorities any suspicious or criminal activities. Members are also strongly encouraged
to comply with local ordinances regarding restraint of pets, and activities of household members
which may be considered disruptive to the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood, safety, or
welfare of others.


For the purposes of making new residents feel welcome, enhance the spirit of community, and
encourage membership in the Association, a neighborhood Welcome Wagon Committee shall be
established. Said committee shall be responsible for assuring that new residents are contacted as soon
as practical, and providing the new residents with information on the neighborhood, the Association,
and the community in general.


From time to time, the Association may undertake projects, funded or un-funded, to improve the
quality of life, property values, and needs of the Association. These projects shall be proposed to and
approved by the membership at the annual or special meeting, excluding emergencies or urgent
repairs to association assets. Projects initiated as part of the establishment of the Association shall be
voted upon and approved for funding at the first organizational meeting. No member of the
association shall enter contracts, commit funds, or expend Association funds without prior
authorization of the Board of Directors under the auspices of the Membership. The Board of Directors
is authorized, by virtue of its elected status as representatives of the membership, to authorize funds
for reasonable project cost over-runs, emergency repairs, etc. Funds expended by members on behalf
of the Association shall be reimbursed to the member upon submission of a request and receipt. Said
request for reimbursement shall be submitted to the treasurer for expeditious payment.


From time to time, the Association may consider and adopt policies which supplement the by-laws,
covenants and ordnances. Policies shall be submitted to the general membership at the annual or
special meeting for consideration and acceptance or rejection by a simple majority of those present.
Policies shall be only applicable to Association members.


Occasionally it may become necessary for the Association, on behalf of the entire neighborhood, to
take legal action to enforce the established covenants (Declaration of Restrictions), ordnances, or laws.
Said action shall be duly researched by the Board of Directors and presented for discussion,
Approval, and funding by a majority of the Membership at either a special meeting called by the
Board of Directors or at the annual Membership Meeting. Said legal actions shall be prosecuted
by the Association’s legal counsel, or his/her designee.


In the event that at some point in time, 100% of property owners in the Sunset Ridge Edition become
Members of the Association, the Association may take necessary legal steps through counsel to
formally establish mandatory membership in the association by subsequent property owners in the


From time to time, it may be the desire of the Association to add or revise existing bylaws and/or
policies of the Association. Proposed changes and/or additions shall be submitted in writing to the
Membership no less than thirty days prior to the next scheduled Membership meeting. A simple
majority of the voting members present at the meeting shall be required to adopt or reject the
proposed changes. Changes to the by-laws shall be communicated in writing to the Membership by
the most expedient means.


As delineated in the established covenants (Declaration of Restrictions), “No member of the Board of Directors or any Committee of the Association, or any of its officers of the Association shall be personally liable to any owner, or to any other party, including the Association, for any damage, loss, or prejudice suffered or claimed on account of any act, omission, error, or negligence of the Association, the Board, or any other representative or employee of the Association, provided that such person has, upon the basis of such information as may be possessed by him, acted in good faith, without willful or intentional misconduct.”

SRHA Covenants (applicable to entire neighborhood)

Declaration of Restrictions (Covenants) as established by the developer, Edward Loyd, Loyco Enterprises, Inc., as registered with the County of Jasper, Mo, book 1361, pages 263-272, on June 21, 1989


Whereas, Loyco Enterprise, Inc., a Missouri Corporation, is the owner of: All of Sunset Ridge, in the City of Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri, according to the recorded Plat thereof.

Whereas, the owner desires to place certain restrictions on the use of said property by said owner and its successors and assigns, and its future grantees:


The following words and terms as used herein are defined to mean the following:

A. Words used in the present tense include the future.

B. Words used in the singular number includes the plural; and words in the plural number include the singular.

C. The word “building” includes the word “structure”.

D. The word “shall” is mandatory.

E. The word “lot” includes the word “plot”.

F. The term “used for” includes the meaning “designed for” or “intended for”.

G. Accessory Building: A subordinate building, separate from the main building, located on the same lot occupied by the main building.

H. Dwelling: A building designed exclusively for residual occupancy.

I. Family: One or more persons who are related by blood or marriage, living together.

J. Garage: An attached portion or part of the main building or a separate accessory building for parking and/or storage primarily of motor vehicles.

K. Ground Floor: The floor at or nearest top of ground.

L. Lot: A parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by one main building and accessory buildings including the open space around and between said building, and having its principal frontage upon a public street.

M. Lot, corner: A lot abutting upon two or more streets.

N. Lot lines: The lines bounding a lot as defined herein.

O. Main Building: The predominant building on the lot determining the lot use.

P. Outbuilding: An enclosed covered structure not directly attached to the dwelling which it served.

Q. Porte-Cocher: A covered porch under which a vehicle may be driven for loading its occupants or parking.

R. Story: That part of a building included between the surface of one floor and the surface of the next floor above, or if there be no floor above that part of the building which is above the surface of the highest floor thereof.

S. Street: A public thoroughfare which affords principal means of access to property abutting thereon.

T. Structure: Anything constructed or erected that requires location on the ground, or attached to something having a location on the ground, but shall not include the customary fences, or boundary, or retaining walls.

U. Yard: An open space at grade between a building and the adjoining lot lines.


For the purpose of providing an orderly development of the entire tract and for the further purpose of providing adequate restrictive covenants for the mutual benefit of Loyco Enterprise, Inc., or its successors in title to the subdivision of said tract, the following restrictions, covenants, and reservations are hereby imposed to which it shall be incumbent upon its successors to adhere:


Said plots shall be used for private dwelling purposes only. No lot or part of one lot shall be used for business or commercial purposes. No store or business house, no gas, oil, or automobile service station, and no flat or apartment house, though intended for dwelling purposes, and no buildings of any kind whatsoever shall be erected or maintained thereon except private dwelling houses and such outbuildings, each such dwelling house being designed for occupancy and used by a single family only.

No structure shall be moved onto any lot except temporary contractor’s shacks Used during the period of construction, and shall be removed immediately upon completion of construction. No dwelling of a temporary character shall be permitted on any lot. No obnoxious or offensive trade of activity shall be carried on upon any lot or anything done which may be a violation of Missouri laws or become any annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, or other outbuildings erected on any lot shall at any time be used as a residence temporarily or permanently; nor shall any structure of a temporary character be used as a residence, provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit seasonal storing on any lot located at the rear of a residence thereon, a commercially manufactured vacation camping vehicle. No such vehicle shall be occupied and shall not be occupied for rent or for hire, either temporarily or permanently.


Residential building shall be located on the lot and in no case closer than fifteen (15) feet of any side property line, unless prior written approval of Loyco Enterprise, Inc. Appurtenant outbuildings and facilities may upon prior written approval of Loyco Enterprise, Inc. be erected a distance not closer than ten (10) feet from side and rear of property lines, and not closer than twenty-five (25) feet to rear property line when rear property line is the sideline of adjacent lot. See paragraph 6 for Outbuilding Requirements. Steps leading to dwelling may extend not more than four (4) feet. Steps leading to dwelling may extend beyond such building lines, provided such steps are not higher than the level of the first floor of the dwelling.


Any dwelling erected wholly or partially on any lot shall have a living area, exclusive of open porches, garages, and enclosed basements, not less than 2,000 square foot above ground level. Provided, however, Loyco Enterprise, Inc., may alter or amend this provision.


The Loyco Enterprise, Inc. shall not be required to furnish, install, or maintain any fencing on any lot and the cost of same shall be the expense of the owner’s of the lot upon which fencing is being installed. All fencing shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner, in order to present a neat appearance. No fencing other than decorative fencing shall be constructed in front of any residential dwelling. Chain link shall not be considered decorative fence. No perimeter fence or blinds which restrict the free flow of light and air shall be constructed on any lot. Every dwelling erected on any plot shall front or present a good frontage on the street or streets on which said plot fronts.

Dwellings on corner lots shall have a presentable frontage on all streets on which the particular corner lot fronts.

It shall be the responsibility of the holder of title to any lot or lots to maintain said lots(s) in a neat a mowed condition. No weeds or grass in excess of nine (9) inches in height shall be permitted to remain upon any lot for more than thirty (30) days. If any holder of title to any lot fails to keep said lot in a neat and mowed condition, so as to permit weed and grass to exceed the restrictions herein, Loyco Enterprise, Inc. may give written notice thereof by certified mail to the last known address of said owner or by posting a notice on said property, notifying the said owner that if same is not mowed within ten (10) days of the date of the notice, then the mowing may be done by Loyco Enterprise, Inc. herein or its agent, at the expense of said owner who shall, upon demand, promptly pay same or have a lien therefore filed and assessed against said lot by placing it of record with the Circuit Clerk of Jasper County, MO, without any prior notice to said owner.


Every outbuilding and appurtenant structure, except a domestic family greenhouse, shall correspond in style and architecture and be constructed of the same exterior wall and roof materials as the residual dwelling. No accessory building shall exceed the main building in height or floor area. No pergola or any detached structure for purely ornamental purposes may be erected or maintained on any lot nearer a front or side street than the building set back line.


No building shall be erected, placed, or altered on any building plot in this subdivision until the building plans, specifications, and lot plans showing the location of such building have been approved, in writing, as to conformity and harmony of the external design of the existing structures in the subdivision, and as to location of the building with respect to the topography and finished grades elevation by Loyco Enterprise, Inc. In the event said Company or its designated representative, fails to approve or disapprove within thirty (30) days after said plans and specifications have been submitted to it, or in any event, if no suit to enjoin the construction has been commenced prior to the completion thereof, approval will not be required and this covenant shall be deemed to have been fully complied with. Neither the members of such company, nor its designated representatives, shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed pursuant to this covenant. Said constructions shall be completed within six (6) months of the commencement of the construction and shall be done by a licensed contractor.


No building or other permanent structure shall be erected or maintained on any part of any area indicated as “easement” but the owner of lots may erect and maintain a fence, wall, or hedge along the property line within such easement, but subject at all times to the prior right to use such area for utility and quasi-utility purposes. The Owner reserves the right to locate, construct, erect, and maintain, or cause to be located, constructed, erected, and maintained in and on the areas indicated on the plat as “easement” street marker monuments, sewer or other pipe lines, conduits, poles and wires and any other method of conducting or performing any public or quasi-utility or function above or beneath the surface of the ground, with the right of access at any time to the same for the purpose of repair and maintenance. And the Owner shall have the right at any time to extinguish or vacate such easements and rights of way as to all or any portion of said property.


(a) Storage tanks of any kind shall not be maintained above ground.

(b) None of the lots shall be subdivided, replatted or rearranged in any manner that would allow a greater number of houses to be constructed than there building sites now platted.

(c) No cars under repair, boats, trailers or automobiles not in operational condition shall be parked in the street or on any plot unless said vehicles or boat is parked within an enclosed structure permitted by these restrictions.

(d) No cows, horses, or other live stock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept or any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes.

(e) The construction or maintenance of signs, billboards, or advertising structures of any kind on any lot, shall be prohibited, except that one (1) sign or billboard advertising the rental or sale of property is permitted five (5) feet in size and except that sign of larger size advertising the subdivision may be erected by Loyco Enterprise, Inc.

(f) All electric service to buildings or structures on any lot shall be supplied through an underground electric distribution system. No lot owner shall demand or require that electric service be supplied or furnished to buildings or structures located on any lot through or from overhead wire facilities so long as electrical service is available from underground electric distribution systems.

(g) No trash, ashes, or other refuse may be thrown or dumped on any plot. No trash, garbage, or other waste shall be kept except in sanitary containers. All incinerators and other equipment for the storage or disposal or such material shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.

(h) No satellite receiver shall be placed on the property if cable television service is available.

(i) No buildings shall be placed, nor shall any material or refuse be placed or stored on any plot within twenty (20) feet of the property line of any park or edge of any open water course, except that clean fill may be placed nearer provided that the natural water course is not altered or blocked by such fill.

(j) No building material of any kind or character shall be placed or stored on any lot until the owner thereof is ready to commence improvements and then the material shall be placed within the property line upon which the improvements are to be erected, and shall not be placed in the streets or between the curb and property line.

(k) All construction activities, material, and debris shall be confined to the lot on which the construction occurs. However, the Owner reserves the right to waive or modify any of the above prohibitions set forth in the section as to any lot or lots shown on the attached plat, such waiver to bind the owner, its successors and all owners of lots shown on said plat. Waiver in the manner above set forth as to any particular lot or lots shall not release the prohibitions in this section as to any other lots. Invalidation of any one of these covenants or restrictions by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect.


All of the restrictions herein set forth shall continue and be binding upon the lot owners and upon their successors and assigns for a period of twenty-five (25) years from the first date of July, 1981, and shall automatically be extended thereafter for twenty-five (25) year successive periods; provided, however, that Loyco Enterprise, Inc, or its designated representative, may release all of the lots hereby restricted from any restriction created by deed at the end of the first twenty-five (25) year period, thereafter by executing and acknowledging an appropriate agreement, or agreements, in writing, for such purpose and filing the same for record in the office of the County recorder and County in which said property is located at least two (2) years prior to the expiration of the first twenty-five (25) year period or any twenty-five (25) year period thereafter.

11. If the Loyco Enterprise, Inc., is not in existence, than any party may apply to the Circuit Court of Jasper County, MO, who shall have the right granted herein to the Loyco Enterprise, Inc.


The restrictions, reservations, covenants, and conditions herein set forth shall run with the land and bind the lots owners, their successors and assigns, and all parties claiming by, through, or under it shall be taken to hold, agree and covenant with the lot owners, their successor and assigns with each of them to conform and observe said reservations, restrictions, covenants, and conditions as to the use of said lots and the construction of improvements thereon, but no restrictions, reservations, covenants, or conditions herein set forth shall be personally binding on any corporation, person or persons, except in respect to breaches committed during its, his or their seizing of or title to said land, and only Loyco Enterprise, Inc., or its designated representative, shall have the right to sue for and obtain an injunctive, prohibitive, or mandatory relief, or to prevent the breach of or to enforce the observance of any restrictions, reservations, condition, or covenant above set forth at the time of its violation shall, in no event, be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Enforcement of these covenants shall be by proceeding at law or in equity against any person or persons attempting to violate any covenant, restrictions, reservation or condition, either to restrain violation or to recover damages. Validation of any one of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect.


No member of the Board of Directors or any Committee of the Association, or any of its officers of the Association shall be personally liable to any owner, or to any other party, including the Association, for any damage, loss, or prejudice suffered or claimed on account of any act, omission, error, or negligence of the Association, the Board, or any other representative or employee of the Association, provided that such person has, upon the basis of such information as may be possessed by him, acted in good faith, without willful or intentional misconduct.


The owner, by appropriated instrument, may assign or convey to any person, organization, or corporation any or all of the rights, reservations, easements, and privileges herein reserved by it, and upon such assignment or conveyance being made its assigns or grantees may at their option exercise, transfer, or assign such rights, reservations, easements and privileges or any one or more of them at any time or times, in the same way and manner as though directly reserved by them, or it in this instrument.

Omitting any covenant or restriction
based on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status, or national

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