The most important thing for me is transparency and truth in what we are spending and what we are getting.
We would like the board to start answering all the questions on the spending. We want to know exactly where, when and why certain monies are being used by clear and concise documentation. This documentation should consist of receipts, dates and invoices showing exactly where the monies are being used.
We would like direct answers to all the changes I have found in the Budgets for the last 4 years. I want to know why numbers have changed and why the board is keeping information from this community. This information is about the use of monies, write-offs, delinquents. I would like also know why the board does not keep the web site up to date and has outdated, obsolete and illiterate information and why they are not showing current information for this community.
I would also like to see all the utilities bills and electric as well as water usage being used by common areas in this complex.
I want to know exactly where the paint and drywall and miscellanous maintenance have occurred and why. I want to see all the invoices and told why the insurance did not cover any of them.
As part of this, we want to know what is happening with our common area insurance or fire insurance. We would like to know the details of our policy including all exceptions of the policy. We want to know what is covered and not covered. We would also like to know why the insurance is not being used for such things as roofs, drywall, plumbing back-ups, lift station etc.
Also I would like the board to explain why that have put us through 4 years of Lawyers fees in per suing Mr. Richard Reberg # 308, my neighbor, in a District court lawsuit, and why they have not just replaced this roof here at 130 east highline circle.
As a final request, I would also like the board to step down from there positions if they find that they cannot provide this information to everyone or want to keep hiding from the truth to this community.
The time has come for change and transparency by this Board. We need to cut cost and analyze our spending in the past and current spending habits in order to assure a stable future for this community.