Northridge Village Neighbors

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About our association



The Annual meeting is in the fall of each year; 30 days advance notice will be sent to each owner.
Unless otherwise specified, the Board meets at various locations every other month. Date and times for the Board meetings will be announced in the minutes from the prior meeting that are mailed out to the members. Owners are allowed to attend all portions of such meetings except those portions designated as executive session pursuant to A.R.S. 33-1804. Guests and tenants of an owner are not allowed to attend Board meetings unless permitted by the Board. If an owner desires to speak at such meetings, prior arrangements must be made with the Board President. The Board, in its sole discretion, is entitled to allow you to speak, limit your time or refuse such request altogether. If an owner improperly disrupts a meeting of the Board, the Board, without any prior notice to such owner, may impose any fine applicable for each such violation. All meetings will be run using parliamentary procedures.


To provide funds for the maintenance of Northridge Village, all properties are subject to monthly assessments. Such assessments are due on the first business day of each month. Collection shall be handled in a manner that the Board, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate. This may include, but is not limited to: personal lawsuit, lien foreclosure, garnishment, attachment and seizure of property. Any costs, including court costs, attorney fees and/or any fees necessary for collection purposes, are also charged to the delinquent owner and may be collected in the judgment or in addition thereto.



1. Within 30 days of taking title, the owner shall report to the Association his or her name and the name of all other residents, and the owners' residential and mailing address(es), and telephone number.

2. No owner, resident or guest may regularly use any unit for any commercial purpose, including the performance of a service, the storage and/or dispensing of products or merchandise for sale at Northridge Village or elsewhere, or the reception of clients or customers.

3. The common property elements may not be used for the storage of privately-owned property. Any items stored in back yards must be kept below the level of the fence wall.

4. Advertising signs, billboards, etc. are not permitted. "For Rent" or "For Sale: and security and political signs of an appropriate size may be placed at the front entrance of the unit.


5. Only domestic pets are allowed at Northridge Village. No other animals or live stock may be kept. No breeding of pets is permitted.

6. Pets must be kept on a leash no more than 10 feet in length and under the direct control of a responsible person when outside their units. Pets are not permitted to run loose unsupervised on the common areas. The owner of the unit and the owner of the pet shall be responsible for all damage to persons or property caused by the pet.

7. Residents are required to clean up promptly after their pets and ensure that animal waste does not litter the walks or the common areas or create an unsanitary, unsightly or otherwise noxious situation.

8. Pet owners are required at all times to monitor the activities of their pets so that such pets do not create a disturbance or constitute a nuisance to neighboring residents.

9. Pets must be confined to individual units and yards and must not be tied up on the common areas.

10. All owners, residents, tenants and guests shall treat pets humanely.


11. To preserve curb appeal and reinforce a sense of community pride, all vehicles of residents shall be parked in the closed garage of the resident's unit, except as provided below, There shall be no parking of any vehicle on the common areas. The designated visitors' parking areas shall be for visitor parking except as provided below. Garage doors must be kept closed except they may be open for ingress, egress, or servicing.

12. No light vehicle work, tune-ups or oil changes may be performed other than in or near the owner's garage. Oil or other residue must immediately be cleaned up and disposed of off the property. No major vehicle work may be performed anywhere at Northridge Village.

13. No vehicles may be stored or parked in any driveway or common area. A vehicle may occupy a driveway or common area only for loading, unloading or service purposes, and then only for the length of time required to load, unload or service, and provided that at no time shall the vehicle block or hinder other residents from the operation of their vehicle. All vehicles must have a current registration and/or license plates and must be in operating condition.

14. Guest parking is allowed on common areas for a special event provided the resident posts a notice of the event on the pool area bulletin board seven (7) days prior to and during the event containing the name of the resident or person responsible for the event; and the phone number of the responsible person during the time of the event; and guest parking shall in no way obstruct or hinder the ability of other residents to operate their vehicle or have ingress or egress from their property. Vehicles blocking resident's ingress or egress shall be moved immediately after notifying the person responsible for the event, or the vehicle will be towed.

15. Motorized vehicles are not permitted on the sidewalks or grass.

16. Recreation vehicles, camper, trailers, boats, large commercial vehicles and the like are not to be kept at Northridge Village except in an owner's garage.

17. A visitor's vehicle may be parked in the visitor parking area for up to 48 hours at a time, but in no event more than 96 hours per month. No spouse, resident or tenant of an owner shall be deemed, for purposes of this rule, to be a visitor.

18. The vehicle of an owner, the spouse, permanent resident or tenant thereof may be parked in one of the three reserved parking spaces provided they have applied for and obtained permission from the Board to rent the space for $25 per month, paid in full in advance of the rental month. Reserved parking spaces are granted on a first come first served basis, and in a non discriminatory manner for a reasonable, uniform fee, and shall be valid for a period not to exceed six (6) months. Reserved parking spaces are not renewable unless no other resident requests one. No more than three reserved parking spaces shall be approved at any time. Reserved parking spaces shall not be assignable or transferable and shall be revocable by the Board for violation of any parking restrictions. The owner of the unit wherein the vehicle owner resides or where the vehicle owner is a guest shall be responsible for ensuring that no oil, grease, dirt or debris is left in the parking area.

19. Notwithstanding anything else to the contrary, and in addition to any applicable fine, the Association may cause any improperly-parked vehicle to be towed at the expense of the owner thereof.

20. The maximum speed limit in Northridge Village is 15 miles per hour.


21. The pool facilities are for the use of owners, residents, tenants and guests only. Owners will be responsible for anyone to whom they or their tenants provide pool access.

22. Gates must be locked at all times even when the pool or cabana is being used. Gates shall never be propped open.

23. Children under the age of fourteen (14) must be accompanied and supervised by an adult (18 years or older) at all times when in the pool area.

24. Persons using portable radios in the pool area must maintain the volume at a level that cannot be heard beyond their immediate area.

25. Persons using rubber rafts or other flotation devices shall not interfere with other using the pool.

26. Infants or young children must wear rubberized pants while in the pool.

27. No pets are allowed in the pool area.

28. No glass bottles or glassware of any kind are allowed in the pool area.

29. No running, yelling, horseplay, jumping, diving, or obscene language is allowed in the pool area.

30. No skateboards, bicycles, or other wheeled vehicles shall be permitted in the pool area.

31. Remove oils and non-water soluble suntan lotions before entering the pool. (They cloud the water and could result in a failed inspection of the pool and shutdown.)

32. Swim at your own risk - No lifeguard is on duty.

33. Pool parties may be arranged by placing a note near the mailboxes indicating a desire to reserve the pool area. Such notes should be posted at least one week prior to the event, and the first person to post such notice will have priority to the facilities. The Board may place any reasonable condition on such parties. Owners, tenants or residents having a pool party must leave the facilities clean, neat and orderly, and the trash containers must be emptied following the party.

34. Climbing on the fence, cabana, etc. is prohibited.

35. Anyone damaging the pool facility, equipment or pool furniture will be responsible for replacement or repairing all damage.

36. The Board may suspend the pool privileges of any unit for up to 60 days after any three (3) violations of these pool rules within a twelve (12) month period.

37. All using the pool must wear appropriate swim wear. Cut-offs or other clothing with loose or frayed edges are prohibited. (They clog the filter and could cause the pump to overheat.)

38. Only the Board's agent is authorized to adjust any pool equipment. The pool is not heated.

39. Do not remove pool furniture from the pool area. Leave pool area in a clean, neat and orderly condition.

40. All persons shall obey all other posted pool signs. (They are there for our safety.)

41. Please turn off the gas barbecue and clean it after using it and replace the cover.

42. All trash, garbage and rubbish of a unit shall be placed in that unit's trash receptacle provided by the City.

43. Residents wanting to throw away large items must make their own arrangements with the City of Phoenix for special or bulk trash pick-ups.

44. Trash and trash receptacles shall be stored in the garage or back yard of a unit except for a reasonable time before and after trash pick-up.


45. The Association alone may control landscaping in the complex with the exception of back yards, atriums and courtyards. It is the homeowners responsibility to keep all vegetation growing above patio walls that can be viewed from the common area, adjoining property or the street kept neat and trimmed.

46. Landscaping in front of each units front patio wall or gate is maintained by the Association. The Association will maintain the lawns, bushes, and trees in front of each units front patio wall or gate. Areas behind each units patio wall or gate are the responsibility of the homeowner as well as any annual flowers. Trees and plants should be placed so as not to encroach neighboring lots, sidewalks, streets or street signs.

47. Residents wishing to alter the landscaping of their front yards must fill out an Architectural Request Form for approval by the Board. Residents may not plant vegetation that creates additional maintenance for the Association. No olive trees may be planted anywhere on the property.

48. Vines must not adhere to the exterior walls of your home. Vines may be attached to a trellis but must be kept trimmed to the size of the trellis. The Association retains the right to determine when a vine must be trimmed, maintained and/or removed.


49. No owner shall permit any thing or condition to exist upon any property which shall induce, breed or harbor infectious plant diseases or noxious insects. Owners shall comply with Board requests for periodic Termite inspections and must exterminate any infestations found and provide proof of inspection and/or extermination.
Homeowners must keep their homes free of pigeon droppings by cleaning, repainting and/or using nonpoisonous, preventative control methods.


50. The exterior of your home must always be kept in a good state of repair, including items such as exterior paint, garage doors, fences and walls, etc. Every owner is expected to ensure all landscaped areas are kept neat and well maintained at all times.
51. The governing documents of Northridge Village provide for a Board appointed Architectural Committee to ensure a high level of architectural consistency and harmony in the community.
52. Any work which alters the exterior appearance of the home or landscaping must be approved by the Board or the Architectural Committee before the work begins.
Before undertaking any project affecting the exterior of your home, it is necessary to complete a written application and submit it to the Board. The forms can be obtained from the Board or the Management Company. In scheduling your planned improvement, please allow time for the review of your application . Written approval must be received prior to commencing work. Governmental permits, if required, shall be obtained prior to work being done.
All such work shall be performed by a duly licensed contractor when licensing is required by Arizona Law. In Arizona, all contractors who perform residential or commercial construction, remodeling or repair must be licensed. One exception, however, applies to work performed where the labor and materials total less than $750, there is no building permit required and the work is not a part of a larger project. All required permits must be posted in window before any construction begins. A copy of the permit must be provided to the Board.

53. The Association shall have the right, after thirty (30) days notice to an owner, to repair, paint, or otherwise maintain the exterior of any property or improvement (and without notice in the event of an emergency) which the Association, acting through its Board, determines in its discretion is in violation of the CC&Rs and Rules and Regulations.
54. No item whatsoever may be hung on or over the walls and fences such that the item can be viewed from the common area, adjoining property, or the street. Patio shades, patio covers, awnings, skylights or structures of any kind cannot be erected or utilized without prior written approval of the Board or its designated Architectural Committee. Statues or ornamental items in front of the unit are allowed only upon prior approval of the Board's Architectural Committee.
55. Homeowners are responsible for painting the exterior of their homes. It is recommended that each homeowner paint their wood trim every 3 years and their stucco walls every 5 years. In the event that the Board's Architectural Committee must give you a notice to paint, you will have a 90 day time frame in which to complete the painting of your home or portions of your home. Homeowners are required to use Dunn-Edwards Acri-Flat W704 paint in the following approved colors:

Stucco: Adobe SP41
Accent Wood: Canyon Abyss DE3166
Wood Trim: Cocoa SP74
56. In the event that any of the subdivision perimeter fencing is damaged or destroyed, it shall be the obligation of the owner to rebuild and or repair such perimeter fence so that the exterior surface will match in material and color the surface of the perimeter fence of the subdivision.
57. Screen doors and security doors are subject to approval of the Board's Architectural Committee and must meet the following specifications. Color - dark brown or black, metal, self-closing and shall not be ornate.
58. Reflective sun screens are not allowed if they can be seen from the common areas. Dark, non-reflective sun screen or window film is allowed.
59. Gutters and downspouts must match trim or house color.
60. Fireplace chimney covers may only be replaced by chimney covers of the same kind.

61. The 1996 Federal Telecommunications Act allows homeowners to install one (1) satellite dish, up to one meter (39") in diameter. You must submit for placement approval prior to installation. Screening may be required, including painting the dish to match the house or plantings. You must, to the greatest extent possible, locate the dish so that it is not visible from the street or common areas. The dish must be installed and maintained so that it is as visually appealing as possible under the circumstances, and does not interfere with the use or enjoyment of neighboring residences, nor create an unreasonable hazard or nuisance.
62. Roof-mounted electrical conduit is not permitted. Exterior conduit must be approved for placement and must be painted to match the surface it is mounted on.
63. Television cable entry point into residence shall conform to City Code. Cable must be painted to match color of house or trim.

64. Exterior security systems must be approved by the Board's Architectural Committee. Exterior mounted electrical boxes and conduit shall be painted in matching colors.
65. Roof shingles shall meet specifications approved by the Board's Architectural Committee.
66. Any homeowner who is delinquent in their Association assessments will not be granted a request for architectural change.
67. Owners shall make all reasonable efforts to avoid disputes concerning these architectural and aesthetic regulations. All questions of interpretation and application of these regulations shall be resolved by the Architectural Committee or the Board.

68. If any common element or Association property is damaged or destroyed through the negligent or culpable act of an owner, his or her guest, tenant, resident, invitee, household member, or contractor hired by an owner, the Association may make all necessary and proper repairs, and thereafter bill the owner for all costs incurred. Payment must be made with (10) days.

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