Lower Southeast Side Association

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Lower Southeast Side Association


LSSA works for the community

LSSA (Lower Southeast Side Association) is formed to provide the neighbors along South WW White a voice when talking with the city, with developers, and with each other to continue our way of life. The area served is rich in tradition. Many residents have been neighbors for 20, 30, 40, 50 and even 60 years. We also have new neighbors that we want to know and include in our traditions.


About our association


Lower Southeast Side Association

Lower Southeast Side Association 1
Article 1 – Name 1
Article 2 – Office 1
Article 3 – Boundaries 1
Article 4 – Objectives and Purpose 1
Article 5 – Legal Status and Policies 2
Article 6 – Membership 2
Article 7 – Sources of Revenue 3
Article 8 – Meetings 3
Article 9 - Board of Directors 4
Article 10 – Officers 4
Article 11 –Duties of the Offices 5
Article 12 – Parliamentary Authority 6
Article 13 – Amendments 6
Article 14 – Audit 6
Article 15 – Dissolution 6

Article 1 – Name

The name of this organization shall be the “Lower Southeast Side Association (LSSA)”

Article 2 – Office

The association’s principal office shall be at 4710 Ida Street, San Antonio, Texas 78222.

Article 3 – Boundaries

The boundaries of the association are
• North – Sinclair Road
• East – South Loop 410
• West – Roland Ave.
• South – E. Southcross Ave.

Article 4 – Objectives and Purpose

A. The objective of the association shall be to enhance our neighborhood by working to create a beautiful, safe, and healthy environment.
B. The purpose of the association is to provide an organized framework to promote, preserve, and enhance the quality of life and values in our neighborhood by:
a. Extending opportunities to residents, landowners, entrepreneurs, and other interested parties through education about our neighborhood and community affairs and local topics of immediate interest,
b. Elevating and promoting the image of our neighborhood,
c. Creating a safe living environment 24 hours a day,
d. Encouraging the neighborhood to become involved in city-wide affairs,
e. Having an effective unified voice to address issues that impact the neighborhood,
f. Conducting social activities that create a greater sense of neighborhood pride,
g. Enhancing property values
h. Promoting a sense of pride and identity among the residents,
i. Establishing a direct line of communication with members of the City Council of San Antonio, East Central ISD, and other agencies,
j. Advising on available funding, loans, and programs designated for the betterment and improvement of our neighborhood,
k. Establishing relationships with other neighborhood associations and coalitions,
l. Familiarizing residents, landowners, and interested parties about the Association and it’s purposes, and
m. Providing a forum for the airing of grievances.

Article 5 – Legal Status and Policies

The Association shall be organized and operated not for profit. No part of the any Association net income shall ever be payable to any member.

The Association does not have nor shall exercise any authority either expressly or by interpretation, or by operation of law, nor shall it directly or indirectly engage in any activity that would prevent qualifying as a corporation described in Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Association shall be non-profit, non-partisan organization and shall not support candidates for public office. The Association may take positions on issues. The Board of Directors before the President or the President’s representative must authorize all action appropriate to sustain an approved Neighborhood Association position.

The Association shall never be operated for the primary purpose of profit and no part of its net earning or membership fees shall be used to the benefit of private individuals.

Article 6 – Membership

A. Regular Membership – Any resident (18 years old or older), living or owning property in the “Lower Southeast Side Association” (see Article 3). Regular Members shall have the privileges of voting, holding office, serving on committees, and speaking on the floor at membership meetings.
B. Business Membership – Any person (18 years old or older) shall be any business or organization operating within the “Lower Southeast Side Association” shall be eligible for Business Membership. A business entity shall be limited to one membership in the Association.
C. Associate Membership – Associate Membership shall be open to person, who is interested in the objectives of the Association., but does not reside, own property, or operate a business within the neighborhood. An Associate Members shall all of the privileges of Resident Membership with the exception of holding office or voting.
D. Membership dues – Annual dues shall be as follows:

Type Dues
a. Regular $ 5
b. Business $ 10
c. Associate $ 2

E. Any individual may petition the Board of Directors for a waiver of the membership dues.

Article 7 – Sources of Revenue

Annual Dues
A. Annual dues shall be recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by a majority vote of the members in attendance at the annual meeting.
B. Annual dues are due at the annual meeting of each year.
C. Annual dues for new members will be prorated for months left in current year.
D. Annual dues for Regular Membership will be discounted 50% for senior citizens (55 years of age or older.)
E. Members who have not paid dues for the current year will not be able to vote at neighborhood association meetings. Current year is considered to begin at the annual meeting and lasts until the next annual meeting
F. Back dues will be “forgiven” for any amount over one year.


A. The Association may engage in fundraising activities related to its purposes.
B. The Board of Directors may accept, (or decline) on behalf of the Association, any contribution, gift, bequest, or device for the general purpose for any special purpose of the association.

Article 8 – Meetings

Association meetings shall be held the first Sunday of
• February (annual meeting),
• May,
• August, and
• November.

Annual meetings will be held to elect officers and Board members and to set general goals for the upcoming year.

The president or any five members may call special meetings.

All meetings will be published via website or newsletter at least 3 days in advance and may be attended by all members.

Three board members plus six dues-paying members constitutes a quorum.

Article 9 - Board of Directors

A. The Board of Directors shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Communications Reporter, and three At-Large members.
B. Term is 2 years.
C. The Board of Directors shall meet as necessary. These meetings shall be open to all interested members of the association
D. Directors serve without pay.
E. No Director shall be eligible for, or be elected to a third consecutive term to the same office.
F. Vacancies shall be filled by vote of a majority of the members at the next Association meeting or
G. Vacancies will be filled by appointment until the next annual meeting where they may run for office.
H. Board of Directors shall make an annual report at the annual meeting.
I. Standing committees may be formed at membership meetings. They will be included into these bylaws.
J. Ad Hoc committees may be formed by majority vote of the Board of Directors and may exist for no more than one year.

Article 10 – Officers

A. Any regular or Business Member of the Association is eligible for election to office.
B. Officers shall be elected to office at the annual meeting by a simple majority of the regular and business members in attendance.
C. Officers shall be elected to terms of two years.
D. No officer shall be eligible for, or be elected to a third consecutive term to the same office.
K. Vacancies shall be filled by vote of a majority of the members at the next Association meeting or
E. Vacancies will be filled by appointment until the next annual meeting where they may run for office.
F. In the event the President is unable to complete his or her term, the Vice President shall become president for the unexpired portion of the time.
G. Unexcused absences as determined by the Board of Directors from three consecutive meetings should constitute a vacancy of office.

Article 11 –Duties of the Offices

A. The President shall be the principle office of the Association and shall:
a. Preside at all meetings of the Association
b. Represent the Association at all publics, except that the president may ask another Officer, Board or Committee to represent the Association as required
c. Appoint standing and special committee and the designate chairs, with approval of the Board
d. Identify members for special assignments,
e. Sign with the Secretary/Treasurer or any other officer authorized by the Board, any contracts or other legal documents expressly authorized by the Board,
f. Sign with the Secretary/Treasurer all withdrawals of funds from the Association bank accounts,
g. With the assistance of members, set the agenda for the Association, and
h. Appoint “Block Captains” to represent each street within the boundaries of the neighborhood and instruct the captains as to their duties.
B. The Vice-President
a. Act as special assistant to the president and represent the President whenever so designated,
b. Perform all such duties as requested by the President or Board of Directors.
C. The Secretary/Treasurer
a. Shall attend all meetings of the members and Board of Directors and shall keep full and accurate account of the proceedings in a permanent book or electronic document.
b. Have charge of all Association funds/bank accounts,
c. Sign with the president all withdrawals of funds,
d. Shall have authority to spend discretionary funds up to $50.00 without prior board approval,
e. Prepare an annual statement accounting of Association funds.
D. The Communications Reporter
a. Maintain a current roster of membership including name, address, telephone number, and membership category of each member.
b. Maintain official website,
c. Gather reports and minutes and other Association news and publish either on website or newsletter, as appropriate, and
d. Notify members of upcoming meetings.
E. Directors at Large
a. Serves as chairs of standing committees as appointed by the President,
b. Provide assistance and advice in carrying out Association activities, and
c. Perform such duties as requested by the President and the Board of Directors.

Article 12 – Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all proceedings of the Association.

Article 13 – Amendments

These articles may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any general meeting, provided notice has been given to the membership at a previous meeting.

A full text of such an amendment, with a ballot shall be made available one month prior to the date of voting.

Article 14 – Audit

At least one month prior to the annual meeting, the President shall appoint with the approval of the Board of Directors, a committee of three members to comprise the audit committee. These three members cannot be members of the Board of Directors. The committee’s duties shall be to audit the Treasurer’s books and/or records.

The Audit report shall be made at the annual meeting and prior to any elections.

Article 15 – Dissolution

This Association may be dissolved in the same manner as an amendment. Disbursement of all moneys and properties be acted upon in accordance with the requirements of the Articles of Incorporation and Texas Non-profit Corporation Act then in existence.

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