Lima Street Continuum

Our Information

Our Info

The Lima Street Continuum

835 Lima Street, Suite # 100

Aurora, CO. 80010-4145



The Lima Street Continuum is currently located in the 700 and 800 blocks of North Lima Street.



"Expanding ingenuity through participation"

                                                                 I will if you will. Your Neighbor

Who Are We?

We are YOU, but initially a small part of you, because we hope to inspire more of you to become apart of us to become the larger YOU. And You are The Lima Street Continuum, hereinafter, Lima Street, a non-profit entity encompassing the 700 and 800 Blocks of Lima Street and affiliated with The RAWM Foundation.


Board Members and Officers:


Ms. Iola Washington, Chair and President

Mr. V. René Rogers, Vice Chair, Vice President Coordination & Communication

Mr. James Washington, Secretary, Board Member and

Ms. Liz Guillon, Treasurer, Board Member and Entertainment Chair

Membership and Board Position

And You, become a Member and/or seek a Board Position!!

A membership Fee will be accessed at an annual rate of $20.00, per Household. Members are encouraged to have their teenaged children participate, it’s their community also.

Meeting will be held Spring thru Fall, not much happening outside when its COLD (Winter), on the ____ of the month. From ___ to _____ at _________________.


Mission Statement(s)

The Lima Street Continuum, hereinafter Lima Street, is a non-profit entity that considers its community a place in the hearts, mind and hopes of those who live here and is dedicated to fostering a safe and vital community where its peoples live, work, play and raise families. Inclusive in this, Lima Street also believes that in order for a community to be strong, it has to recognize and value all of its members. Further, communities are about connections and

commitments, thus Lima Street is committed to programs that bring tolerance, gender acceptance, age and/or physical challenges to the fore. Overall Lima Street seeks to cooperatively embrace, widen and enhance the common good and sense of all its residents via mutual interaction and cooperation. Lima Street with input from YOU plans to advance into the future while partnering with the City of Aurora, Arapahoe County and other entities in efforts to enhance the values of its community.


The City of Aurora and Lima Street:

Aurora is a Home Rule Municipality spanning Arapahoe, Adams and Douglas counties in Colorado. Aurora was founded during 1891 under the name, Fletcher. The city is the 3rd most populous city in the state of Colorado and the 58th most populous city in the US.

Lima Street is located within the Der Mar Neighborhood area, initially only encompassing the 700 and 800 blocks of Lima Street. Lima Street plans to eventually include all peoples on Lima Street, from 7th Avenue to East Colfax Avenue into its membership.

With an average of 35 houses on each street, consisting of a combination of both home owners and rental properties, there are approximately 315 locations within the Lima Street environment. As such Lima Street accounts for less than 3% of the households within 80010 Zip Code (See Below).


The estimated population of Del Mar, within Original Aurora, during 2009 was: 18,377. This amounted to 6% of Aurora’s population and 35% of Ward I’s population.

As of 12/11 the total population of all of Zip Code (ZC) 80010 was 39,728 as of 2010; total households per ZC was 12,767 and the Avg per household was 3.02, I don't know how u arrive @ 2% of a person. Ethnic Pop was: Hispanic: 22,817; White: 21,123; Black: 6,754; Asian: 1,676; Indian: 1,248; Hawaiian: 199 and Others: 11,195, primary East Africans and Arab Muslims.

Residential Mailboxes: 13,270 and Business Mailboxes: 741: Total for ZC 80010: 14,011.

Potential Activities:

Block Parties, maybe held twice a year, potentially on July 4th and Labor Day, where we can all meet and socialize. Not only is meeting your neighbors beneficial, these encounters provide an additional step in your and their safety. We also become Our own Street Watch group, watching out for each other.

Possible mini-parades: Halloween/Day of the Dead

Lima St Parade of Lights, X-mas week or before?

Xmas Light House/Apt Decoration Contest: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Winners.

Photo Classes: $25.00 per Household and/or Individual, Taught by John Wells, Pro-PhotographerLearn how to built a camera, take and develop photos, choose background, city & country landscapes, etc.

Block and Area Clean-up twice a year, in the Spring and Fall??

You/We will go from there, all suggestions are welcome.


Our EM and websites are:

You have an EM and Website addresses so that we are in constant contact with our neighbors.

EM: Street

Both sites above will have: Home Page, Our Info, Discussions, Calendar, News Letter, Consumer & Enviro News, Items of Interest, Pages & Links: Docs & Pages and External Links, Meet Your Neighbor, Contact Us, etc.






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