Gaffney Lane Neighborhood Association

Our Information

About Us

Gaffney Lane Neighborhood Association

GLNA recognition with the city of Oregon City


Any resident, business, property owner or other person who shows cause for interest in the Gaffney Lane
Neighborhood Association area (see Boundary Description below) is eligible for membership. There are no mandatory

Boundary Description

The area served by the Association shall include all within the following boundaries: Beginning at the corner of
Moccasin Way and Meyers Road, proceed east along back of properties on Moccasin Way to the point where the
boundary intersects with property described as 3-2E-08BC, Tax Lot 00500. Follow the property line to the most
northerly point of the property and proceed southerly to a point where the boundary intersects with the northwestern
boundary of the Gaffney Lane Elementary School. Proceed northeasterly along the boundary to the corner of
Clairmont Way and Berta Drive. Continue along Clairmont Way to Molalla Avenue. Proceed southeasterly on Molalla
Avenue to the Trails End Highway and onward to the intersection of Meyers Road. Proceed southwest along Meyers
Road including property described as 3-2E-08DC, Tax Lot 08800 and 3-2E-08DC, Tax Lot 08900. Then continue
northeasterly along Meyers Road to the beginning point of Meyers Road and Moccasin Way.
(for further information, call Derrick Beneville, 557-7535)

Gaffney Lane NA By-Laws

Gaffney Lane Neighborhood Association

By-laws (Rev.2):
Approved by the General Membership on May 20, 1999
(Supercedes Rev. 1)
Article I. Name and Purpose

Section 1. The name of this association shall be the Gaffney Lane Neighborhood
Association (GLNA).

Section 2. The purpose of the GLNA will be exclusively social and civic; to promote, coordinate and implement all aspects of community planning through neighborhood participation and
advice to the City Commission, the Planning Commission and other planning and advisory bodies; to provide a vehicle for maximum citizen participation in promoting the
livability and environment of the neighborhood; to participate together in their mutual
interest and to promote and coordinate communication among its members and between
neighborhood and city government, all of which is not for profit.

The GLNA shall be non-partisan and will assist in the dissemination of information on all matters affecting the growth and development of the above described neighborhood.

Section 3. The GLNA shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations.

Article II. Boundaries and Membership

Section 1. The area served by the GLNA shall include the following boundaries: Beginning at the corner of Moccasin Way and Meyers Road, proceed east along back of properties on Moccasin Way to the point where the boundary intersects with property described as 3-2E-08BC, Tax Lot 00500. Follow the property line to the most northerly point of the property and proceed southerly to a point where the boundary intersects with the northwestern boundary of the Gaffney Lane Elementary School. Proceed northeasterly along the boundary to the corner of Clairmont Way and Berta Drive. Continue along Clairmont Way to Molalla Avenue. Proceed southeasterly on Molalla Avenue to Trails End Highway and onward to the intersection of Meyers Road. Proceed southwest along Meyers Road including property described as 3-2E-08DC, Tax Lot 08800 and 3-2E-08DC, Tax Lot 08900. Then continue northeasterly along Meyers Road to the beginning point of Meyers Road and Moccasin Way.

Section 2. All persons who reside, own property, or operate a business, or any who show cause or interest in the area described above in Article II, Section I, shall be eligible for membership.

Section 3 There will be no dues or other requirements imposed which would in any way
prevent any person who meets the description in article II. Section 2, from becoming or remaining a member of the GLNA. Contributions, contracts, grants or paid
advertisements in the neighborhood newsletter may be used as sources of GLNA income.

Article II. Boundaries and Membership (cont.)

Section 4. The privileges and responsibilities of membership are:
a.)To participate in a civil manner related to all business conducted by the GLNA.
b.)To attend meetings and to speak from the floor on any issue which is being considered by the GLNA.
c.)To vote (if of voting age, see Article VIII. Section 1) on motions placed before the
general membership at regular or special meetings, including participation in the
election of officers and to run for any office of the GLNA.
d.)To serve on committees of the GLNA.

Section 5. Any and or all organized efforts to raise funds for GLNA shall be approved by the steering committee and ratified by a majority vote of the General Membership.

Article III. Accountability and Grievances

Section 1. The GLNA shall be responsive to the people of the neighborhood, defined by the
boundaries in Article II, Section 1. The GLNA shall provide notification to the
neighborhood of meetings, elections, action taken on issues, and other pertinent events
as specified in these by-laws.

Section 2. The GLNA and its’ elected officers shall be responsible for seeking the views of the residents affected by proposed policies or actions before adopting any recommendations, through a regular and orderly process.

Section 3. Minority views on any issue considered by GLNA shall, upon written request by any member, be transmitted along with any recommendations submitted for governmental
review. Resolution of any grievances concerning the activities, policies or recommendations
of the GLNA shall be determined by majority vote of the members present at the GLNA meeting during which the grievance is scheduled for resolution. Both minority views and grievances shall be noted in the minutes.

Section 4. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the chief officers shall be filed with the appropriate governmental agencies responsible for notifying neighborhood associations of
matters which affect them, and the GLNA shall undertake to keep this listing correct and current.

Article IV. Steering Committee and Quorum

Section 1. There shall be a Steering Committee composed of the four elected officers currently
serving, the immediate past chairman of the GLNA, and a minimum of six (6) and a maximum of twelve (12) members at large. During the first year, the Steering Committee shall be comprised of a minimum of five (5) members. This number shall be reviewed atthe first annual meeting.

Section 2. Members-at-large shall be elected by the membership at the annual meeting of the GLNA.

Section 3. Any member of the Steering Committee who misses three (3) consecutive meetings or
misses five (5) meetings in one year shall be deemed to have vacated his/her position.
Article IV. Steering Committee and Quorum (CONT.)

Section 4. When a vacancy occurs, the Steering Committee may make a temporary appointment to
serve until the next general election.

Section 5. The duties of the steering committee shall be to:
a.)Coordinate all activities of the GLNA by acting as its spokesperson through review, discussion and by referring issues for a vote by the membership. Members of the Steering Committee shall make regular reports to the membership at general meetings, concerning all of the Steering Committee activities.
b.)Investigate thoroughly and keep the membership informed about issues of concern to
the GLNA and the neighborhood.
c.)Recruit members to serve on standing committees.
d.)Facilitate the above purposes by each member-at-large of the Steering Committee acting as chairman for one or more of the following standing committees (once the committee (s) become activated) :
1.Transportation, Automobile, Bicycle and Traffic Committee;
2.Government, Budgets, Ballot measures and Election issues, candidate fair or forum (representing all sides of issues);
3.Comprehensive Planning and Land Use;
4.Crime Prevention/Safety (Neighborhood Watch, Block Homes, and Street Lighting);
5.Energy Conservation and Resource Efficiency;
6.Neighborhood History Committee;
7.Housing and Care Facilities;
8.Membership and Neighborhood activities;
9.Newsletter and Publicity Committee;
10.Pedestrian and Handicapped Barriers;
11.Parks and Recreation, Landscape and Trees Committee;
12.Neighborhood Assets (individuals, social organizations, churches, schools, etc.);
13.Programs and Speakers.

Section 6. Six (6) members present at any regular scheduled meeting of the Steering Committee shall constitute a quorum. During the first year, five (5) members will constitute a quorum.Decisions shall be made by a majority vote.

Article V. Officers

Section 1. Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting for terms of one (1) year and shall perform the following duties:

a.)CHAIRMAN - Presides at all general meetings of the membership and meetings of the Steering Committee; prepares the agenda for general membership and special meetings. Coordinates and maintains files of all Association related correspondence on behalf of the General Membership, the Steering Committee and the standing committees. Maintains accurate and up-to-date files of all correspondence and minutes and stores them at the Chairman’s home address. Shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee; performs such other duties as shall be delegated by the Steering Committee. The Chairman may appoint
Article V. Officers (CONT.)

members to serve on special projects (i.e. he Oregon City Rate Review Committee, Transportation Advisory Committee, and any other committees of the City of Oregon City and other jurisdictions such as Tri-Met, Metro, etc.).

b.)VICE-CHAIRMAN - Performs the duties of the Chairman in his or her absence; and performs other duties as shall be delegated by the Steering Committee.

c.)SECRETARY - Records minutes and keeps records of attendance of all general meetings and meetings of the Steering Committee, upon request provides copies of the minutes to each member at the general meeting or and include an abbreviated copy of the minutes in the Association’s newsletter. Keeps a record of attendance of all general and Steering Committee meetings. Coordinates and maintains files of all association related correspondence on behalf of the General Membership, the Steering Committee and the standing committees. Maintains copies of minutes’ accurate and up-to-date files of all correspondence and minutes and stores them at the Secretary’s home address. The Secretary also assures provides that copies are on file with the city of Oregon City (See also Article X, Section 2).

d.)TREASURER - Prepares in conjunction with the Steering Committee and presents an annual balanced operations budget for approval by the membership at the annual meeting. Accounts for the receipt of contributions and other sources of funding. Disburses approved expenditures. Authorizes payment of bills within the limits of the approved budget as directed by the Steering Committee and membership meetings. Makes available an up-to-date financial statement at all Steering Committee meetings and general meetings.

Section 2. Authorized Signatures - All Officers will be authorized as co-signers on expenditures
and payment vouchers, all of which require two (2) signatures. If Officers are of the same household, they shall not be co-signers on the same voucher.

Article VI. Committees

Section 1. Committees shall have responsibilities such as their titles indicate and as may be assigned to them by the Steering Committee. A standing committee shall have between three (3) to seven (7) members. Members of the standing committees shall elect their own committee Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Any members of the GLNA may serve on standing committees. Members of the standing committees shall be appointed by the Steering Committee. Each standing Committee shall develop a statement of organization and purpose to be approved by the General Membership.

Section 2. The standing committee Chairman may appoint subcommittees or work groups to assist
the committee in its responsibilities provided, however, that the Chairman of any such
subcommittees or work group is a member of the standing committee.

Article VI. Committees (CONT.)

Section 3. Special committees may be created by the Steering Committee, or by vote of the
membership, as needed to expedite the work of the GLNA. A special committee shall have between three (3) to seven (7) members. Members of the special committees shall elect their own committee Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Any members of the GLNA may serve on special committees.

Section 4. For both the Standing and Special committees, a majority of the committee members present shall constitute a quorum, but must have a minimum of three (3) members present. Committee action shall be by a majority of those present and voting.

Section 5. Standing and Special committees shall make recommendations to the Steering Committee for action. Standing and Special committees shall not have the power to act on behalf of the GLNA without specific authorization from the general membership or Steering Committee.

Article VII. Meetings

Section 1. The annual General Membership meeting for the election of Officers, positions for the Steering Committee and approval of the budget shall be held on the third Thursday of November at 7 p.m., at a place determined by the Steering Committee.

Section 2. General Membership meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of the month in the months of January, March, May, September and November at 7 p.m. at a place determined by the Steering Committee unless otherwise noted in the
GLNA newsletter.

Section 3. A quorum for any General Membership or special meeting of the GLNA shall be the
number of members in attendance. Unless otherwise specified in these by-laws,decisions, with the exception of amendments to the by-laws, shall be made by a majority vote of those members present at any meeting.

Section 4. The Chairman shall prepare the agenda for general and special meetings of the
membership subject to the approval of the Steering Committee. Any person may add an item to the agenda by submitting the item in writing to the Chairman at least seven (7) days in advance of the membership meeting. Any member of the
GLNA may make a motion during the meeting to add an item to the steering, general or special meeting agendas. That motion requires a second and majority vote.

Section 5. Meetings of the Steering Committee shall be held as scheduled by the Steering

Article VII. Meeting (CONT.)

Section 6. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or by members (any three (3)
members for a meeting of the Steering Committee and any ten (10) members for a meeting of the membership) provided the Steering Committee members or membership (as appropriate) is notified of the special meeting in writing at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.

Section 7. All meetings of the association shall be open to the public.

Article VIII. Elections

Section 1. Members eighteen (18) years of age (voting age) and older shall be able to vote in
all regular and special elections of officers.

Section 2. Any member eighteen (18) years of age or older, may run for any vacant office by simply declaring his or her intention to do so. Any member may be nominated for any vacant
office by another member of the GLNA.

Section 3. A Nominating Committee shall be elected at the regular meeting of the General
Membership prior to the election. Members of the Nominating Committee are not barred from becoming nominees for office themselves. The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one (1) candidate for each office. Before making its report, the Nominating Committee will contact each person whom it wishes to nominate. The Nominating Committee is automatically discharged when its report is formally presented to the membership.

Section 4. Regular elections of Officers shall be held at the annual November meeting.
Special elections may be held at any regular meeting, for the purpose of filling vacant positions, provided the membership is notified of the special election in writing, at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.

Section 5. A vote by proxy, an absentee vote, a vote by mail and a secret ballot of the
members in private after which only the result is announced to the public will not be allowed. A member may participate and vote by telephone. Acceptable arrangements must be made seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.

Article IX. Conflict of Interest

Section 1. A conflict of interest exists for a member or Steering Committee whenever the
Steering Committee member holds a personal or financial interest, which will be impacted by the action or inaction by the GLNA on a proposal before the membership or Steering Committee. A personal or financial interest shall include an interest held by the member or Steering Committee member and/or by members of their immediate family. Examples of personal financial interest would include: ownership of property, the use or control of which is being considered by the GLNA, plans to purchase property, the use or control of which is under discussion by the GLNA, etc.

Article IX. Conflict of Interest (CONT.)

Section 2. Whenever a General Member or Steering Committee member determines that they have a conflict of interest relating to an item under discussion, they may still vote, however
must inform the body (General Membership or Steering Committee) hearing the proposal that the conflict of interest exist.

Article X. Public Meetings/Public Records Requirements

Section 1. The GLNA shall abide by all Oregon statutes relative to public meetings and public

Section 2. Official action(s) taken by the GLNA must be on record and part of the minutes of each meeting. The minutes shall include a record of attendance and the results of any vote(s)
taken. A summary of minority views should be transmitted along with any recommendation made by the GLNA to The City of Oregon City.

Article XI. Non-Discrimination

Section 1. The GLNA must not discriminate against individuals or groups on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, income, or political affiliation in any of its policies, recommendations or actions.

Article XII. Parliamentary Authority and Amendments

Section 1. The most current edition of the Scott Foresman Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, newest edition shall govern the procedures of the association when the procedure is not otherwise covered by these By-laws

Section 2. These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of a minimum of fifteen (15) members present and voting at any regular meeting of the GLNA, provided that notice of
the proposed amendment shall have been read at the previous regular meeting, and the
membership is notified of the intent to amend the by-laws in writing at least thirty (30)days in advance of the meeting.

Email us


About our association

GLNA recognition with city of Oregon City


Any resident, business, property owner or other person who shows cause for interest in the Gaffney Lane
Neighborhood Association area (see Boundary Description below) is eligible for membership. There are no mandatory


The area served by the Association shall include all within the following boundaries: Beginning at the corner of
Moccasin Way and Meyers Road, proceed east along back of properties on Moccasin Way to the point where the
boundary intersects with property described as 3-2E-08BC, Tax Lot 00500. Follow the property line to the most
northerly point of the property and proceed southerly to a point where the boundary intersects with the northwestern
boundary of the Gaffney Lane Elementary School. Proceed northeasterly along the boundary to the corner of
Clairmont Way and Berta Drive. Continue along Clairmont Way to Molalla Avenue. Proceed southeasterly on Molalla
Avenue to the Trails End Highway and onward to the intersection of Meyers Road. Proceed southwest along Meyers
Road including property described as 3-2E-08DC, Tax Lot 08800 and 3-2E-08DC, Tax Lot 08900. Then continue
northeasterly along Meyers Road to the beginning point of Meyers Road and Moccasin Way.
(for further information, call Derrick Beneville, 557-7535)

Gaffney Lane N.A. By-laws

Gaffney Lane Neighborhood Association

By-laws (Rev.2):
Approved by the General Membership on May 20, 1999
(Supercedes Rev. 1)
Article I. Name and Purpose

Section 1. The name of this association shall be the Gaffney Lane Neighborhood
Association (GLNA).

Section 2. The purpose of the GLNA will be exclusively social and civic; to promote, coordinate and implement all aspects of community planning through neighborhood participation and
advice to the City Commission, the Planning Commission and other planning and advisory bodies; to provide a vehicle for maximum citizen participation in promoting the
livability and environment of the neighborhood; to participate together in their mutual
interest and to promote and coordinate communication among its members and between
neighborhood and city government, all of which is not for profit.

The GLNA shall be non-partisan and will assist in the dissemination of information on all matters affecting the growth and development of the above described neighborhood.

Section 3. The GLNA shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations.

Article II. Boundaries and Membership

Section 1. The area served by the GLNA shall include the following boundaries: Beginning at the corner of Moccasin Way and Meyers Road, proceed east along back of properties on Moccasin Way to the point where the boundary intersects with property described as 3-2E-08BC, Tax Lot 00500. Follow the property line to the most northerly point of the property and proceed southerly to a point where the boundary intersects with the northwestern boundary of the Gaffney Lane Elementary School. Proceed northeasterly along the boundary to the corner of Clairmont Way and Berta Drive. Continue along Clairmont Way to Molalla Avenue. Proceed southeasterly on Molalla Avenue to Trails End Highway and onward to the intersection of Meyers Road. Proceed southwest along Meyers Road including property described as 3-2E-08DC, Tax Lot 08800 and 3-2E-08DC, Tax Lot 08900. Then continue northeasterly along Meyers Road to the beginning point of Meyers Road and Moccasin Way.

Section 2. All persons who reside, own property, or operate a business, or any who show cause or interest in the area described above in Article II, Section I, shall be eligible for membership.

Section 3 There will be no dues or other requirements imposed which would in any way
prevent any person who meets the description in article II. Section 2, from becoming or remaining a member of the GLNA. Contributions, contracts, grants or paid
advertisements in the neighborhood newsletter may be used as sources of GLNA income.

Article II. Boundaries and Membership (cont.)

Section 4. The privileges and responsibilities of membership are:
a.)To participate in a civil manner related to all business conducted by the GLNA.
b.)To attend meetings and to speak from the floor on any issue which is being considered by the GLNA.
c.)To vote (if of voting age, see Article VIII. Section 1) on motions placed before the
general membership at regular or special meetings, including participation in the
election of officers and to run for any office of the GLNA.
d.)To serve on committees of the GLNA.

Section 5. Any and or all organized efforts to raise funds for GLNA shall be approved by the steering committee and ratified by a majority vote of the General Membership.

Article III. Accountability and Grievances

Section 1. The GLNA shall be responsive to the people of the neighborhood, defined by the
boundaries in Article II, Section 1. The GLNA shall provide notification to the
neighborhood of meetings, elections, action taken on issues, and other pertinent events
as specified in these by-laws.

Section 2. The GLNA and its’ elected officers shall be responsible for seeking the views of the residents affected by proposed policies or actions before adopting any recommendations, through a regular and orderly process.

Section 3. Minority views on any issue considered by GLNA shall, upon written request by any member, be transmitted along with any recommendations submitted for governmental
review. Resolution of any grievances concerning the activities, policies or recommendations
of the GLNA shall be determined by majority vote of the members present at the GLNA meeting during which the grievance is scheduled for resolution. Both minority views and grievances shall be noted in the minutes.

Section 4. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the chief officers shall be filed with the appropriate governmental agencies responsible for notifying neighborhood associations of
matters which affect them, and the GLNA shall undertake to keep this listing correct and current.

Article IV. Steering Committee and Quorum

Section 1. There shall be a Steering Committee composed of the four elected officers currently
serving, the immediate past chairman of the GLNA, and a minimum of six (6) and a maximum of twelve (12) members at large. During the first year, the Steering Committee shall be comprised of a minimum of five (5) members. This number shall be reviewed atthe first annual meeting.

Section 2. Members-at-large shall be elected by the membership at the annual meeting of the GLNA.

Section 3. Any member of the Steering Committee who misses three (3) consecutive meetings or
misses five (5) meetings in one year shall be deemed to have vacated his/her position.
Article IV. Steering Committee and Quorum (CONT.)

Section 4. When a vacancy occurs, the Steering Committee may make a temporary appointment to
serve until the next general election.

Section 5. The duties of the steering committee shall be to:
a.)Coordinate all activities of the GLNA by acting as its spokesperson through review, discussion and by referring issues for a vote by the membership. Members of the Steering Committee shall make regular reports to the membership at general meetings, concerning all of the Steering Committee activities.
b.)Investigate thoroughly and keep the membership informed about issues of concern to
the GLNA and the neighborhood.
c.)Recruit members to serve on standing committees.
d.)Facilitate the above purposes by each member-at-large of the Steering Committee acting as chairman for one or more of the following standing committees (once the committee (s) become activated) :
1.Transportation, Automobile, Bicycle and Traffic Committee;
2.Government, Budgets, Ballot measures and Election issues, candidate fair or forum (representing all sides of issues);
3.Comprehensive Planning and Land Use;
4.Crime Prevention/Safety (Neighborhood Watch, Block Homes, and Street Lighting);
5.Energy Conservation and Resource Efficiency;
6.Neighborhood History Committee;
7.Housing and Care Facilities;
8.Membership and Neighborhood activities;
9.Newsletter and Publicity Committee;
10.Pedestrian and Handicapped Barriers;
11.Parks and Recreation, Landscape and Trees Committee;
12.Neighborhood Assets (individuals, social organizations, churches, schools, etc.);
13.Programs and Speakers.

Section 6. Six (6) members present at any regular scheduled meeting of the Steering Committee shall constitute a quorum. During the first year, five (5) members will constitute a quorum.Decisions shall be made by a majority vote.

Article V. Officers

Section 1. Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting for terms of one (1) year and shall perform the following duties:

a.)CHAIRMAN - Presides at all general meetings of the membership and meetings of the Steering Committee; prepares the agenda for general membership and special meetings. Coordinates and maintains files of all Association related correspondence on behalf of the General Membership, the Steering Committee and the standing committees. Maintains accurate and up-to-date files of all correspondence and minutes and stores them at the Chairman’s home address. Shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee; performs such other duties as shall be delegated by the Steering Committee. The Chairman may appoint
Article V. Officers (CONT.)

members to serve on special projects (i.e. he Oregon City Rate Review Committee, Transportation Advisory Committee, and any other committees of the City of Oregon City and other jurisdictions such as Tri-Met, Metro, etc.).

b.)VICE-CHAIRMAN - Performs the duties of the Chairman in his or her absence; and performs other duties as shall be delegated by the Steering Committee.

c.)SECRETARY - Records minutes and keeps records of attendance of all general meetings and meetings of the Steering Committee, upon request provides copies of the minutes to each member at the general meeting or and include an abbreviated copy of the minutes in the Association’s newsletter. Keeps a record of attendance of all general and Steering Committee meetings. Coordinates and maintains files of all association related correspondence on behalf of the General Membership, the Steering Committee and the standing committees. Maintains copies of minutes’ accurate and up-to-date files of all correspondence and minutes and stores them at the Secretary’s home address. The Secretary also assures provides that copies are on file with the city of Oregon City (See also Article X, Section 2).

d.)TREASURER - Prepares in conjunction with the Steering Committee and presents an annual balanced operations budget for approval by the membership at the annual meeting. Accounts for the receipt of contributions and other sources of funding. Disburses approved expenditures. Authorizes payment of bills within the limits of the approved budget as directed by the Steering Committee and membership meetings. Makes available an up-to-date financial statement at all Steering Committee meetings and general meetings.

Section 2. Authorized Signatures - All Officers will be authorized as co-signers on expenditures
and payment vouchers, all of which require two (2) signatures. If Officers are of the same household, they shall not be co-signers on the same voucher.

Article VI. Committees

Section 1. Committees shall have responsibilities such as their titles indicate and as may be assigned to them by the Steering Committee. A standing committee shall have between three (3) to seven (7) members. Members of the standing committees shall elect their own committee Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Any members of the GLNA may serve on standing committees. Members of the standing committees shall be appointed by the Steering Committee. Each standing Committee shall develop a statement of organization and purpose to be approved by the General Membership.

Section 2. The standing committee Chairman may appoint subcommittees or work groups to assist
the committee in its responsibilities provided, however, that the Chairman of any such
subcommittees or work group is a member of the standing committee.

Article VI. Committees (CONT.)

Section 3. Special committees may be created by the Steering Committee, or by vote of the
membership, as needed to expedite the work of the GLNA. A special committee shall have between three (3) to seven (7) members. Members of the special committees shall elect their own committee Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Any members of the GLNA may serve on special committees.

Section 4. For both the Standing and Special committees, a majority of the committee members present shall constitute a quorum, but must have a minimum of three (3) members present. Committee action shall be by a majority of those present and voting.

Section 5. Standing and Special committees shall make recommendations to the Steering Committee for action. Standing and Special committees shall not have the power to act on behalf of the GLNA without specific authorization from the general membership or Steering Committee.

Article VII. Meetings

Section 1. The annual General Membership meeting for the election of Officers, positions for the Steering Committee and approval of the budget shall be held on the third Thursday of November at 7 p.m., at a place determined by the Steering Committee.

Section 2. General Membership meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of the month in the months of January, March, May, September and November at 7 p.m. at a place determined by the Steering Committee unless otherwise noted in the
GLNA newsletter.

Section 3. A quorum for any General Membership or special meeting of the GLNA shall be the
number of members in attendance. Unless otherwise specified in these by-laws,decisions, with the exception of amendments to the by-laws, shall be made by a majority vote of those members present at any meeting.

Section 4. The Chairman shall prepare the agenda for general and special meetings of the
membership subject to the approval of the Steering Committee. Any person may add an item to the agenda by submitting the item in writing to the Chairman at least seven (7) days in advance of the membership meeting. Any member of the
GLNA may make a motion during the meeting to add an item to the steering, general or special meeting agendas. That motion requires a second and majority vote.

Section 5. Meetings of the Steering Committee shall be held as scheduled by the Steering

Article VII. Meeting (CONT.)

Section 6. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or by members (any three (3)
members for a meeting of the Steering Committee and any ten (10) members for a meeting of the membership) provided the Steering Committee members or membership (as appropriate) is notified of the special meeting in writing at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.

Section 7. All meetings of the association shall be open to the public.

Article VIII. Elections

Section 1. Members eighteen (18) years of age (voting age) and older shall be able to vote in
all regular and special elections of officers.

Section 2. Any member eighteen (18) years of age or older, may run for any vacant office by simply declaring his or her intention to do so. Any member may be nominated for any vacant
office by another member of the GLNA.

Section 3. A Nominating Committee shall be elected at the regular meeting of the General
Membership prior to the election. Members of the Nominating Committee are not barred from becoming nominees for office themselves. The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one (1) candidate for each office. Before making its report, the Nominating Committee will contact each person whom it wishes to nominate. The Nominating Committee is automatically discharged when its report is formally presented to the membership.

Section 4. Regular elections of Officers shall be held at the annual November meeting.
Special elections may be held at any regular meeting, for the purpose of filling vacant positions, provided the membership is notified of the special election in writing, at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.

Section 5. A vote by proxy, an absentee vote, a vote by mail and a secret ballot of the
members in private after which only the result is announced to the public will not be allowed. A member may participate and vote by telephone. Acceptable arrangements must be made seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.

Article IX. Conflict of Interest

Section 1. A conflict of interest exists for a member or Steering Committee whenever the
Steering Committee member holds a personal or financial interest, which will be impacted by the action or inaction by the GLNA on a proposal before the membership or Steering Committee. A personal or financial interest shall include an interest held by the member or Steering Committee member and/or by members of their immediate family. Examples of personal financial interest would include: ownership of property, the use or control of which is being considered by the GLNA, plans to purchase property, the use or control of which is under discussion by the GLNA, etc.

Article IX. Conflict of Interest (CONT.)

Section 2. Whenever a General Member or Steering Committee member determines that they have a conflict of interest relating to an item under discussion, they may still vote, however
must inform the body (General Membership or Steering Committee) hearing the proposal that the conflict of interest exist.

Article X. Public Meetings/Public Records Requirements

Section 1. The GLNA shall abide by all Oregon statutes relative to public meetings and public

Section 2. Official action(s) taken by the GLNA must be on record and part of the minutes of each meeting. The minutes shall include a record of attendance and the results of any vote(s)
taken. A summary of minority views should be transmitted along with any recommendation made by the GLNA to The City of Oregon City.

Article XI. Non-Discrimination

Section 1. The GLNA must not discriminate against individuals or groups on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, income, or political affiliation in any of its policies, recommendations or actions.

Article XII. Parliamentary Authority and Amendments

Section 1. The most current edition of the Scott Foresman Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, newest edition shall govern the procedures of the association when the procedure is not otherwise covered by these By-laws

Section 2. These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of a minimum of fifteen (15) members present and voting at any regular meeting of the GLNA, provided that notice of
the proposed amendment shall have been read at the previous regular meeting, and the
membership is notified of the intent to amend the by-laws in writing at least thirty (30)days in advance of the meeting.

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