City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes - August-October 2022

C.H.A.P.C. MINUTES – October 3, 2022

1 - The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM and called the roll. Asma Abdi, Rahmo Abdi, Marcellus Anderson, María Córtez, Francisco García, Brian Green-Carson, Edwin Lohr, Mazda Mehraz, David Nelson, Ph?°?»?ng Nguy?»…n, Brenden Sickler, Randy Torres-van Vleck, Carolyn Tran, Evihn Vasily and Jim Varnadore were present to form a quorum. Dan Castañon, Denisse López, Kenneth Furukuwa, Paula Ezcurra and John Segóvia were absent.


2 - There were no corrections made to the minutes of August 1, 2022.


3 –Chair offered motion and Jim Varnadore seconded a motion to approve the agenda as well as AB361, a continuation to hold electronic meetings. The Committee voted 12/0/0 and the motion passed.


4 – Chair Brenden mentioned intention to resign effective at the end of the meeting and discussed the optional sign-in sheet for those wishing to run for a seat on the committee.


5 – Mayor’s rep Lucero Maganda offered staff comments on the mayor’s homeless initiatives, short term occupancy licenses and increases to minimum wages.

Council District-9 staff member Ben Mendoza offered staff comments regarding the budget process, eviction moratorium expiration, community action plan on homelessness and housing policies. Ben was asked by committee member for clarification as to why the council president voted in favor of the changes to the Community Planning Group bylaws. No answer was given.

Board of Supervisors Chair Nathan Fletcher rep Ana Laura offered staff comments on a rental subsidy program for seniors, veteran workplace policy for the county, poll workers needed and inner peace grant program.

Council District-9 staff member Julio Garcia discussed item 5.1 regarding the Scooter Parking Corrals being planned for the D9 area. New program to keep scooters off of right of way pathways used by others. There was much discussion on this info item with the board. No vote taken.


6 – Becky Rapp – Spoke about city council vote in approval to CPG policy changes. Spoke to Oxycontin article in SD tribune and the comparison to effects of marijuana.

Daniele Laman – Eastern are planning group asked about Agenda item from April 2022 meeting regarding appeal of a project they approved.


7.1 – Appointment to fill at-large -24 seat (ACTION):

Russ Connelly made request for nomination. Brenden made motion to nominate Russ, seconded by Jim V. 12Y/0N/0A Russ was seated.


7.2 - Officer Election for the remainder of the 2022 – 2023 term (ACTION)): Chair to fill Brenden’s spot.

Russ nominated by Mazda, seconded by Rahmo. 12Y/0N/2A Approved

Vice chairs (Phuong & Denisse) and secretary seat (Brian) to remain the same. Request from Phuong to keep Gmail account as the official CHAPC chairman account moving forward.


7.3 -AT&T: Wireless communications facility renewal / modification (ACTION):

No one present to discuss. To be rescheduled. No action taken.


7.4 - City of San Diego: University Ave Complete Street Phase 1 (INFO):

Nazie Mansury is the project manager and spoke on this item. West Coast General awarded contract. 50 street trees to be installed. Estimated cost is 12.4 million. “Hawk” signals to be included with ample signage. Low foliage plants at roundabouts for visibility. Low to no irrigation, but piping infrastructure in place for future irrigation if desired. No scheduled under-grounding after project begins. November 2022 start of construction, with completion date of Spring 2024. Abandoned trolley tracks found to be turned over to the CHCDC (request made during meeting). Median being installed so no u turns available.

  • Parking impact is considered neutral.

  • 3 year maintenance agreement from contractor. 120 day plant establishment that requires irrigation. Then city to maintain with assistance of MAD.

  • Team will be looking into the Seven Trees Cafe project that is to be located at one of the intersections with a round about.

  • Request for additional Hawk signals at the beginning of this corridor and end (Fairmount & Euclid Ave).


8 –Committee comments from David Nelson, Ph?°?»?ng Nguy?»…n, Brian Green-Carson, Russ Connelly and Francisco Garcia.

9 – The meeting was adjourned at 8:46PM to reconvene at 6:30PM on Monday, November 7, 2022.




C.H.A.P.C. MINUTES – August 1, 2022

1 - The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:37 PM and called the roll. Asma Abdi, Scott Anglim, Dan Castañon, María Córtez, Francisco García, Brian Green-Carson, Edwin Lohr, Denisse López, Mazda Mehraz, David Nelson, Phoung Nguyen, Paula Ezcurra, Brenden Sickler, Randy Torres-van Vleck and Jim Varnadore were present to form a quorum. Rahmo Abdi, Marcellus Anderson, Kenneth Furukuwa, Paula Ezcurra, John Segóvia, Carolyn Tran and Evihn Vasily were absent.


2 - There no corrections made to the minutes of July 6, 2022


3 –Chair offered motion and Brian Green Carson seconded a motion to approve the agenda as well as AB361, a continuation to hold electronic meetings. The Committee voted 13/0/0 and the motion passed.


4 – Chair offered no report and discussed the optional sign-in sheet.


5 – Council District-9 staff member Martha Zapata offered staff comments regarding community events happening and important votes by the council.

Suchitra Lukes our new community planner introduced hereself and gave an update on the community plan update process which is in the early stages.

Council District-9 staff member Julio Garcia discussed improvements in streets and sidewalks along with a grant awarded for improving street safety for cyclists and pedestrians. Also discussed mid-city community plan.


6 – Phoung – need for face to face outreach as many in this community do not have access to Zoom in order for all voices to be heard.

Edwin – hoping for ways to streamline the planning process that tends to drag out.


7.1 – Jewish Family Services Breaking down barriers, Mobile Crisis Response Team (INFO ITEM):

Maria Elena Morales gave presentation regarding the Mobile Response Team available to assist community members with mental health services support.


7.2 - Ecofrontera Residential Clothes Washer Grey water Systems (INFO ITEM):

Bryce Norton - Founder of the nonprofit Ecofrontera. Shared about Grey water systems, sources of grey water, how to divert water to landscaping and trees from your laundry water using a simple enhancement to your existing sewer line. City of San Diego Green Water Rebate available (150-250 for materials).


7.3 - Appointment to fill at-large -24 seat (ACTION ITEM):

No volunteers or nominations made. Seat remains empty.


7.4 - MTS Clean Transit Advancement Campus MND (ACTION ITEM):

MTS is building out a Electric Fleet Charging Campus at 47th and Federal. Buying out a number of properties to building this property. Public Comments until August 15th. 9 businesses to be relocated. City is unsure conditions of property and soil underneath existing properties where there was once a landfill. Enrique De La Cruz with Groundworks will be presenting to the Webster APC next month about this site and the concerns they have about it. Scott Anglim shared his perspectives on the project as well. No motion made and no action taken on this item.


7.5 - 2430967 Cannabis retail expansion at 4337 Home Ave (ACTION ITEM):

Arkan Sumo - owner of ARCO and presented on the new cannabis outlet that got approved after back and forth with Planning Department. He is asking for a CUP Amendment to add a second level to the property. Added space for storage. After much discussion a motion was made as follows: Motion to approve the CUP amendment as presented, by Brenden, 2nd by David Nelson. 8N, 5Y, motion did not pass.


8 –Committee comments from David Nelson, Maria Cortez, Phoung Nguyen,Scott Anglim,Randy Torres-van Vleck and Brian Green Carson

9 – The meeting was adjourned at 8:48PM to reconvene at 6:30PM on Monday, October 3, 2022.





Posted by fmpark on 10/04/2022
Last updated on 11/10/2022
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