City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes - May-July 2022

C.H.A.P.C. MINUTES – July 6, 2022

1 - The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:37 PM and called the roll. Asma Abdi, Rahmo Abdi, Dan Castañon, María Córtez, Brian Green-Carson, Edwin Lohr, Denisse López, Mazda Mehraz, David Nelson, Phoung Nguyen, Brenden Sickler, Carolyn Tran, and Jim Varnadore were present to form a quorum. Marcellus Anderson, Scott Anglim, Kenneth Furukuwa, Francisco García, Paula Ezcurra, John Segóvia, Randy Torres-van Vleck and Evihn Vasily were absent.


2 - There was a correction made to the minutes of May 2, 2022


3 –Chair offered motion and Brian Green Carson seconded a motion to approve the agenda as well as AB361, a continuation to hold electronic meetings. The Committee voted 9/1/1 and the motion passed.


4 – Chair offered a report regarding the vote by CPC against several revisions to Council Policy 600-24. He also gave a brief introduction as the new chair and a new committee member.


5 – Council District-9 staff member Ben Mendoza offered staff comments regarding the budget passing, housing stability fund, increased funding for CPPS funding and combating homelessness. CPPS funding just opened up for public to apply for. Focus on the reformation for the People's Ordinance - equitable distribution for trash collection fees.

Lucero Maganda - Office of Mayor: Homeless progress in our area (Right of way encroachment being targeted with outreach and then enforcement). Focus along El Cajon Blvd.


6 – Rosa Calvario - informational meeting with Ocean Discovery & CHCDC, JUNE 19th at 5pm. More overnight open spaces along Silver Strand Park


7.1 – 682266 PDPEV for self storage facility at 5150 University Ave: Gary Landi PM for the Developer made a presentation going over the plans for a new 2 story fully air conditioned storage facility with one level below grade. They have offered to have a mural painted by a local artist along the University side of the building to make it more aesthetically pleasing. More details about the project were shared including the landscaping plans by Sally Schifman, along with a robust Q&A session. The reason for the Variance is an extended setback of 30’ from University Avenue due to existing underground utilities. Some members of the committee felt strongly that this site should be used for affordable housing instead of storage. A motion was made to approve the Variance as presented by Jim Varnadore, seconded by Phoung Nguyen. 8/4/0 and the Motion Passed


7.2 – 684250 Building Coverage Variance for 7 Leaves Cafe at 4460 University Ave: Michael Trang - rep for Seven Leaves Café. Gave quick presentation about the history of the project. Site purchased in 2020. Last two years have been focused and preparation and planning for the café. Christine Fong gave details on the Variance being requested. After a robust Q&A session a motion was made for approval of the Variance by David Nelson, seconded by Mazda Mehraz. 12/0/0 and the Motion Passed

8 –Committee comments from David Nelson, Maria Cortez, Brian Green Carson, Asma Abdi and former chairman Russ Connelly.

9 – The meeting was adjourned at 8:02PM to reconvene at 6:30PM on Monday, August 1, 2022.


June 2022 meeting was cancelled.


C.H.A.P.C. MINUTES – May 2, 2022

1 - In the Chairman’s absence, the First vice-Chairman Jim Varnadore, as acting Chairman, called meeting to order at 6:34 PM and called the roll. Marcellus Anderson, Evihn Vasily, Scott Anglim, Dan Castañon, María Córtez, Francisco García, Brian Green-Carson, Edwin Lohr, Denisse López, Mazda Mehraz, John Segóvia, Brenden Sickler, Randy Torres-van Vleck, Carolyn Tran, Paula Ezcurra and Jim Varnadore were present to form a quorum. Asma Abdi, Rahmo Abdi, Phoung Nguyen, David Nelson and Kenneth Furukuwa were absent.


2 – After discussion, Brian offered and Maria seconded a motion to add Item 6.4 to the agenda per Council Policy rules. The Committee voted 15/0/0 and the motion passed.


3 - There were no corrections to the minutes of April 4, 2022.


4 – Council District-9 staff member Martha Zapata offered staff comments regarding budget meetings, hybrid council meetings, transportation meeting, parks and rec meeting, Cannabis Equity Conversations, community meetings with D9 representative.


5 – Becky Rapp offered off-agenda comment regarding flavored tobacco ban, marijuana ordinance by City Councilman Whitburn, Marijuana Equity Ordinance meetings.


6.1 – The 2022 Officer Search Sub-Committee chair Randy accepted the gavel to run the officer elections for 2022-23 term (votes in parentheses):

Chair – Brenden (11); winner Brenden

1st Vice Chair - Phoung Nguyen (no Nay’s); winner Phoung

2nd Vice Chair – Brenden (1), Denise (12); winner Denise

Secretary – winner Brian Green Carson (no vote since only 1 candidate)


6.2 – The Chair announced a vacancy in the At-large 2024 seat and called for nominations. No one asked to be nominated. Item to be brought up again in the July 2022 meeting.

6.3 – Andrea Deleon with the City presented on the new Organic Waste Recycling program being rolled out to comply with changes to the municipal code (SB1383). This was an introduction to the changes being proposed by the city and how it affects the public. A Q&A discussion followed with robust discussion around the impact of this program.

6.4 – Steve Lamprides came before the committee asking for a signed letter by our Chairperson in order to make an appeal to a decision by the Planning Commission in his neighboring planning groups’ jurisdiction. After much back and forth and various perspectives and robust dialog a motion was made to approve an appeal letter signed by the CHAPC chairperson on behalf of the neighboring planning group. Motion made by Brian Green Carson, seconded by Francisco Garcia (12Y, 1A) motion passed.

7 – The Chair made no further comments. Committee comments from Francisco on a free tree program and Randy on transportation issues.

8 – The meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM to reconvene at 6:30PM on Wednesday, July 6, 2022.

Posted by fmpark on 06/20/2022
Last updated on 10/07/2022
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