City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes - August-October 2020






City Heights Area Planning Committee


Draft Minutes for October 5, 2020


1. Chair Russ Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM. Rosa Calvario, Maria Cortez, Jim Varnadore, Edwin Lohr, Ana Gonzalez, Brian Green-Carson, Roddy Jerome, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Denisse Lopez, Blair Overstreet, Scott Paquette, Michael Rossler, Andrew Benavides, Patty Vaccariello, Randy Torres-Van Vleck and Russ Connelly were present. Absent were Jake Banfield-Weir, Francisco Garcia, Vanessa Erickson, and Dhaha Nur. The chair notified the audience about the voluntary sign-in sheet and eligibility for the next election.


2. Corrections to the Minutes of August 3, 2020: Minutes were accepted as presented.


3. Agenda was adopted unanimously.


4. Stopher Vallejo and Jasmine Mallen from Council Member Georgette Gomez’s office provided updates. Jayme Anderson from County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher’s office introduced herself and gave updates.


5. Off-agenda public comment: David Nelson, Kathleen Lippitt and William Perno commented.


6. Business Agenda:

Appointment to fill vacancy – Youth 2021 seat: No one stepped forward. Tabled until a future meeting.


6.2. 632005 Fairmount Avenue SDP / TM – Kent Coston presented the project of three homes adjacent to environmental sensitive lands at 1970 Fairmount Avenue. Questions from the committee and community: driveway proximity to nearby bus stop, driveway easements for current project and future properties to be developed by another owner, request for street trees along Fairmount Avenue and ingress/egress onto Fairmount from the property. After discussion, David motioned and Maria seconded to recommend approval of the Site development Permit and Tentative Map. Motion passed 16-0-0 with the chair not voting.


6.3 Wakeland/Union Bank Apartments – Ministerial Review – The chair told the Committee that this project was subject to ministerial review and was being brought before the committee as a courtesy at the insistence of the San Diego Housing Commission. Kim Durand, Diego Velasco & Peter Armstrong of Wakeland Development showed a power point overview of their company and the project on University at 44th street. Questions from the committee included emergency exit counts, bedroom counts in each unit, how to apply for the units, request for public art, parking count and concerns about the developer regarding past projects. The chair entertained a motion to comment on the project. None was offered.


6.4 Complete Communities – Committee ResponseThe Chairbegan with a history from past meetings of both the CHAPC and the Central Planners Committee about the background of the subject: Specifically that it was requested that someone from the City come to the Committee and explain why we weren’t included in the planning process and what changes have been made since the background materials were posted to the City website. City Planning Staff have not responded. The Mayor’s office was also requested to answer the questions our committee asked but Mayor’s staff did not respond. David Nelson, Brian Green-Carson, Patty Vaccariello (others?) commented. Committee requested the Chair draft a response letter focusing on: if zoning changes will be done to accomplish Complete Communities without community input, then the committee must oppose the measure. Also requested was clarifications on transitional zones. Another point in the letter is to find out how Community Planning Groups are to respond to this program if they do not have all the available information. The overall feeling by the committee was to suggest the Planning Department, City Council and Mayor’s office wait until the elections are over when new Council Members and Mayor are able to review the provisions of the plan and solicit proper community input, especially in light of COVID-19 and the inability to participate in the input process. Russ stated that he will draft the letter of response and circulate it to the members of the committee for additions or clarifications before submittal.


7. Chair’s report: Reviewed subjects discussed at the September 22nd CPC meeting: request for revising the project noticing requirements, possible Street Vending Ordinance and formation of a CPC subcommittee regarding Housing Policy. Russ notified the group that the Fairmount Avenue Fire Station project had been determined to not need a SDP and will not come to the CHAPC for formal vote. At the project manager’s request, the applicant will attend a future CHAPC meeting to inform the community of the actions that are ongoing. It was noted that the Public Art Element and the Environmental Review Determination will be able to be commented on by the entire community and will not be brought to the CHAPC. Also mentioned was a request made to the Planning Department to clarify 2021 election guidelines and that CHAPC bylaws would be reviewed for any possible revisions before the next election takes place.


8. Board Comment – Questions and Answers: Randy Torres-Van Vleck, Rosa Calvario David Nelson and Maria Cortez provided comments.


9. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm. The Committee will reconvene on Monday November 2, 2020, 6:30 PM. Details and agenda to be posted separately.





City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes for August 3, 2020

1. Chair Russ Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:34 PM. Jake Banfield-Weir, Rosa Calvario, Maria Cortez, Jim Varnadore, Edwin Lohr, Brian Green-Carson, Vanessa Erickson, Roddy Jerome, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Denisse Lopez, Dhaha Nur, Scott Paquette, Michael Rossler, Patty Vaccariello, Randy Torres-Van Vleck and Russ Connelly were present. Absent were Francisco Garcia, Ana Gonzalez and Blair Overstreet. The chair notified the audience about the voluntary sign-in sheet and eligibility for the next election.

2. Corrections to the Minutes of July 6, 2020: Randy Torres-Van Vleck’s last name is Vleck not Velck, and both David Nelson and Jake Banfield-Weir wanted to confirm that they asked for complete communities to be put on the agenda as an action item.

3. Agenda was adopted unanimously.

4. Anna Medina from Council Member Georgette Gomez’s office provided updates. City Planner Nathen Causman provided updates about the community plan.

5. Off-agenda public comment: Patty Vaccariello, David Nelson, Maria Cortez, Oscar Medina, Edwin Lohr and Wendy Miller commented.

6. Business Agenda:

Appointment to fill vacancy – Youth 2021 seat No one stepped forward. Tabled until a future meeting.

6.2. 665772 CUP for marijuana outlet at 4337 Home Avenue Arkan Somo, owner of the Arco gas station on the property spoke, and Ashley Johnson presented a brief history and information about the proposal. Randall Zaitona, future owner and operator of the cannabis business, explained benefits of cannabis and compliance of the business. William Perno, Patty Vaccariello, Maria Cortez, Theresa Quiroz, Mark Kassab, Becky Rapp, Lorena Lara, Ramla Sahid, Sadiksha, Ricky Brown and Denisse Lopez all provided comment on the project. Brian Green-Carson motioned to deny the CUP for a proposed Marijuana Outlet at 4337 Home Ave based on the following issues:

  • the proposed site is 895’ from an existing outlet on the corner of Fairmount and Home Ave.

  • the proposed site is less than 1000’ from Hollywood Palms where there are children present in a tot lot and after school program.

  • the proposed site is near a Head Start facility.

  • the project is not in compliance with the Chollas Creek Enhancement Project.

  • this project is located within a designated high crime area.

Maria seconded the motion. David Nelson commented, Patty Vaccariello and Roddy Jerome asked follow-up questions. Committee did not approve the motion (7-8-1 Chair not voting, Edwin Lohr abstaining due to lack of project knowledge). Follow up motion by Patty to approve the CUP on the condition that this project complies with the Chollas Creek Enhancement Program. Jake Banfield-Weir seconded the motion. Vote was 7-9-0 Chair did not vote, Motion did not pass.

6.3. 661800 SDP/TM for 4th Corner Apartments on FairmountAvenue Rebecca Louie brought up what has changed in the last month after speaking with PANA, UWEAST and City Heights CDC regarding accommodation for Community Groups onsite. There were no 4-bedroom units added as it was not in the budget. Ramla Sahid commented and asked that in the future developers bring the community in sooner in the project so they can be a part of the discussion. Scott Paquette motioned to approve the permit and the tentative map; Patty Vaccariello seconded. Motion passed (15-1 Chair not voting). Maria Cortez and Randy Torres-Van Vleck had follow-up questions; David Nelson and Patty Vaccariello commented.

6.4. Community presentation on Fairmount Avenue Fire Station (Info item) Paul Simons allowed multiple Leisureland residents such as Linda Coffman and Joe Riel to share their insight, all opposed the fire station project.

6.5. City update on 645073 Fairmount Avenue Fire Station (Info item) Charles Dellinger from IM Design Group provided updates to the proposed station project: generator enclosure to reduce sound, shorter retaining walls, updated finish materials, landscape and brush refinement. Russ Connelly, Maria Cortez, Patty Vaccariello, and Randy Torres-Van Vleck asked follow up questions.

6.6. Complete Communities – Question list for Planning Department (Workshop) The Chair requested someone from the City to come to the Committee and explain why we weren’t included in the planning process. City Staff responded that they were too far along in the process and didn’t have time to come to the meeting. The Mayor’s office was requested to answer the questions our committee asked but we were not provided with answers. David Nelson, Jake Banfield-Weir, Patty Vaccariello, Maria Cortez, Randy Torres-Van Vleck and Rosa Calvario all commented. Committee agreed to make as an action item for October to have a further discussion on a letter of response or other action by the Committee.

7. Chair’s report: City is cleaning up the municipal code in regards to housing and other administrative items due to State mandates and code changes. He Noted: Accessory dwelling units, which allowed 1 Auxiliary Dwelling Unit on a single family residence property, is now allowing for a total of: 1 main ADU, 1 junior ADU and a portable unit on the same property. Also proposed, If you build additional unit(s) on a SFR, no additional parking will be required. This is a waiver that the city is trying to get pushed through even though it is not a State mandated change.

8. Board Comment – Questions and Answers: Randy Torres-Van Vleck, Rosa Calvario and Maria Cortez provided comments.

9. Meeting adjourned at 9:19 pm. Reminder: The September meeting is canceled due to Labor Day. The Committee will reconvene on Monday October 5, 2020, 6:30 PM. Details and agenda to be posted separately.

Posted by fmpark on 08/05/2020
Last updated on 10/26/2020
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