City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes - February-April 2020



City Heights Area Planning Committee


Draft Minutes for April 6th, 2020




1. Chair Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:37 PM. Jake Banfield-Weir, Rosa Calvario, Maria Cortez, Brian Green-Carson, Jose Hernandez, Roddy Jerome, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Scott Paquette, Michael Rossler, Patty Vaccariello, and Russ Connelly were present. Absent were David Bowen, Brenda Diaz, Francisco Garcia, Ana Gonzalez, Lisa Nguyen, Hamdi Noor, Dhana Nur, Blair Overstreet and Juan Pablo Sanchez. As per the Brown Act, The Chair did not address the voluntary sign-in sheet to the audience due to this meeting being online due to in-person meeting restrictions. Oscar Medina, a member of the public, was recognized as attending the meeting electronically.




2. The committee approved the minutes for March.




3. Chair Russ Connelly handed off the gavel to the Election Subcommittee Chair Wendy Miller. Wendy thanked the election subcommittee for their work and City Heights residents who cast a vote. She announced the new members of the City Heights Area Planning Committee. New members joining CHAPC: Francisco Garcia, Jim Varnadore, Edwin Lohr, Vanessa Erickson, Denisse Lopez, Andrew Benavides, Scott Paquette, Randy Torres-Van Vleck and Russ Connelly. Outgoing members David Bowen, Rosa Calvario, Brenda Diaz, Jose Hernandez, Lisa Nguyen, Juan Pablo Sanchez and Patty Vaccariello were thanked for their service on thecommittee.




4. The chair called roll for the newly seated committee. Jake Banfield-Weir, Maria Cortez, Edwin Lohr, Brian Green-Carson, Vanessa Erickson, Roddy Jerome, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Denisse Lopez, Scott Paquette, Michael Rossler, Randy Torres-Van Vleck, and Russ Connelly were present. Absent were Francisco Garcia, Jim Varnadore, Ana Gonzalez, Hamdi Noor, Dhana Nur, Blair Overstreet and Andrew Benavides.




5. Off-Agenda Public Comment: None




6. Business Agenda:




6.1. Form Executive Board search committee (Action Item)


Jake Banfield-Weir and David Nelson will be reaching out to committee members to ask them if they want to run for Chair, Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair, or Secretary.




7. Chair’s Comments: New committee members please update your email address if different from your application so it can be send on the updated roster to the City. Via email new committee members will receive an invitation to take the COW (Community Orientation Workshop) once the City has determined how it will be administered. The CUP request for a Marijuana outlet at 4337 Home Ave that was to go before the Planning Commission on March 26th has been postponed until further notice. There are 2 vacancies on the committee that will be filled by appointment starting at the next committee meeting.


8. Committee Comment: David Nelson and Wendy Miller commented.




9. Meeting Adjourned at 6:58 PM.




City Heights Area Planning Committee

                                                         Draft minutes of March 2nd, 2020


1. Chair Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. The following committee members were present: Jake Banfield-Weir, Rosa Calvario, Maria Cortez, Brian Green-Carson, Francisco Garcia, Ana Gonzalez, Brian Green-Carson, Roddy Jerome, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Dhaha Nur, Scott Paquette, Juan Pablo Sanchez, Patty Vaccariello, and Russ Connelly. Committee members absent were: David Bowen, Brenda Diaz, Jose Hernandez, Lisa Nguyen, Hamdi Noor, Blair Overstreet, and Michael Rossler. As per the Brown Act, the Chair has addressed the voluntary sign-in sheet to the audience.


 2. Minutes for February 3, 2020 have been approved with corrections by the committee.



3. Agenda for March 2nd: Chair reports that item 6.2 has been dropped from the agenda. Agenda was then approved by the committee with modification.


4. Off-Agenda Public Comment: Linda Coffman brought forth a petition signed by 300 individuals asking for a 30 minute time slot to discuss the future fire station on Fairmount Ave and 47th Street. Mazda Meraz has brought forth a complaint with a previous item regarding water/sewer construction. Vic Salazar is the person of contact for the pipeline improvements occurring. Francisco Garcia presented himself as a write-in candidate for the District 1 seat.


 5. Staff Report and Comment: Nathen Causman, the City’s planner designated for City Heights, gave a brief introduction of what he does, what areas he serves, and answered questions from the committee and the audience.

Diana Fuentes, from the Office of the City Clerk, is spreading awareness to committee’s about the census and how redistricting will occur based on the data provided. Fuentes passed out redistricting commission pamphlets and shared on how the independent committee is chosen, their tasks, how many are on the committee and the timeline. The goal of the committee is for each district to be redrawn to have 1/9th of the population in each district.


 6. Business Agenda:


 6.1 PTN657867 Public Easement Vacation at 1348 47th Street: Russ Gibbon from the City of San Diego’s Economic Development Department presented that the current Coca Cola site has become part of Reyes Holding. Future plans will convert the site to a beer distribution center. The size of the easement site is 3,016 sqft. Currently labeled as a drainage and public utilities easement, one of which was used to access drainage and whereas the other site was for a sewer and water line that were never put in. The site owner asks for the City to vacate the easements that have not been used by them in many years. Gibbons is asking on behalf of Reyes Holding and the City for a recommendation to approve the removal of the easements. David Nelson made a motion to approve the removal of the public easement at 1348 47th Street. Jake Banfield second. Motion Approved. (10/0/3) Chair not Voting. Abstain: Maria, Roddy, Wendy (Due to election in progress).


 6.2. Community Identification Signage: Dropped from the agenda due the presenter’s inability to attend the meeting.


6.3. Possible license application at 4350 University Avenue: Steve Pollock (local land use engineer), Kimley Horn (7-Eleven representative), Olivia Green (consultant) and Rhahim Cahory (franchise owner) brought forth an informational item on a potential ABC liquor license that would require a conditional use permit. The discussion was open to community input on the topic and what they would like to see for the franchise on University Ave and Fairmount Ave.


Issues brought forth on adding an additional liquor license included the high license density (4 allowed with 8 existing) to crime rate ratio (300%) which is currently over the threshold. Issues raised included a high traffic corridor, close proximity to schools, implementation of future CRV programming and the existing high liquor store density within the community. Olivia Green addressed the concerns by informing on current safety measures being taken by the franchise owner and economic benefit from the added sales from the liquor license. Brian Green-Carson addressed the mistake made by the 7-Eleven team when there was an initial application from the franchise before its opening which was then quickly withdrawn.The information led to a community protest which would most likely occur if the owner were to continue with an application as advised by Carson. Many community and committee members enjoy the current 7-Eleven location as it is and deemed it safe, clean and family friendly. Chair advised on the item, agreeing that the community will have an issue with much community disagreement if the franchise owner does decide to apply for the license and there has been much agreement that the community is pleased with the current state of the store which could be used as a positive point for the community.


 6.4. Updates from the 2020 Election Subcommittee (if available): No updates could be given as the voting period had not yet ended.


7. Chair’s Report: The previous item at 4347 Home Ave (where the ARCO gasoline station is located) has been unbundled by the City. The upgrade in liquor license was removed and the renewal of the existing beer and wine license was approved, however the cannabis outlet aspect of the project has been accepted for reconsideration and the processing facility aspect was turned down. Meeting to discuss the item will be on March 26th to the Planning Commission. Andy Field, from Parks and Recreation, has requested a presentation time slot to occur in the next months. The Community Orientation Workshop (COW) date has been set for Saturday, May 9th, 8AM - 2 PM at the Water Department’s auditorium on Topaz Way. The Electronic COW will be made available afterwards. The City will be enforcing the 60 day training rule, an issue brought forth from the auditor and Grand Jury. The 12th Land Development Code on how to measure distance between cannabis dispensaries to the edge of residential properties has been changed as of December 12th.


8. Committee Member reports and Comments: Francisco Garcia, Juan Pablo, Dhaha Nur (Census), Patty Vaccarriello, Rosa Calvario, Ana Gonzalez (Colina del Sol’s Pool is providing free swimming classes all of March) made comments.


9. Meeting adjourned at 7:37 PM




Minutes of February 3rd, 2020


1. Chair Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM. The following committee members were present: Jake Banfield-Weir, David Bowen, Rosa Calvario, Maria Cortez, Brian Green-Carson, Roddy Jerome, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Blair Overstreet, Patty Vaccariello, Ana Gonzalez and Russ Connelly. Committee members absent were: Brenda Diaz, Francisco Garcia, Jose Hernandez, Lisa Nguyen, Hamdi Noor, Dhaha Nur, Scott Paquette, Michael Rossler, and Juan Pablo Sanchez. As per the Brown Act, the Chair has explained the voluntary sign-in sheet to the audience.


2. The minutes for January 6th, 2020 were approved by the committee with corrections.


3. The committee unanimously approved the agenda.


4. Off-agenda public comment: Anna Ginsky gave a small business introduction for MediVet Express providing transportation services for veterinary care for pets in Tijuana. Ross Naismith introduced himself as a candidate for City Council District 9. Oscar Medina from the Environmental Health Coalition extended his thank you for Spanish interpretation and request for Vietnamese in the future.


5. Staff reports and comment: Anna Medina from Council District 9 thanked those who came to the State of the District address. The issues discussed can be found in a report on the Councilmember’s web page. New maps have been created to show council representative’s new placements in the district. Updates on the City’s website for upcoming items before the City Council will now be in a more accessible language. Elderly Workshop at the City Heights/Weingart Library next Wednesday at 6:30 PM. Workshop will discuss the best ways to live for all generations.


6. Business Agenda:

6.1. Appointment to fill the At-Large 2021 seat: Ana Gonzalez, a City Heights Resident and active member in various community organizations ran for the seat and was nominated by Jake Banfield-Weir and seconded by Patty Vaccariello. Ana Gonzalez was voted in as the At-Large 2021 seat. (10/0/0) Chair not voting.


6.2. Budget recommendations review for CD-9: reviewed letter written in 2019 by the committee regarding budget priorities for FY-2020 compared with the upcoming budget year. Amendments to the letter: a request for a Community Plan Amendment for the Euclid Ave revitalization plan (including traffic calming) was added. Request to add more standard street lights in City Heights was added. Esperanza Gonzales, community member, supports the recommendations and emphasized the importance of Euclid Avenue, El Cajon Boulevard and Highland Avenue. Added request for storm drain improvements on Orange Ave to the list. Approval of additional items for the 2020 memo were voted on. Amendments approved. (11/0/0) with the Chair not voting.


6.3. Two presentations on the Franchise Agreement Renewal for SDG&E:

6.3.1 Climate Action Campaign presentation: Tyson Siegele from the Climate Action Campaign and the Protect our Communities Foundation presented. The City will also be conducting 3 outreach meetings. Stated that SDG&E wants an agreement that will work for their shareholders. Looking into Community Choice Energy which gives local control and freedom regarding choosing an energy provider. The current agreement allows SDG&E to provide infrastructure for gas and electricity to the consumers' property. Last agreement was made in 1970 and an updated agreement is needed that addresses updated technology. Other issues addressed: SDG&E does not pay for the use of the right of way and passes costs to the consumer which does not cost the shareholders. There have also been previous disagreements and disputes between SDG&E and the City such as costs of the 2007 wildfires and a lawsuit by the City for not following the franchise agreement. Looking to have more solar energy, stronger worker protections, a 5-year franchise agreement, shareholders to pay the right-of-way costs, cooperation with the City, and penalties for failures to adhere to the franchise agreement.


6.3.2 Falcon Strategies/SDG&E presentation:

Vanessa Garcia, public affairs with SDG&E, presented on the franchise renewal process. Stated that SDG&E does lease the right of way, and clarified the 3% franchise fee paid to the City of San Diego (a charter city) goes to the City’s General Fund, as well as a separate 3.5% surcharge for the under grounding of power lines. The fees are approved by the State Public Utilities Commission. Warren Ruiz highlighted awards to SDG&E for efforts towards cleaner energy including solar support and working towards the City’s climate action goals. Addressed that SDG&E works with their employees to create a good work environment and clarified that the Public Utilities Commissioners are appointed by the Governor. If the City decides to not renew the agreement with SDG&E, the agreement will be put up for bid and the chosen provider will have to buy the infrastructure from SDG&E. The agreement renewal is currently being crafted by the Mayor.


6.4. Update from 2020 Election Subcommittee: Wendy (along with Blair, Maria and Roddy) said the subcommittee is currently reaching out for applications. The subcommittee is looking for volunteers from 4:30 PM to 8PM on March 2nd to help with the election. If individuals want to run for election, they need to sign in to the sign-in sheet. Maria added that a candidates forum will happen on election night before the meeting (6PM) and a biography with/without a picture and 100 words maximum should be submitted beforehand. Volunteering does not have to be for the full time. The subcommittee noted that to vote you either will need an ID with an address in City Heights or proof you live in City Heights such as a bill with one’s name and address. Business seat candidates need proof of their business. February 21 at 5:00 PM is the deadline to submit applications. Rosa named off the list of current committee members whose seat is up for election. Nominees for a school/non-profit seat need that agency to its primary work and have a presence in City Heights.


7. Chair’s Report: Bridge Deck Kiosks are moving forward. Requests For Proposals have been posted for potential kiosk tenants through City Real Estate Assets Department. The City Heights Pool: Council President Gomez was able to move CDBG funds ($2 Million) for pool reconstruction. In addition, $2 million was approved for design of the Mid-City Idea Lab. 4337 Home Avenue: Owner was denied renewal of their CUP for the current type 20 alcohol license but has appealed the decision. The appeal was approved and the request for CUP renewal will be going back to the Planning Commission on February the 20th at 9AM.


8. Committee Member reports and comment: Roddy, David Nelson, Rosa, Wendy, Maria and Ana gave comments regarding the 215 bus route, community mural update, traffic issues and community events such as the Budget 101 workshop, Community Bike Ride at the Fair @ 44 and the Vision 2030 meeting.


9. The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM.

Posted by fmpark on 02/26/2020
Last updated on 04/28/2020
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