City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes May - July 2019

City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes for July 1st, 2019


1. Chair Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:37 PM. David Bowen, Rosa Calvario, Maria Cortez, Brenda Diaz, Francisco Garcia, Brian Green-Carson, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Lisa Nguyen, Dhaha Nur, Blair Overstreet, Scott Paquette, Michael Rossler, Jose Hernandez, Patty Vaccariello, and Russ Connelly were present. Absent were Jake Banfield-Weir, Kelvin Barrios, Roddy Jerome, Juan Pablo Sanchez, and Randy Torres-Van Vleck. As per the Brown Act, the Chair has addressed the voluntary sign-in sheet to the audience.


2. The committee approved the minutes for June with corrections.


3. The committee unanimously approved the agenda.


4. Off-Agenda Public Comment: David Nelson commented on the tentative bus lane on El Cajon Blvd and concerns over public transit issues which may lower bus ridership. Maria Cortez commented on the 7/11 Franchise withdrawing their alcoholic license application at 4350 University Avenue and Cafeina will be having a Grand Opening Sat. July 20th. at 11 AM.


5. Staff reports and comments: Lucas Cruz, from the Office of Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, with updates on AB 555, AB 66 and AB 1747. Internship opportunities also available.


Christopher “Stopher” Vallejo and Anna Ochoa Medina, from the Office of Council President Georgette Gomez present to give updates. Working on inclusionary housing update ordinance by the end of July. Anna Ochoa: Sponsoring events at the library, two senior events in City Heights and Rolando, clean ups, and coffee with the community. Proposed Homless Storage Facility: will have ample time for the community to voice issues and concerns during a Town Hall, July 11th, 6:30-8:00 PM, across from the Chollas Triangle at Tean Challenge on Lea Street.


6. Business Agenda:


6.1. Input on Homeless Storage Facility Planned for Mid-City

Presentation by Eric Young, Mayor’s Office Representative, with intern, Devlin Harvard taking notes. Presentor handed out information about the proposed facility and walked through the handout given outlining the facility and proposed services. Access to information is open to the public and a contact list to sign up to give feedback and share new information was circulated. A homeless advisory group is being planned for the proposed location to work with the community. Discussion and questions were taken from the committee and community members. No motions made on the item.


6.2 Request for Stop Signs at 35th and Wightman.

Vincent Robles, on behalf of Cherokee Point neighborhood, requested to place a stop sign off Wightman and 35th Street due to the high amount of traffic and little to no slowing mechanism, creating accidents. Clarification by the Chair about where stop signs can and are placed and other venues to persue for traffic calming. There is a bike plan for a traffic circle at 35th and Wightman. Several residents of the area spoke about traffic conditions in the area and the need for traffic control. Motion to place stop signs on Wightman at 35th Street by Maria Cortez. Seconded by Brian Green-Carson. Letter to go to Cherokee Point Neighborhood Association. (Motion Passed 12/3/0 with Chair not voting)


6.3 Appointment to Fill the Youth 2021 Seat:

No nominations. Tabled until the next meeting.


6.4 Presenter From March and Ash, Potential Billboard Policy for Marijuana Sales Facilities.

Presentation is a collaboration between March and Ash and SAY San Diego. Presenters included Spencer Andrews from March and Ash and William Perno from SAY San Diego. Presentation focused on the issue with cannabis billboard advertisements near youth gathering spaces and would like to change or create an ordinance because of lack of code enforcement, lack of accountability from billboard owners, and would be asking for input from community before drafting ordinance. The ordinance change/creation would be based upon a Denver, CO ordinance to prohibit advertising unless it is on the property of the dispensaries. After discussion by the committee and members of the audience, motion to draft a letter of support for a ban on marijuana billboards throughout the City of San Diego by Maria Cortez. Seconded by Brian Green-Carson. Motion passed. (12/2/1, chair not voting.)


7. Chair’s Comments: Update from the Central Planners Committee for the City’s removal of the push cart ordinance. The State of California passed a law voiding the current regulations of push carts by the City. Update on Senate Bills: (SB) 50 was pulled, SB 330 in committee, but language from both has been placed in SB 592 in regards to building height in high density areas and the ability to repeal the density changes in the future. The CHAPC previously voted to oppose the bills as a committee. Chair will refresh the formerly passed letter to include SB 592 and resend to proper officials. Update from the Planning Department regarding training opportunities for committee members: E-COW training online and upcoming trainings for July 25th, a seminar on the Brown Act Training, 6-8 pm, Golden Hall in the Silver Room, Project Review Training, Sept 26th, and CEQA training in October. E-mail the City’s Planning Group email for RSVP and more information.


8. Committee Comment: Patty Vacarello and Brenda Diaz commented.

 Meeting Adjourned at 8:30 PM.



City Heights Area Planning Committee


Minutes for June 3rd, 2019




1. Chair Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:32 PM.  Jake Banfield-Weir (6:35), David Bowen, Rosa Calvario, Maria Cortez, Francisco Garcia, Roddy Jerome, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Scott Paquette, Michael Rossler, Juan Pablo Sanchez, Jose Hernandez, Patty Vaccariello, and Russ Connelly were present. Absent were Kelvin Barrios, Brenda Diaz, Brian Green-Carson, Lisa Nguyen, Dhaha Nur, Blair Overstreet, and Randy Torres-Van Vleck. As per the Brown Act, the Chair has explained the voluntary sign-in sheet to the audience.




2. The committee approved the minutes with name correction modifications for May.




3. The committee unanimously approved the agenda.




4. Off-Agenda Public Comment: David Nelson talked about to the city and county being sued in regards to concentration of low-income housing. Juan Pablo Sanchez highlighted the Workforce Partnership and is looking for volunteers.




5. Staff Comments: Ana Medina and Christopher Vallejo, Council Representatives for Georgette Gomez, distributed newsletters and announced the following: June 5th is the meeting for the Council’s rules committee, highlighted the Elevate SD 2020 meetings, upcoming town hall meetings, pop-up events, future meeting times and dates for future transit changes, coffee with the community.




Nathen Causman, City Heights Community Planner, introduced himself to the committee and explained more about his current projects and duties. He also gave an update that language has been removed from the Mid City Community Plan that would have made Euclid Avenue into a 4-lane road.




6. Business Agenda:




6.1. Appointment to fill vacancies: At-Large-2020 & Youth-2021 seats: Jose Hernandez ran for the At-Large-2020 seat. Jose is a Fairmount Village resident and previous CHAPC Vice-Chair. Nominated by Patty Vaccariello, seconded by Maria Cortez. Nominee unanimously voted in. (12/0/0 with chair not voting). No nominations were received for the Youth-2021 seat.




6.2. NUP 600882 for wireless facility at 4555 El Cajon Blvd: Sprint representative seeking approval for NUP to modify shared wireless facility (with T-Mobile) due to a mandatory update in code from the city for small telecommunication sites requiring screening. Screening would hide equipment and current pole would be lowered. Patty Vaccariello motion for approval of NUP with the condition to add decorative screening. David Bowen seconded. Motion approved. (13/0/0 with chair not voting)




6.3. Interpretation for Planning Group Meetings: Angelina Corsony spoke and urges support from the CHAPC for interpretation services from the Planning Department as a budget item for the city. Francisco Garcia motion to support allocation of the line item to the Planning Department budget to provide simultaneous interpretation and translation for planning group meetings upon request. Juan Pablo Sanchez seconded. Motion approved. (10/3/0 with chair not voting)




6.4. SANDAG update/input on University Avenue Bicycle Corridor: Chris Romano, from SANDAG, gave an update on the University Bikeway Project, which is currently in the final design phase. Project is part of the overall Regional Action Network Plan, including North Park and Mid-City Bikeways, a 3-mile stretch, and main changes being bus islands. Final design to be completed in 2020. Patty Vaccariello motion to recommend adding street trees to University Corridor bikeway project. Jake Banfield-Weir seconded. Motion Approved. (12/1/0 chair not voting)




6.5. CIP Prioritization Recommendations from Subcommittee: Discussed the input for the 2021 City Heights CIP list which was previously discussed at the Mid-Month meeting on May 20, 2019. Patty Vaccariello motion for approval of the list as the subcommittee recommended. Seconded by Maria Cortez. Motion Approved. (12/0/1 chair not voting)




7. Chair’s Report: Small cell site updates are in regards to new Federal rules, limiting time for review on new or renewal of sites. Marijuana Production Facility at 3940 Home Avenue to go before Planning Commission on June 6th.




8. Committee comment: David Nelson, Rosa Calvario, Maria Cortez, Wendy Miller, and Francisco Garcia all made comments.




Meeting Adjourned at 8:45 PM.



Minutes for May 6, 2019


1. Chair Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:31 PM. Jake Banfield-Weir, Kelvin Barrios, David Bowen, Rosa Calvario, Russ Connelly, Maria Cortez, Brenda Diaz, Brian Green-Carson, Roddy Jerome, Wendy Miller, David Nelson, Lisa Nguyen, Dhaha Nur, Blair Overstreet, Scott Paquette, Michael Rossler, Juan Pablo Sanchez, Jessie Sergent and Randy Torres-Van Vleck were present. Absent were Francisco Garcia and Patty Vaccariello. As per the Brown Act, the Chair has addressed the voluntary sign-in sheet to the audience.


2. The committee approved the minutes with modifications for April.


3. The committee unanimously approved the agenda with David Nelson making motion to approve, seconded by Roddy Jerome.


4. Off-Agenda Public Comments: David Bowen: School Reconstruction design meeting on May 21st @ the recreation center. Ana Reynoso: Requested CHAPC to write a letter of support for translation at meetings due to the the City budget approval coming soon. Vietnamese community representative spoke on their behalf for a letter of support for funding translation at meetings.


5. Staff Reports and Comment: Ana Medina and Christopher Vallejo (Council Representatives-district 9) Georgette Gomez will have a City Council Budget Meeting Thurs. May 9th, 2019, 6:30PM @ the City Heights Performance Annex. The Council’s office has and will continue scheduling clean ups in the community. Full council meeting in the evening regarding the Budget Town Hall, May 13th, 6:00PM @ City Hall. Council office hours are 2:30PM to 6:00PM, every Friday at the City Heights Recreation Center, drop-ins welcome and appointments. Also will have Farmers Market meetings once a month from 9:30AM to 12:00PM.


Mayor Representative, Eric Young, in charge of districts 6,8,9 and Immigration/Homeless Outreach and Education had an update on the GetItDone App. Discussed the application including individual report issues, promote download, explanation on how it works and the system build for responses adequate to the situation. For updates on streets visit San Diego Street Website, see city and street infrastructure projects and who to reach out to for the issue. Some issues are passed on to the owner of property or the city works with the agency. The city can always refer but can't follow up at times. Street repair update: There will be a temporary doubling in size of the City Repair team. Eric Young’s contact:


6. Business Agenda:

6.1: Election of Committee Officers

Nominees for Chair - Russ Connelly, unanimously voted in.

Nominees for First Vice Chair - Maria Cortez, unanimously vote in.

Nominees for Second Vice Chair - David Bowen (0 votes), Brenda Diaz (17 votes), Roddy Jerome (2 votes) and Brenda Diaz was voted in.

Nominees for Secretary - Rosa Calvario, unanimously voted in.


6.2: Appointment to fill a vacancy for the Youth 2021 seat

No nominations. Item will be continuted to the next meeting.


6.3 SANDAG Update/Input on Orange Avenue Bicycle Corridor

Marcus Bush, Policy Advisor for Council District 9 and Chris Romano, interim SANDAG project manager, presented a detailed presentation and promoted action for recommendation from the committee for the project. Highlighted community outreach done including the community workshop the previous week, where 80 community member participated with a 95% positive remarks. Included an overview and explanation for the design, additions, and currently working on the traffic study about the effects of the proposed diverters. Kelvin Barrios made a motion to recommend approval of the project as proposed. Brian Green-Carson seconded. Vote was 16-1-0 (Chair not voting). Motion passed.


6.4 Poplar Street Parking Revision

Previous action item brought to the committee and approved, but due to an error by City Staff, changes needed to be made and to be re-submitted for approval by the committee. Project proposal was to change parallel parking spaces to angled (previously straight in) along the south side of Poplar Street from Jamie’s Way to Columbine Street. The total parking spaces would then total 11 (previously 19).

Motion for approval with recommendation of angled parking with allowance for backing by David Nelson. Brian Green-Carson as the second. Vote was 15-0-1 with Torres-Van Vleck abstaining due to lack of review by his non-profit (Chair not voting). Motion passed.


6.5 Presentation on SB50 & SB330 Proposed Impacts

James LaMattery, representative of Raise the Balloon, presented about Senate Bill 50 and Senate Bill 330. He highlighted the major setbacks the bills may have on the community and asked for a letter on behalf of the CHAPC to go out to the City Council to take a stand on the bill. Motion to send a letter to City Council, the State Assembly and the Senate Representatives regarding the CHAPC’s opposition to the Senate Bills 50 and 330 also to ask the City Council, State Assembly and the State Senate Representatives to work with this body on a substitute bill. Vote was 9-9. Chair broke the tie for final vote of 10-9-0 and Motion passed.


6.6 Presentation on Housing Commission Processes:

Informational presentation by the San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC). The presentation clarified the process the SDHC takes for their various programs including how candidates are selected for Section 8 housing, programs that are provided and their function as well as improvements recently made and future plans for the commission.


7. Chair's Report

There will be a Mid-Month CHAPC meeting occuring Monday, May 20th, at 6:30 PM @ the Mid-City Police Department. The COW training will be occurring Saturday, May 18th at Golden Hall.

Notification of an upgrade on 36th St. and Landis St., the 2 way yield will be converted to a 2 way stop. Commenting is open for CEQA review of the proposed Marijuana outlet at 4337 Home Ave. Coments must be received by May 14th.


8.Committee Members Reports and Comment

Jesse Sergent submitted her resignation from the Committee. Maria Cortez, Wendy Miller, Randy Torrez Van Vleck, Blair Overstreet, Dhaha Nur provided comments.


9. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Posted by fmpark on 05/07/2019
Last updated on 08/19/2019
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