City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes - May - July 2018

Minutes for July 2nd, 2018

1. Chairman Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:31 PM. Abdullahi Yusuf, Andre Sanz, Brenda Diaz, David Bowen, David Nelson, Jose Hernandez, Maria Cortez, Mazda Mehraz, Patty Vaccariello, Randy Van Vleck, Rickie Brown, Roddy Jerome, Rosa Calvario. Aracely M. Lara, Brian Green Carson, Halima Musa, Jessie Sergent, Juan Pablo Sanchez, Ramla Sahid, Scott Paquette were absent.

2. Minutes for June 4 were accepted after addressing minor changes

3. Randy Van Vleck offered, and Roddy Jerome seconded a motion to approve the agenda. The Committee voted 13/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

4. Community resident asked about current studies regarding University Avenue west of Fairmount Avenue and Interstate 15. David Nelson shared concerns regarding thousands of units for rental which are supposed to alleviate housing shortage however there are no regulations, so those rentals are becoming Air Bnb's. David Bowen shared an MTS article on the Center Line. Patty Vaccariello made an invitation to a meeting on Thursday that will take place at the Euclid Avenue Gateway (Euclid & Home Avenue) at 2:30pm.

5. Kelvin Barrios from CD9 staff: Councilmember Gomez proposed ordinance protecting residents on Section 8. The ordinance will be moving before City Council July 31, additional information to come. In the new fiscal year, they will be following up with projects that were approved (Castle Park street lights).

6.1 Vacancy appointment for Youth-20 seat – No volunteers came forward. Will continue search in the Fall when students are back in school.

6.2. Daniel Kay from Civic San Diego announced they didn’t receive the SANDAG Active Transportation Grant. They still have one million dollars left for a new project in City Heights and are now requesting CHAPC direction on where/what that project should be. David Nelson offered and Patty Vaccariello seconded a motion to draft a letter of recommendation to apply for another grant due July 31, 2018. The committee voted 13/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

6.3 George Freja from the City of San Diego Public Works Department gave an update on SDP8318 Police Pistol Range improvments. Project was divided into two phases because of lack of funds. They implemented and built Phase 1 in 2017. Phase 2 has secured funding approved by City Council and is currently being designed and when they open bids they will updated CHAPC, construction will end summer of 2020. The funds are coming from tobacco settlement funds the Police were able to secure. Chris Serow (SDPD range master) answered questions about the use of the firing range and if they receive income for the use of the facility. Kyle Muze shared that currently the priority is a permanent traffic division facility and if there is any additional funding they are open to a permanent K-9 facility. After discussion Maria Cortez offered and Patty Vaccariello seconded a motion reaffirming the building of sidewalks, street lights, street trees off the south side of Federal Blvd in front of the Sand Diego Police Department firing range and to re-evaluate the finishing of a K-9 permanent facility and any other projects remaining from original permit SDP8318. The committee voted 10/3/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

6.4/6.5 CHAPC agrees with staff suggestions for parking realignment on Cherokee and 36th streets and the Chair will be sending an email letting them know we appreciate them letting us know.

6.6 Kelvin Barrios requested a letter of support. Patty Vaccariello offered and Roddy Jerome seconded a motion to approve that CHAPC send letter of support for the application of a SANDAG grant for El Cajon Blvd. The committee voted 11/2/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

6.7. Kevin Wood from Center for Sustainable Energy shared his presentation on providing no-cost support to local stakeholders interested in general and technical information on electric vehicles (EV) and EV charging infrastructure.

7. Chair reminded committee members who haven't taken the e-COW to take is as soon as possible.

8. No Committee comments were made.

9. Meeting adjourned at 8:46pm.



Minutes for June 4th, 2018
1. Chairman Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:38 PM. Aracely Lara, Brian Green Carson, David Nelson, Halima Musa, Jessie Sergent, Juan Pablo Sanchez, Maria Cortez, Mazda Mehraz, Patty Vaccariello, Ramla Sahid, Randy Van Vleck, Rickie Brown, Roddy Jerome, Rosa Calvario, Scott Paquette were present.  Abdullahi Yusef, Andre Sanz, Brenda Diaz, David Bowen and Jose Hernandez were absent.
2. Minutes for May 7 were accepted.
3. Randy van Vleck offered and Juan Pablo Sanchez seconded a motion to approve the agenda. The Committee voted 12/0/2 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.
4.  Patty Vaccariello was nominated for the Second Vice Chair position with a unanimous vote 14/0/0 (chair not voting).
5. Maria Cortez announced a City Parks Forum and Fern Street Circus event occurring in City Heights. Additional comment regarding park use and language barrier and interpreter from a public audience member.  Randy van Vleck invited all to the City Heights Community Bike Ride Saturday June 16th at noon.  Mark Tran introducing the Boy Scouts of America (came to observe meeting) who meet Sunday at Colina Park.  Francisco Garcia, architect, in the process
of building own house, wants a push to update to community plan, push for small developers and recognize fees (development fees, regional transit fee, water capacity fees).
6.1.  Vacancy appointment for Youth-20 seat – No one volunteered for the position.

6.2.1 Arkan Somo (land owner) described the Marijuana Facility project his tenants would have at 4337 Home Avenue and he answered questions. After discussion, Brian Green Carson offered and Maria Cortez seconded a motion to deny the CUP – Marijuana Retail Outlet and Production Facility. The Committee voted 11/4/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed. 

6.2.2 After discussion, Patty Vaccariello offered and Brian Green Carson seconded a motion to approve the construction of the building in accordance to the Chollas Creek Master Plan. The Committee voted 13/2/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

6.2.3 Patty Vacariello offered and Roddy Jerome seconded a motion to postpone voting on left turn lane until a future meeting, and requested that the chair contact the city for the traffic study and applicant to propose a traffic study. The Committee voted 15/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

6.3 Mariah Wells, Storm Water Division, City of San Diego, described maintenance of the channel to remove debris along sections of Auburn Creek.  After discussion David Nelson offered, and Brian Green Carson seconded a motion to approve the SCR maps for 70 & 76. The Committee voted 15/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.

6.4 Water and Sewer Job – absent.
7. Staff report from Ben Hueso's Office: Working on Bill SB 1155 (Language Bill), SB 1338 (Access to Interpreters), SB 1374 (Energy Resource Board), SB 1355 (San Diego Coastal Mitigation Funds). 
8. Chair's Report - Staff Comment will return to top section of the agenda next month.
9. Rosa Calvario, Randy Van Vleck, Patty Vaccariello, offered Committee comments.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 PM.





Minutes of May 7, 2018


1. Chairman Russ Connelly called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Abdullahi Yusuf, Andre Sanz, Brenda Diaz, Brian Green Carson, David Bowen, David Nelson, Halima Musa, Jessie Sergent, José Hernández, Juán Pablo Sánchez, María Córtez, Mazda Mehraz, Randy van Vleck, Roddy Jerome, Rosa Calvario, and Scott Paquette were present. Rickie Brown, Aracely Lara and Patty Vaccariello were absent.


2. The Minutes of April 2 were accepted.


3. David Bowen offered and Maria seconded a motion to amend the agenda by making items 6.2 and 6.3 information items. The Committee voted 15/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.


4. The Committee received a report from Randy, Chairperson of the Officer Search Subcommittee. Russ was the only candidate for Chairperson. José was the only candidate for first vice-Chairperson. Brenda was the candidate for Secretary. After discussion, the Committee voted 15/0/0 (chair not voting) to continue the selection of second vice-Chairperson for one month and to confirm Russ, José, and Brenda.


5. Alison Moss from SANDAG announced an open-house for the University Avenue bicycle lane project. It will be at 6:00PM Wednesday, May 16 at the Joan Kroc Center. Julian Villegas announced that the Copley Price YMCA had ended access via its front door and asked all users to enter from the 43rd Street entrance.


6.1. David Parot described a single-family home construction project to be done at 3155 42nd Street that will be completed by apprentices and youth under supervision of construction workers, and he answered questions. After discussion, David Nelson offered, Mazda seconded a motion to recommend approval of a Neighborhood Development Permit for the project. The Committee voted 15/1/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.


6.2. Cameron Choriata from Chelsea Construction described a renovation project at 4765 Home Avenue and answered questions.


6.3. Rodney Carey from the Neighborhood House Association reported on the status of a parcel of City-owned land at the Northwest corner of 41st Street and Polk Avenue where NHA proposes to install an early-childhood education center. The NHA staff answered questions from the Committee and audience.


 6.4 Russ called for volunteers to fill two vacant seats. Ramla Sahid from Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans (PANA) volunteered. She delivered an authorization letter from the agency. After discussion, Roddy offered, Juán Pablo seconded a motion to appoint Sahid to the School/Non-Profit-19 seat. The Committee voted 16/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.


6.5. Meredith Dawson from the Park and Recreation Department described the plans to renovate the vacant building at Park de la Cruz and form it into a recreation center with emphasis on service to senior citizens and on Therapeutic Recreation Services. The committee discussed the matter.


6.6 Dan Tomsky and María Córtez described plans for a mural along the South wall at Teralta Park and displayed a diagram to show how it might look when finished. The Committee discussed the matter.


7. Kelvin Barrios from Council district-9 staff reported that there will be a budget presentation at 10:30 AM, May 19 at 3850 Westgate Place. He invited attendance. He also reported that there will be an overall City budget hearing at 6:00PM at City Hall on Monday May 14, 2018.


8. The Chairman reported on two audits; one being performed by the City Auditor of the Planning Department, that includes the Community Planning System, and another completed by the County Grand Jury of the Community Planning System itself. These audits had been originated by a single complaint from a citizen. He announced the date for the Committee Orientation Workshop (COW) and the electronic COW, and noted that applications had been received by the City for marijuana outlets in two locations in City Heights.


9. David Nelson and Scott Paquette offered Committee comments.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:45PM.

Posted by fmpark on 05/30/2018
Last updated on 07/31/2018
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