City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes August 2011 to October 2011

CHAPC Minutes August 1st, 2011.  Attendance:  Sam Charry, Russ Connelly, Saynab Dahir, Katherine Eaton, Kenton Finkbeiner, Jenny Flanagan, Robert Leif, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, David Nelson, Hong Tran, Patty Vaccariello and Jim Varnadore.  Absent: Mark Kassab, Amanda Moss, Samantha Ollinger, Jesse Sergent, Mark Tran & Abdullahi Yusuf.

  1. Meeting began at 6:32pm.
  2. Adoption of Agenda – Jim 1st, Robert 2nd, passed by unanimous vote.
  3. Off Agenda Public Comment
    1. Randy Van Vleck – Transit issues
  4. Staff Comment
    1. Ashley Simmons – Councilmember DeMaio office: Pothole iPhone app.
    2. Cynthia Harris – Councilmember Emerald office: Colina Del Sol movie night, Silverado Ballroom progress (1.3 million dollar project).
    3. Todd Gloria – Redevelopment/Litigation, $400 million to rapid transit in Mid-City, Price Charities will be funding Sunday staffing of City Heights Library and the gym at the police station.
  5. Committee Member Comment
    1. Patty – October Facelift
    2. Katherine – Azalea Park Night Out, 4-7pm  4232 Poplar
    3. Mazda – Trees are dying on University Ave.
    4. Saynab – Movie night
    5. Ahmed – Somali Youth League August 12 Banquet
    6. Walgreen’s Application for a Liquor License (corrections)
      1. July 18th is the filing date
      2. 40oz single containers or less not permitted
    7. Agenda Items
      1. Presentation by Don Taylor against the installation of utility boxes in the undergrounding process.
      2. CUP for Crown Castle Bethel Church Cell Phone Tower at 2934 39th St.

                                                    i.     1st Kenton, 2nd Ahmed, passed 11-1

                    3.Firehouse 17 Reconstruction – Joseph Abraham, Lorraine Hutcinson, Darrold Davis, Michelle Abella-Shon, Alex Garcia all present. 5-8 million dollar price tag. Action moved to October CHAPC meeting

                      4. Police Pistol Range –

                                                    i.     Patty – Has a historic survey been done?

                                                   ii.     Jim – When do we see/get an EIR?

                                                  iii.     Motion was made – Initial conversation on status of project and future prospects, historical review required (for designation), arrundo removal mitigation, EIR and scope meeting.

                                                  iv.     Jim 1st, and Katherine 2nd  Passed 11-0

                      5. Decibel change from 70 to 65db request.

                                                    i.     David – 1st with motion that city lowers db level prior to building of Home Ave. Park.  Patty – 2nd    Passed 11-0

                      6.  Vacancy of District 4-13, Patty nominates Alejandro Garcia. Katherine 2nds.  Alejandro wins by unanimous vote.

                      7. Community Youth Seats –Discussion continuing with Planning Department and City Attorney’s Office to add seats.  Language of proposed bylaw changes being reviewed.


Mid Month Meeting is set for August 15th, 6:30pm at the community room at the Mid City Police Station. Next full CHAPC meeting will be on Sept 19th at 6:30pm due to Labor Day holiday.

Meeting adjourned at 8:28pm




Meeting of September 19, 2011

3910 University Avenue

City Heights CA 92105




1.  The meeting was called to order at 6:35PM.  Sam Charry, Saynab Dahir, Katherine Eaton, Jenny Flanagan, Robert Leif, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, David Nelson, Samantha Ollinger, Hong Tran, Mark Tran, Patty Vaccariello, Abdullahi Yusuf, and Jim Varnadore formed a quorum.


2.  Robert offered and Mark Tran seconded a motion to adopt the agenda.  The Committee voted 12/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.


3.  Guy Mock reported on the status of a new neighborhood park near Central and Landis streets.  He also noted an increase of graffiti on Home Avenue.


4.  Courtney Thomson Distributed the CD-3 newsletter and announced that a memorial for slain officer Jeremy Henwood was planned.  She also explained what had happened to several trees removed from University Avenue.


    Cynthia Harris distributed the CD-7 newsletter and discussed the Alpha Project.  She noted that water leaks must now be repaired within 72 hours in order to meet new City ordinances.


     Deanneka Goodwin distributed Congresswoman Davis’s newsletter.


     County treasurer-tax collector Dan McAllister made a presentation about the property tax process and related matters.


5.  David Nelson noted that many City Heights residents like the idea of having a skate park somewhere in the community but because of noise issues they are difficult to site.


6.  The minutes of August 1 were corrected and adopted by a vote of 12/0/0 (chair not voting). 


7.1  Jose Lopez from the Fox Canyon Neighborhood Association offered a presentation asking the Committee to recommend installation of three-way stop suites at two places; Winona/Wightman and Dwight/Euclid.  The chair severed the question. 


7.1A Ahmed offered and Saynab seconded a motion to install a three-way stop suite at Winona/Wightman.  The Committee voted 10/3/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed. 


7.1BKatherine offered and Ahmed seconded a motion to request a Safe Routes to School study and mobility study at Dwight/Euclid intersection and to consider the entity of Euclid as a commercial corridor for stop signs. The Committee voted 10/3/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.  The acting chair would like to note that this area of Euclid is in a residential zone.

 After further discussion, Nelson offered and Abdullahi seconded a motion to recommend denial of a three-way suite at Dwight/Euclid.  The Committee voted 5/8/0 (chair not voting) and the motion failed.


7.2  Anna Scott of Affirmed Housing offered a brief presentation about a proposed residential project at 3850 El Cajon Boulevard (a site outside the Committee’s jurisdiction).  After discussion, the Committee took no action.


7.3  The City team in charge of constructing a new fire station-17 offered a presentation about that project.  The presentation included information about a suggested alternate site (Fairmount/El Cajon Boulevard).  The site can be feasible from a fire-fighting point of view, but the lot is not for sale.  The City would like to complete the replacement of FS-17 and won’t pursue a condemnation proceeding.  There was a design workshop held at which the Committee and the audience offered suggestions.  In the end, the City team asked that a sub-committee be formed to meet with them to work out a good design for the new FS-17.  The Chair requested volunteers and noted that Russ Connelly, the elected Chairperson, would name the sub-committee.  Ahmed, David, Katherine, Jim and Patty volunteered.


7.4  The chair read a letter of support for the Fall FaceLift event, which Russ had earlier sent out.  Because of the deadline, the Committee was not able to consider the matter.  The Chairman asked for Committee ratification. 

After discussion Ahmed offered, Mark Tran seconded a motion to ratify.  The Committee voted 10/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.


8.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:25PM to reconvene October 3, 2011 at the time and place shown above.



City Heights Area Planning Committee Draft minutes of October 3, 2011 meeting.  Attending:  Sam Charry, Russ Connelly, Kenton Finkbeiner, Jenny Flanagan, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, Amanda Moss, David Nelson, Samantha Ollinger, Jessie Sergent, Patty Vaccariello, Jim Varnadore and Abdullahi Yusef.  Absent:  Katherine Eaton, Saynab Dahir, Alex Garcia, Mark Kassab, Robert Lief, Hong Tran and Mark Tran.

  1. 6:30pm:  Meeting called to order.

    2. Adoption of Agenda: Patty 1st, Jessie 2nd, agenda passes unanimously.

    3. Off Agenda Public Comment: Steve Cadrero, a North Park business owner informed us of cosmetic changes to improve the entries of both North Park and City Heights at University Ave. Angela Landsberg also contributed to the discussion on intersection beautification. This topic will be on the agenda for November.

    4. Staff Reports: Marti Emerald joined us and discussed her move to--the soon to be--District 9, as she will be running for councilwoman in that district. She spoke of Colina Park, and Trojan Ave. repaving projects. Todd Jarvis (Lt.) will possibly be replacing McKinney at the Mid City police station. She discussed the improvement to 50th street and University where a new crosswalk has been installed to curb traffic-pedestrian problems. Islenair will be receiving historic street lights. One has been financed out of a total of 5 at $1500 each. Dia de los Muertos at the CH Urban Village on Oct. 28th.

    Anthony Bernal from Todd Gloria's office reported on street improvements and asked us to report contractor mistakes. Russ Connelly asked about arundo removal at Aburn Creek bed next to Mid City police garage and what is being done. Bernal replied that he would look into it. Guy Mock spoke on Home Ave. Park and the Euclid Gateway projects.

    Michael Prinz of the City Planning Dept. informed us of a Mid City BRT Workshop on Oct 29th with a location TBA.  There is a Urban Greening Plan for City Heights and the planning dept. will be looking for designers in the near future-Patty Vaccariello will be sitting on committee to choose designer. Youth seats: youth that will be seated on the board must be 16-18 (2 seats), and must have written permission from a legal guardian.  Awaiting Council action on bylaw changes to incorporate youth seats.

    Deanneka Goodwin from Susan Davis' office stopped in to tell us about an event at the last week of October for interested business persons curious about exporting. Medicare now has open enrollment starting Oct. 15, and Davis' office is available for any questions. 619 280 5353.

    5. Committee Comment: Jim spoke on the charter school proposal for Hoover High School and that the high school itself had not been informed about this situation and that he would keep the board informed as to the development of this story.  Ahmed spoke about Springfield College's Humanities Day Oct 13.
    Amanda informed us about Facelift on Oct 22, 7am-2pm at 46th and Olive.

5A. Chair Comment:  Russ spoke about attendance and COW requirements, the FS17 design subcommittee and upcoming formation of the 2012 election subcommittee.

6. Corrections to Minutes: David approved, minutes were unanimously passed.

7.1 Manzanita Canyon Action Plan - Eric Bowlby of San Diego Canyonlands presented his 6 point plan on open space protection with the following points to which the board agreed upon.

a. Development of Azalea Park Trail
b. Trailhead at Redwood and Central
c. Trail at 39th St. Cul-de-sac.
d. Multi use improvements to the utility access road.
e. Continued habitat restoration
f. Canyon corridor connectivity (i.e. Jamie's Way)

Q: Patty: What about habitat disturbance to natives: A: None. Q: David: stairways being undermined: A: The stairs used and created are placed in ground and composites of gravel are used to reduce water flow during peak rain. Q: Mazda: where the budget came from: A: San Diego Foundation and Price Charities.

Jim moved to support items a through e, but NOT f.  Motion seconded by Amanda.  Motion passed 12-0 with chair not voting.

7.2  Open Space/Parkland Dedication Plan – Eric Bowlby presentation.

Definitions: Designation - in the case of a parcel of land, this land has been "designated" as open space. This land can change status at any time, have development put on it or through it at any time without protection from the city council or the electorate.  Dedication - in the case of a parcel of land, this land has been "dedicated" as open space. Dedicated land is designated by State law or an act of City Council and cannot be used for any other purpose than a) being undeveloped, open land or, b) being recreated upon (trails, etc.). Dedication cannot be lifted from the parcel without a 2/3 majority vote by the electorate.

Patty moved approval of the 75.05 acre dedication of open space in City Heights as proposed with the possibility of adding Fox Canyon parcels not listed in the presentation. Russ added a friendly amendment to add the open space parcel behind the SWAT K-9 location on Federal Blvd. to the list for dedication.  David seconded the motion as amended.  Motion passed 12-0, chair did not vote.

The 2nd part of this discussion was to pass a motion: "Notwithstanding the changes that may occur during review, dedication of 11,433 acres proposed city-wide is supported by the CHAPC." Jenny 1st, Ahmed 2nd, passed 12-0 with Chair not voting.

8. Meeting adjourned: 8:09pm


Posted by fmpark on 08/03/2011
Last updated on 11/07/2011
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