City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes Feb to April 2011

April 4, 2011 CHAPC Meeting draft minutes


  1. Call to order – 6:33pm
    1. Introduction of members
    2. Adoption, 1st: Russ, 2nd: Mark K.
    3. Election subcommittee: Russ
      1. 62 votes cast
      2. Winners Announced
      3. New members seated

                                                     i.     Senab – Urban Studies and Planning: Focus on community development

                                                   ii.     Samantha –

  1. Thanks to all help and members
  2. Off agenda public comment
    1. Joyce Summers – CCDC:

                                                     i.     Ledgislature: Closer of money to redevelopment shelved.

                                                   ii.     City Council: Money allocation to Convention Center

                                                  iii.     Pedestrian Bridge open

                                                  iv.     Soundbytes: Horton Plaza – Airport Authority guest speaker tomorrow

                                                   v.     June 16th – Subs for Subs: Subcontractor networking

  1. Staff reports –
    1. Synthia (Marty Emerald):

                                                     i.     State of District, April 28th

                                                   ii.     Packer Clean up in Islenair: Special Thanks to Patty and Jessie

                                                  iii.     Medical Marijuana:

  1. 600ft away from most state run entities
  2. Costs of regulation are to be paid by cooperative
  3. 1 month implementation plan

                                                  iv.     Water main replacement throughout City Heights

  1. 5.5 miles throughout CH
  2. 9.2 mil

                                                   v.     Taxes: Free preperation locations

                                                  vi.     Patty Vac. Questions med. Mar.: Industrial zone of Home Ave.

  1. Is this the case for only location?
  2. Synthia will look into this

                                                 vii.     Guy Mock asks about methadone clinic and its 600ft buffer

  1. Mark –
    1. Amanda

                                                     i.     Facelift – June 11th, 54th and Trojan

  1. Kenton

                                                     i.     CivicBlue

                                                   ii.     I love a Clean San Diego, Creek to Bay Cleanup, April 30th

  1. David Nelson – urban village becoming run down
  2. Russ –

                                                     i.     Opening of Friends Peace center

                                                   ii.     Fairmount Park yard sale was success

  1. Jim –

                                                     i.     Letter of support for the Facelift

                                                   ii.     Attendance reminder for people wanting to join the board

  1. Guy Mock – Not board member wanted to touch on park issues at urban village

                                                     i.     Removal of handicaped ramps to keep people from hiding behind walls

                                                   ii.     Library security and park security been talked with

                                                  iii.     CHOP – plug for joining organization

  1. No minutes to edit
  2. Business agenda

                                                     i.     Traffic Division on Winona and University (Gary) –

  1. Lighted crosswalk
  2. Cutting back the curb in east bound lane
  3. Jose Lopez – Document of citizen comment
  4. Support by bicycle people – Vanbleck???
  5. Guy Mock – support of lights
  6. David Nelson – stripping needed
  7. David Bowen – bridge crossing
  8. Jessie – people don’t want to use the Winona crossing
  9. Pal??? – loss of lane will cause congestion
  10. Samantha – Likes striping, encourage pedestrians
  11. Patty – Scramble intersections. People will walk right through the landscaping. Decorative fencing
  12. Mazda – essential to keep traffic moving, slowing traffic is a bad idea.

                                                   ii.     Block Grants – Vickie

  1. Public comment on drafts for budget and annual action plan
  2. Patty – Do we have a list of funded projects? Projects are in this report (2nd half of the report). Look at top box of tables, project name present.
  3. Joyce Summer – asked about certain funding to a center
  4. David Nelson – balanced communities and not concentrating on low income? No, focused on providing low or mod income communities.
    1. Silliness of programs that are archaic… (exmp. AIDS housing programs)
    2. Guy Mock – requirements for audits: what do you do if you have less than 50k dollars? Guy has not been able to apply. Exclusion of small non-profit organiziations that should be getting the money.

                                                  iii.     Copley YMCA – future plans

  1. Tim Berry – expansion of the YMCA
    1. 3.5 acre parcel of former Pierson Ford site for Copley YMCA
    2. Leticia Leos – History of Copley YMCA
    3. Architect – Ken and Dean Smith
      1. East County YMCA (Mcgrath)
      2. Borderview YMCA
      3. Community Marketing Study
      4. 11-15 million total
      5. Prop 84 grant – did not get grant (4.8 million)
      6. 4.5 million raised.
      7. Patty Vec – how do we get this going with such small funding so far?
        1. Tim – We are confident.
        2. Steve Totten – explains Prop 84
          1. Grant deadline is July 1
          2. State is looking towards end of the year, November. To reward the grant.
          3. Phone surveys (600)
          4. Draft concept plan – Building structures, pools, parking
          5. Mark K – What will happen to old site? Park de la Cruz, continued operation through 2020. “Site will not become an eyesore.”
          6. Guy Mock – Will this count against park and rec monies? NO.  Is there an online form to fill out for public opinion? These surveys have to come from a community meeting, and is not accepted by the state.
          7. Mark Tran – Will membership prices change? No.
          8. Patty Vac – Copley charges are better than KROC center. Poll the members.
          9. Jessie – enjoys water aerobics
          10. Mazda – Best idea for City Heights. Compliments Price Charities and the Copley YMCA for doing this project.
          11. Amanda – What will you do to ensure that you’re keeping it local? How will you do RFPs so that local businesses have a chance at work in development? Tim thought that was an excellent question, and is noting it.
          12. Valentina – is it possible to keep that facility open? It is more accessible for certain people in the current location. Tear down current location and build skate park.
          13. David Nelson – Soccer field dimensions. Indoor outdoor pool issues.

                                                  iv.     SOHO – Bruce Coons

  1. Bypass bridge – wraps around museum of man and connects with parking lot south of Alcazar Garden and continues through north of palm Canyon and connects at entrance to Organ Pavillion.
    1. Paid for  by Dr. Jacobs as seed money

                                                                                                                 i.     Expected by other philantropists

                                                                                                               ii.     “Most distructive plan since the Bartholemew Plan.”

                                                                                                              iii.     19 community groups/organizations are against this.

  1. April 7th – Balboa Planning Committee – EIR, 6pm at Balboa Park Club
  2. April 18th – EIR, 6pm
  3. Randy V – how many parking places are at Insp. Point? +150, the parking needs to be utilized.
  4. Dan Soderberg - Quince street development and reopened – recommendation. Jacobs’ recommendation is catering to the car.

                                                   v.     Community Gardens –

  1. Changes to regulations?
    1. Russ – add zoning to community gardens to the list of zones for uses, but how will they create or locate the zones? They’re adding a layer of zoning but not specific on locality. City will dictate. The other problem is that there is no community comment rules written down in these regulations in process 2.
    2. Patty – Process 1 should be a process 2. Community needs to be notified. Where would a community garden be required a use permit? Residential areas (Russ). Environmentaly sensitive lands not talked about (Process 3, site develp permit).  It needs to be in the land development code.
    3. David Nelson – what changes have been made? Changes to zoning, and to allow community gardens in residental areas. What have they done to address costs? Cheaper rates in process 1. If process 2 it raises the cost.
    4. Patty – Did this come to the CPC? Yes, insisted on process 1 and a process 2. Make process 1, and notify the effected community planning group. Closest control we have to any of this.
    5. David – proposal to a process 1 modification? Yes
    6. Amanda – With process 3, does that mean that the group wanting them needs to fill out an EIR? Yes.
    7. David Neson – Motion , Patty 2nd

                                                                                                                 i.     Require modified process 1 in all zones

                                                                                                               ii.     Site development permits in ESL’s

  1. Russ – Comment on why he voted NO. It cant be a blank template for where ever people want to put them.

                                                  vi.     Vacant Disticts 2, 3, 4

  1. Valentina Hernandez – educator, community activist
    1. City Attorney – cannot be appointed 120 days after election

                                                 vii.     Volunteer for the officer search subcommittee

  1. Would you like to be _____ on the board?
  2. Sahrab, Mark Tran, Hong, ‘
    1. David Nelson – requests phone calls only
    2. Jessie volunteers to make name signs with much applaud.
    3. Jim will not run next year.
    4. Adjournment – 8:35pm


Draft Minutes March 7, 2011  CHAPC

1. 6:30 Call to order

2. mark ok’s agenda

3. Public Comment

               a. Joyce Summers CCDC –

                              Downtown Projects – listed those approved


                              Governor cancelled 4% tax cred

                              March 15 Pedestrian Bridge opens

                              Friday April 1st – Coffee with CCDC

               B. Marleen gonzalez – ConAn Property – City Heights Square

                              1,2,3 bed apts.

                              Hosting focus group March 25th, Price Charities Building

               C. David Bowen –

                              Crosswalk, Winona and 52nd

                              “Break traffic down to one lane.”

                              Says, “they’re pushing it through, and have not listened to the CHAPC.”

                              Jim said, “we will be discussing the changes for the next meeting

4. Staff Reports

               A. Michael Prinze-  SR15 Study –

                              Stakeholder group meeting – march 29th (TBA)

                              Report to be submitting in April.

               B. Courtney Thomson – Todd Gloria

                              State of the Distirct

                              Parade Info

                              Coffee with Todd, 10-1130, 4141 Adams Ave

               C. Bruce – Young Office

                              Redevelopment: Council voted to save projects in the 4th district

                              Redistricting: Meeting this Thursday, doubts CH will be effected

                              Small Business Loans: Winter storm effects

5. Committee Member Reports

               Patty – Polls are booming

               Amanda – June 11, Facelift, Colina Park, Trojan between 53 and 54th

               Val – Chocolate Sales

                              Washington DC club

                              Val pats herself on the back…

               Amade-County online applications for foodstamps

                              Jim asked for electronic flier

                              In-home support services, support reduction for the next 2 years

               Ahmed-Movie Night successful

                              CHOP member search, 3rd Wednesday of the month, Mid City police station

California Endowment – East African group chosen to come together to work for healthcare in City Heights.

               David-Redevelopment: It has saved Downtown and City Heights

                              Corruption within the redevelopment

                              We can’t afford redevelopment: Weed out the wealthy neighborhoods

                              Not supporting but, “what will they cut if they don’t cut this?”

               Mazda – “We sure could do with a good mayor in San Diego.”


               Joyce Summers interjected – Marty Emerald’s husband has passed away…

               Mark Kassab – 200 from Mark, 200 from Sam, 100 from Jim: DC trip


               Jim: March 16th- Redistricting 101, who, what, where, when, why?


6. Corrections to last month’s minutes


               Guy Mock – Not committee member

               “Val” needs to be changed to Valentina


7.1 Report on Groundwater Study – Greg Cross project mgr. Public Utilities of San Diego

               Wes Danskin USGS hydrologist

                              Drill multi completion monitoring well at Home and Federal

                              Water reliability issue in California: More pointedly in San Diego

                              Amanda- Who is responsible for maintenanace? City, USGS.

                              Valentina-How did you select the location? It’s west of a geologic situation

Wes Danskin – will drill well on May 1st at Cholla Lake, and then Federal later in the summer

Ahmed – What is the benefit? Benefit is that most of water comes external from this area, and is at political risk. A water supply that is local is better for the community.

Mazda – Environmental Studies? Feds are excempt from CEQA. How noisy? Less than freeway noise. 7am to 7pm drilling. How long to drill? 1 month.

Mark – How deep? 1500 feet. 

Mark Tran – Do you have to install a pump to extract the water?

Public Question – What are chances of hitting water at 1500 ft? It’s hard not to hit water.

Ahmed- $ 500,000 for drill, 10,000 a year for 5 pizometers. 10 years of data desired.

David-Are there active private wells? Yes. Are they salty because of the ocean? It’s hard to say, slow flow can also pick up salts. Why did San Diego abandon wells? 1913, 1914 the original wells came from Mission Valley and went to North Park… filtered , treated, and distributed, by the 1930s water was imported from El Capitan at a cheaper price, imported water has become more expensive, and now brackish well water is becoming cheaper to treat.

Valentina- Local hiring to do monitoring? Yes, locally, but not in the fashion you’re asking.

Sam – Wireless transmitter, is that a part of the USGS, interferrence with local wireless? No.

Jim- 100 year well, to report through satellite. If good water found, will a production well be created? Who owns the well? The city functionally owns it, but the federal government is responsible for the well. The federal government did not consider emminent domain? No, City owns it.

Public question- How much water is down there? We’ll have some answers on the amount, but at some point someone’s probably going to want to put in a production well.


7.2 Healthy Community Study –

               No one showed to represent this group.


7.3 No news yet on election results

7.4 Meeting adjournment 7:40pm




 DRAFT - Minutes of the

Meeting of February 7, 2011 6:30PM

3910 University Avenue

City Heights CA 92105


1.  6:33PM Call to Order and Introductions - Sam Charry, Russ Connelly, Kenton Finkbeiner, Val Hernández, Mark Kassab, Ahmed Malinomar, Mazda Mehraz, Amanda Moss, David Nelson, Jessie Sergent, Hong Tran, Mark Tran, Patty Vaccariello, Abdullahi Yusuf and Jim Varnadore formed a quorum.  Amadei Cheikgurei and Jenny Flanagan were absent.


2.  Russ moved, Ahmed seconded adoption of the agenda.  Passed 14/0/0 (chair not voting)


3.  Off-Agenda Public Comment:   Joyce Summers – CCDC Downtown;  The Governor’s actions to lessen funding to CCDC;  The Faulconer memo;  Lifting the CCDC Cap lifted;  CCDC to do outreach meetings;  PetCo Park issues;  Pedestrian bridge March 15th dedication.


Rosio Bergum – Resident and owner of La Jolla Painting:  What is the PAC doing to help the small businesses in City Heights so that they can get the jobs in the community?;   What is the percentage of the workforce that is actually working in City Heights on business within City Heights?


4.  Staff Reports:  Deanneka Goodwin of Susan Davis Staff:  Davis Dispatch; Office moved to Normal Heights (Oregon and Adams)


Aaron Allen of Juan Vargas staff:  Budget Issues; Big Box Legislation


Courtney Thomson of Todd Gloria staff:  Saturday Coffee on Feb 12, 10 to 1130am, at Alchemy in South Park;  Community Gardens


5.  Committee Comment:  Guy Mock - Multicultural Center reprieve and need to continue the MCC.; Jim - Committee elections in March;  David Nelson – Traffic that creates  gridlock - left turn arrows, stop signs that aren’t necessary;  Kenton – FVNA Code Compliance Report;  Russ – Election matters and FPNA-wide yard sale Saturday April 2nd;  Jessie – Multicultural Storefront fund raiser at Jasmine Seafood Restaurant;  Patty – Applications needed from Committee members Sam, Amadei, Val, Amanda, Mazda, Mark, Abdullahi;  Amanda – Teralta Movie,  and CHOP meeting each 3rd Wed of month at the sub-station.   Need volunteers;  Hong – Multilingual tax assistance is available at IRC.


6.  The minutes of January 3, 2011 were corrected


7.1 – Redistricting - Midori Wong the Redistricting Commission Chief of Staff offered a presentation about the City redistricting process and discussed the redistricting commission’s progress to date.   David Nelson asked to explain, the term “Community of Interest”  which can be used to create “safe” districts. Room for corrupt district line drawing.  Ms. Wong will forward her presentation via e-mail so the Committee members and others may see it.


7.2   The Chair solicited volunteers for Dist 2-12 and At Large-11 seats (action).  None replied


7.3  After discussion the Chair entertained a motion to declare the At Large-12 seat vacant by reason of absences.  Mark Kassab offered an explaination for the absences and asked to stay on the com-mittee.  No  motion was offered and the seat was not declared vacant.


 7.4  After discussion Val moved, Mazda seconded a motion to accept Laura Vale’s resignation.  The Committee voted  14/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.


7.5  The committee discussed the draft EIS of the SR-15 Bus Rapid Transit Project, comments for which are due Feb. 14.   The members were urged to review the EIS at the Caltrans website and offer individual comments.  No motion was offered.


7.6 The Committee reviewed a suggested list of scoping items for the environmental document to be prepared for the HOV/BRT lanes on SR-94.  After discussion, Russ moved, Patty seconded a motion to enter an addition item to the list, urging that the Market Street exits not be removed from the project, as the initial planning proposes.  The Committee voted  14/0/0 (chair not voting) and the motion passed.


8.  The Meeting was adjourned at 7:45PM to reconvene on March 7 at the time and place above.

Posted by fmpark on 03/02/2011
Last updated on 04/25/2011
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