City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes November 2009 to January 2010


Draft Minutes

Meeting of November 2, 2009 6:30PM

3910 University Avenue

City Heights CA 92105


Attendance:  p = present. a= absent 







Liz Avalon


Val Hernandez


Kasra Movahedi





Heather Bentley


Mark Kassab


Jeanette Neeley


Patty Vaccariello



Sam Charry


Ahmed Malinomar


David Nelson


Jim Varnadore



Bill Closson


Mazda Mehraz




Kyle Wienberg

p (7:30)


Russ Connelly


Amanda Moss


Jessie Sergent


Abdulahi Yusuf.




1.  Call to order and introductions


Call to order at 6:38.


2.  Adoption of the agenda


Changes to reflect that there were minutes for the October meeting. Also, November 16 rather than November 19 for the special meeting.


Russ motion, Jessie 2nd. Unanimously approved


3.  Remarks by Councilmember Gloria


Councilmember Gloria introduced himself and spoke about the City budget shortfalls. The current budget gap is very large at $200 million, and City Council will be reviewing the budget and considering cuts on December 14, 2009. He would like to get feedback from the community because much of the shortfall will have to be made up by cutting services and employees. Members of City Council will be in City Heights at Hoover High on Nov 21 to take public input. Todd also spoke regarding water restrictions and a community garden ordinance, then took questions. Patty Vaccariello asked a question regarding CDBG funds and Todd explained the differences in how the application and approval process will work from before, and explained that CDBG funds will be required to be spent on low income areas, which will likely benefit City Heights. More questions were asked regarding budgeting, CDBG, and possible uses of CDBG funds. Concerns were raised that the new rules would exclude smaller community groups.


4.  Other Staff reports and comment


Staff from Tony Young's office spoke regarding upcoming community meetings, and stated that Council is currently out of session.


Joyce Summer from CCDC spoke regarding Civic Center project and Central Library project. She also informed people about the CCDC website.


Bill Cegalka from Susan Davis's office said that Congress is back in session, and that there will be funding coming into San Diego for various projects, including Medical research, new Courthouse, and military projects. Also, unemployment benefits have been extended by 20 weeks in a recent bill, staff has been put in place to help veterans with housing and services in San Diego, and the tax credit for first time homebuyers will be extended.   


5.The October 5, 2009 minutes were approved with changes.


6.  Business Agenda:


   6.1 Solicit candidates for the vacant District 3-11 seat (Action)


Ahmedei Cheikgurei, a resident of District 3 (4159 Euclid Avenue)was nominated by Ahmned Malinomar with a 2nd by Kasra Movahedi. Approved 14/0/1.


   6.2 Solicit candidates for the vacant District 4-11 seat (Action)


Kenton Finkbeiner of Fairmount Village (Dwight and 45th) was nominated by Jeanette Neely with a 2nd by Patty Vaccariello. Approved 15/0/0



   6.3 Community Garden permit processing proposal (Action)


Ellee Igoe and Park Trottman from the 1 in 10 Project spoke regarding community gardens and the permitting process required to initiate a legal community garden. Some recent garden projects had very expensive processing from the City of San Diego to obtain a permit. The current proposal is a reduction from a process 2 discretionary permit to a process 1 ministerial permit. The application required would be much simpler, and the review would be less intensive, and the fees would be lower, but the garden would still be subject to code enforcement and the  City's leasing process if located on public lands. Park spoke regarding the differences between the Process 1 and Process 2 permits, and how Process 1 would be more consistent with other jurisdiction's permitting process, while Process 2 is prohibitively difficult for legal community gardens to be established without major funding sources. A change to process 1 would require that the community planning group relinquish design review for community gardens. Committee members questioned whether relinquishing local community review was desirable, and suggested that the 1 in 10 Project look toward fee waivers, the Park and Rec  Department policy, and the possibility of using an ordinance to create pilot projects, and whether design review of community gardens is really necessary.


Kasra Movahedi moved to approve changing from process 2 neighborhood use permit to process 1 ministerial process. Ahmed Malinomar seconded. Motion passed unanimously.





 17/0/0 CNV




Liz Avalon


Val Hernandez


Kasra Movahedi


Kenton Finkbinder



Heather Bentley


Mark Kassab


Jeanette Neeley


Patty Vaccariello



Sam Charry


Ahmed Malinomar


David Nelson


Jim Varnadore



Bill Closson


Mazda Mehraz


Ahmdie Cheikguei


Kyle Wienberg



Russ Connelly


Amanda Moss


Jessie Sergent


Abdulahi Yusuf.




   6.4 Request to support business uses of the sidewalks on El Cajon

       Boulevard for outdoor restaurant seating (Action)


Beryl Foreman of El Cajon BIA spoke in favor of sidewalk cafes, which have been requested by El Cajon Blvd businesses. City Heights and North Park both have Public Right of Way ordinances established. The BIA is requesting a letter of support from the Community Planning Group. Questions regarding whether uses other than sidewalk cafes would be allowed. Although it is possible to get other types of items allowed in ROW by the City, sidewalk cafes would be the only allowed uses in the BIA permits. Committee members asked whether it would only be for brick & mortar establishments, or if temporary carts would be allowed, and what types of alcohol policies would go along with these uses. Ms. Foreman stated that alcohol couldn't be served without additional special licenses. Additionally, every sidewalk cafe would have to abide by standards in the City's PROW packet, and the BIA would regulate who they would give a permit to. Discussion ensued regarding the differences between whether this would encourage non-restaurant uses and clutter of the right of way by businesses.


Kasra Movahedi moved to approve outdoor seating in the right of way to the within the guidelines established in the adopted City Heights BIA ROW standards for University Avenue. Patty Vaccariello seconded. Motion passed 10/2/5 CNV.








Liz Avalon


Val Hernandez


Kasra Movahedi


Kenton Finkbinder



Heather Bentley


Mark Kassab

abst - information

Jeanette Neeley

abst - information

Patty Vaccariello



Sam Charry


Ahmed Malinomar


David Nelson


Jim Varnadore



Bill Closson


Mazda Mehraz


Ahmedei Cheikguei

abst - information

Kyle Wienberg



Russ Connelly

abst - lack of info

Amanda Moss

abst - information

Jessie Sergent


Abdulahi Yusuf.




   6.5 Request to support installation of acorn lights in the El Cajon

       Boulevard Business Improvement District (Action)


Beryl Foreman, representing the El Cajon BIA stated that Talmadge planning group has approved placement of acorn lights north of El Cajon Blvd. The El Cajon BIA is now requesting input from the Committee on the placement of acorn lights south of El Cajon, including an opinion on color and materials.


Russ Connelly moved approval of acorn lights on Euclid Avenue in the El Cajon BIA in black. Liz Avalon made a friendly amendment the motion to stated that any new lights should be consistent with the Talmadge design. Patty Vaccariello seconded the motion and the ammendment.


Motion withdrawn.


Russ Connelly made a new motion to continue the lighting item to the next meeting with the request that Ms. Foreman bring back more information on lighting options, including the Talmadge recommendation, and any existing lighting of that type. Patty Vaccariello seconded the motion, which was. Unanimously approved.


   6.6  Solicit volunteers for and name the 2010 Election Subcommittee


Liz, Sam, Kyle, Valentina, Mazda, Amanda, Jim, Abdulahi, Kenton, and Ahmedei are eligible to serve.


Amanda, Sam, and Kenton will be on the committee.


7.  Off-agenda public comment


The Chair of the City Heights Town Council (CHTC) spoke about City Heights watch program and asked for volunteers.


8.  Committee member reports and comment


Mark Kassab announced that he opened his new store last week and they will celebrate the grand opening on the 4th, 5th, and 6th of December. Amanda Moss announced that the next Facelift will be June 6. Patty Vaccariello stated that last week there was a successful community facelift on Manzanita. Kenton stated that the inaugural Fairmount Village neighborhood association will be held in November. Ahmed has been elected to the PAC. Jim Varnadore reminded the Committee about the upcoming Home Avenue park meeting.


9.  Adjournment.  The Committee will reconvene on December 7, 2009 at the

    time and place listed above.




Meeting of December 7, 2009 6:30PM

3910 University Avenue

City Heights CA 92105


Draft Minutes

Attendance:  p = present. a= absent 







Liz Avalon

06:50:00 PM

Russ Connelly


Mazda Mehraz


Jessie Sergent



Heather Bentley


Kenton Finkbinder


Amanda Moss


Patty Vaccariello



Ahmedei Cheikguei


Val Hernandez


Kasra Movahedi


Jim Varnadore



Sam Charry


Mark Kassab


Jeanette Neeley


Kyle Wienberg



Bill Closson


Ahmed Malinomar


David Nelson


Abdulahi Yusuf.





1.  Call to order and introductions


Not recorded.


2.  Adoption of the agenda

Ahmed Malinomar moved to adopt the agenda. Kasra Movahedi seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.


3.  Off-agenda public comment


A representative from Walk San Diego thanked CHAPC for our participation in their meetings and trainings.


4.  Staff reports and comment


Not recorded.


5.  Committee member reports and comment


Heather Bently reported on the packer cleanup in Castle neighborhood. Liz Avalon reported that the Azalea Park neighborhood association is having a holiday potluck Tuesday evening at the Azalea Park rec center. Kasra Movahedi stated that the Crossroads PAC didn't meet last month, but their main focus was recently on removing a large pile of rubble that was created as a result of a project that was not completed. Kasra also reported on an upcoming conference call regarding the Census and its importance. Chair Varnadore informed the group about some of the Crossroads PAC history.  Ahmedei Cheiguei spoke about the County's response to H1N1 virus issues and that the County is also outsourcing some welfare to work and childcare programs to the private sector. Ahmed Malinomar congratulated Mark Kassab on the opening of his new store and said that the opening ceremony was very nice. Patty Vaccariello stated that CDBG funds have been divided into 4 categories, and that the CIP category will not fund design and documentation of projects, only construction. Jessie Sergeant spoke regarding the cutting of Police  Service Officer and Volunteer programs. Kenton Finkbinder reported that Fairmount Village Neighborhood Association had their inaugural meeting. They are going to be working on a project to prevent graffiti on a big wall and to have a showcase home each month. 


6.  Corrections to the Minutes of November 5, 2009


Postponed to next meeting


7.  Business Agenda:


   7.1 Report about sidewalks and walkability at John Marshall

       Elementary School (information)


Michelle Luellen of City Heights Community Development Corporation spoke regarding the City Heights walks to school grant. There are now 9 walk to school maps and 5 deficiency maps. Presentation discussed the final 3 maps to be presented to the community. Discussion ensued regarding the development, purpose, and content of the maps. Michelle also reported on the results of her presentation to the Crossroads PAC, which will be allocating funds toward planning and design of   improvements and sidewalks near Marshall elementary. Additionally, the City of San Diego is placing pedestrian curb ramps as a high priority due to availability of federal dollars, so requests for those improvements will likely result in fast action.


   7.2 Report about the I-15 Corridor rapid transit proposals



Not heard.


   7.3 Final action on street light choices for El Cajon Boulevard

       and Euclid Avenue (action)


The Committee reviewed the designs and locations previously provided over email. Discussion ensued regarding whether the provided materials sufficiently answered the questions from the previous meeting.


David Nelson moved approval conditioned that the light choice be consistent with whatever lighting already exists north of El Cajon Blvd. Jessie Sergent seconded.


Unanimously approved.




12/0/0 cnv




Liz Avalon


Russ Connelly


Mazda Mehraz


Jessie Sergent



Heather Bentley


Kenton Finkbinder


Amanda Moss


Patty Vaccariello



Ahmedei Cheikguei


Val Hernandez


Kasra Movahedi


Jim Varnadore



Sam Charry


Mark Kassab


Jeanette Neeley


Kyle Wienberg



Bill Closson


Ahmed Malinomar


David Nelson


Abdulahi Yusuf.





   7.4 Report from the Election Sub-committee Chair (information)

Chair Varnadore reported on the actions of the subcommittee.


8.  Adjournment at 7:40 pm.





Meeting of January 4, 2010 6:30PM

3910 University Avenue

City Heights CA 92105


Draft Minutes

Attendance:  p = present. a= absent 








Liz Avalon


Russ Connelly


Mazda Mehraz


Jessie Sergent



Heather Bentley


Kenton Finkbinder


Amanda Moss


Patty Vaccariello



Ahmedei Cheikguei


Val Hernandez


Kasra Movahedi


Jim Varnadore



Sam Charry


Mark Kassab


Jeanette Neeley


Kyle Wienberg



Bill Closson


Ahmed Malinomar


David Nelson


Abdulahi Yusuf.






1.  Call to order and introductions 6:35


2.  Adoption of the agenda

Russ Connelly moved, Jeanette Neeley seconded, unanimously approved with minor corrections.


3.  Off-agenda public comment

Joyce Summer of CCDC discussed some upcoming CCDC events.



4.  Staff reports and comment

Staff from Todd Gloria's office stated that State of the District speech will be Monday, February 1 at 6:30pm at the Old Globe Theater in Balboa Park.


5.  Committee member reports and comment

Chair Varnadore encouraged committee members to attend the State of the City address. David Nelson stated that there are no longer over the counter permits for  Liz Avalon stated that City Heights Square groundbreaking will occur on Friday January 8 at 11am. Jeanette Nealy spoke about the California Endowment project. Also, New Roots Community Garden will be having a celebration. Next meeting is at Wellness Center from 5-7pm on the 12th. Ahmed Malinomar spoke regarding the cab driver strike. Kenton Finkbinder spoke regarding Fairmount Village and planting vines on a large wall. Patty Vaccariello spoke regarding a new Doctor's office at Euclid and Dwight. This is the first project that conforms to the Community Plan.   Russ Connelly spoke regarding street lights that are out, and encouraged people to call or email the city streets department to file a complaint report at 619-527-7500.


6.  Corrections to the Minutes of November 2 and December 7, 2009


November and December minutes adopted without changes.


7.  Business Agenda:


   7.1 Home Avenue Park features, funding, construction, etc.; and the

       status of Home Avenue after completion. (Action)


Debbie Van Martin of the City Engineering Department along with Darren Greenhorn presented a project to create a new park at Home Avenue at Menlo. The park purpose is to provide play areas for children aged 2-12 and also an off-leash dog run. A concrete pad and utilities will be provided for the future construction restroom facility. There is also a buffer area and trail proposed adjacent to the Auburn Creek tributary of Chollas Creek. Black metal fencing to match the Police Substation as well as new sidewalks will run along the street frontage and a signal will be provided for pedestrian street crossings. Committee questions regarding lack of community input on 6 foot fence height, activity since May 2008 cycle issues report, and possible project requirement of widening of Home Avenue. Ms. Van Martin requested that comments be focused on items in plan presented tonight, and sated that the project as proposed does not include widening of Home Avenue to 4 lanes. Chair Varnadore expressed concerns regarding possible undedication of Park Area to allow for additional dedicated road right of way. This would be a significant issue because the park is very narrow to begin with. Committee also asked about EIR mitigation requirements from other agencies, and removal of arundo plants. Ms. Van Martin stated that the arrundo will be removed and replaced with native plants. Committee also recommended that there be a parkway space between travel lanes and sidewalk. Public questioned   what the handicap accessibility of the park and park amenities, including basketball courts, as well as parking requirements for neighborhood parks. Public commented that traffic forecast of Mid City Community Plan does not reflect conditions following I-15 opening, and that the idea of unmitigable conditions requiring widening of Home are unfounded. Another Committee member provided a dissenting opinion regarding whether a park should be held up because of issues in the Community Plan. Planning Group members stated need for parking restrictions to ensure that site will be accessible to people in the neighborhood. Questions regarding amenities included whether water fountains and toilet facilities would be available.


Clarifications were requested on existing and proposed street right of way. City staff stated that existing right of way is 40' from centerline (80' total) with 20' of existing asphalt from the centerline to the curb. The proposed widening would be within the 40' from centerline dedicated right of way, and there would be 30' of asphalt from centerline and 10' of sidewalk and parkway. The property line of the park would be unchanged, but the fence, which was originally proposed to be at the property line would be moved to 5' inside the property line and that the 5' strip between the right of way and fence line would be restricted so that no park amenities would be built in case the right of way needed to be widened.


Committee expressed dismay that environmental documents have not been completed, as it is not possible to secure funding until the environmental documentation is complete.


Liz Avalon made a motion to state the Committee's support for the Home Avenue park and request that the Park plans be revised to include the following committee recommendations:

1. inclusion of toilet facilities

2. a 4' height restriction for the fence along Home Avenue

3. either a 3 hour maximum or no overnight parking restriction on the entire street frontage along Home Avenue

4. inclusion of a landscaped parkway between the street curb and sidewalk.


Patty Vaccariello seconded the motion. Russ Connelly made a friendly ammendment (accepted by Avalon and Vaccariello) to include the following additional recommendation:

5. inclusion of a plan for arundo removal in the park area.


Approved unanimously.



15/0/0 cnv





Liz Avalon


Russ Connelly


Mazda Mehraz


Jessie Sergent



Heather Bentley


Kenton Finkbinder


Amanda Moss


Patty Vaccariello



Ahmedei Cheikguei


Val Hernandez


Kasra Movahedi


Jim Varnadore



Sam Charry


Mark Kassab


Jeanette Neeley


Kyle Wienberg



Bill Closson


Ahmed Malinomar


David Nelson


Abdulahi Yusuf.





   7.2 Report about the I-15 Corridor rapid transit proposals.



Jeanette Neely introduced Sheila Mitra-Sarkar of the Institute of Public Urban Affairs at San Diego State University to give her thoughts on the Mid City BRT and Transit Plaza.


The Committee expressed concerns and frustration that CHAPC has been excluded from the project planning process, but asked that Ms. Mitra-Sarkar provide her analysis of what the biggest issues with each of the 4 proposed options within the project are.


   7.3 Application for permits for a warehouse at 1740 47th Street

       (PTN190957) (Action)


Roberto Espinoza presented the proposed warehouse development project.  Project would include grading 2.86 acres, a 19 foot tall 386 ft long retaining wall, and construction of a 13,000 square foot warehouse/office. Need a site development permit for environmentally sensitive lands and variance for height of retaining wall. Warehouse  would be prefabricated metal building with docking for 40 trucks. Retaining wall will be keystone block with planting pockets for full coverage vegetation. Committee members made suggestions regarding sound dampening, hard angles on retaining walls and grading, and screening of site with evergreen rather than deciduous trees. Committee also requested more information on how the historic burn-ash-dump site on the property will be be addressed. Applicant stated that a design for capping the dump site is being developed for city approval.


Kasra Movahedi left the meeting.


Motion by Liz Avalon to defer a recommendation on the site development permit and retaining wall variance continue item with invitation for applicant to return with additional information regarding landscape screening of buildings and  trucks, evergreen rather than deciduous tree choices, rounding off the hard angles on proposed retaining walls, and sound dampening measures, financial information, and proposed building design details. second by Patty Vaccariello




 14/0/0 cnv





Liz Avalon


Russ Connelly


Mazda Mehraz


Jessie Sergent



Heather Bentley


Kenton Finkbinder


Amanda Moss


Patty Vaccariello



Ahmedei Cheikguei


Val Hernandez


Kasra Movahedi


Jim Varnadore



Sam Charry


Mark Kassab


Jeanette Neeley


Kyle Wienberg



Bill Closson


Ahmed Malinomar


David Nelson


Abdulahi Yusuf.





   7.4 Recommendations for where to prohibit for-sale-parking (Action)


Elaine May, a resident on Central Avenue stated that there is no parking available for residents at Central and near El Cajon because of large number of vehicles parked for sale. She is requesting a restriction on  for sale vehicle parking on the 4300 block of Central Avenue. Committee members suggested that restrictions also be placed on the length of Home Avenue, University, and El Cajon, Fairmount.


Motion by David Nelson to restrict the parking of for sale cars on the 4300 block of Central and 4300 block of Marlborough and to revisit the item for further suggestions next month. Ahmed seconded.








Liz Avalon


Russ Connelly


Mazda Mehraz


Jessie Sergent



Heather Bentley


Kenton Finkbinder


Amanda Moss


Patty Vaccariello



Ahmedei Cheikguei


Val Hernandez


Kasra Movahedi


Jim Varnadore



Sam Charry


Mark Kassab


Jeanette Neeley


Kyle Wienberg



Bill Closson


Ahmed Malinomar


David Nelson


Abdulahi Yusuf.





7.5 Report from the Election Sub-committee Chair (information)


Sam Charry made the report. 10 seats are up for election, two of which are currently held my members who would need a 2/3 majority approval for re-election if they choose to run again because they have served for 8 consecutive years.


8.  Adjournment.  The Committee will reconvene on February 1, 2010 at the time and place listed above.




Posted by fmpark on 11/30/2009
Last updated on 01/23/2010
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