City Heights Area Planning Committee

Minutes Feb 2009 - April 2009

February 2009

Meeting of February 2, 2009 6:30PM
3910 University Avenue
City Heights CA 92105

Attendance: p = present. a= absent
Liz Avalon p
6:35 Russ Connelly p Mazda Mehraz p Jessie Sergent p
Heather Bentley p
6:40 Valentina Hernandez p
6:45 Kasra Movahedi a DJ Taylor p
Jose Cervantes a Tim Jung a Jeanette Neeley p Patty Vaccariello p
Sam Charry p Mark Kassab p David Nelson p Jim Varnadore (Chair) p
Bill Closson a Ahmed Malinomar p Mohamed Omar p Abdulahi Yusuf. p

1. Call to order and introductions

2. Adoption of the agenda

Russ Connelly moved to add November 2008 minutes to the agenda. Jessie 2nd. Passed unanimously.

3. Off-agenda Public Comment

Councilmember Marti Emerald spoke and introduced the 7th District staff. Marisa Berumen, Chris Pearson, Kim Nguyen, Nathan Batchelder, Bonnie Pearson,Cynthia Harris, Don Mullen, Xema Jacobson. They are working to obtain a community office space at 54th and University.

4. Staff reports and comment

Anthony Bernal, staff for Councilmember Todd Gloria introduced himself.

Nick Norvell, Congresswoman Davis's office introduced Bill Cegelka, who will be the new City Heights person.

5. Committee member reports and comment

Valentina Hernandez announced a Swan Canyon cleanup.

6. Corrections to the Minutes of January 5, 2008

Russ Connelly corrected several misspellings in the January Minutes.

Corrections to the Minutes of November 3, 2008.

Russ Connelly noted that there were two items that were continued to the next meeting but have not been placed on an agenda yet. Chair Varnadore will book a discussion of ABCD licenses on the March agenda.

7. Business Agenda

7.1 Euclid Avenue Striping proposal (Action)

Gary Pence and Monica Firsht from the City of San Diego introduced a new striping plan for Euclid Avenue. They have conducted an accident analysis and determined that most accidents occurred when vehicles hit parked cars. They are therefore proposing to install edgeline striping to separate the parking lane from the driving lane. This will result in a 10 foot travel lane and an 8 foot parking lane.

Patty Vaccariello recommended approval as presented by staff with the additional recommendation that all corners be reviewed for red curbing and that the striping not preclude future installation of sidewalks or other traffic calming devices. Ahmed Malinomar seconded the motion.

Liz Avalon y Russ Connelly y Mazda Mehraz y Jessie Sergent y
Heather Bentley y Valentina Hernandez y Kasra Movahedi -- DJ Taylor y
Jose Cervantes -- Tim Jung -- Jeanette Neeley y Patty Vaccariello y
Sam Charry y Mark Kassab y David Nelson y Jim Varnadore (Chair) cnv
Bill Closson -- Ahmed Malinomar y Mohamed Omar y Abdulahi Yusuf. y

Moved: Vaccariello Second: Malinomar Vote: 15/0/0 CNV

7.2 City Heights Square - Substantial Conformance Review (Action)

This item was presented as an information item rather than an action item.

Rich Juarez from Price Charities presented the latest version of the City Heights Square Development, including changes made for the construction design. The item will be presented to the City in approximately 2 weeks. Changes included moving relocating administrative offices, reductions in square footage of commercial space, office space relocated to the 1st floor, activity center and bbq area relocated to the 5th floor, additional solar panels, and a residential unit moved from the 5th to the 2nd floor.

Committee asked questions regarding ornamentation on garage gates so they don't appear jail-like, whether the 5th floor activity area will have same features as previously proposed at rooftop location, why parking locations were moved to University and the number of solar panels.

David Nelson moved approval of the substantial conformance as presented. Mark Kassab seconded the motion.
Liz Avalon y Russ Connelly y Mazda Mehraz y Jessie Sergent y
Heather Bentley y Valentina Hernandez y Kasra Movahedi -- DJ Taylor y
Jose Cervantes -- Tim Jung -- Jeanette Neeley y Patty Vaccariello y
Sam Charry y Mark Kassab y David Nelson y Jim Varnadore (Chair) cnv
Bill Closson -- Ahmed Malinomar y Mohamed Omar y Abdulahi Yusuf. y

Moved: Nelson Second: Kassab Vote: 15/0/0 CNV

7.3 Election Subcommittee progress report (information)

Russ Connelly gave the presentation. The subcommittee last met on January 20, will meet again February 4. Previous members have been asked to run again. The deadline for applicants is 5pm, Saturday, February 21, 2009. Three applications have been received so far.

7.4 Consider any volunteers to fill vacancies in Dist 1-09 and School/Nonprofit-09 seats. Volunteers must meet all the requirements for the seat (action).

No volunteers or nominations were presented. Seats will be placed on next ballot.

8. Adjournment at 8:00pm.

March 2009

Meeting of March 2, 2009 6:30PM
3910 University Avenue
City Heights CA 92105

Attendance: p = present. a= absent
Liz Avalon p
6:35 Russ Connelly p Mazda Mehraz p Jessie Sergent p
Heather Bentley p
Valentina Hernandez p
Kasra Movahedi p DJ Taylor p

Jose Cervantes a Tim Jung a Jeanette Neeley p
6:45 Patty Vaccariello p
Sam Charry p Mark Kassab p David Nelson p Jim Varnadore (Chair) p
Bill Closson a Ahmed Malinomar p Mohamed Omar p
6:35 Abdulahi Yusuf. p

1. Call to order and introductions

2. Adoption of the agenda

Agenda adopted.

3. Off-agenda Public Comment
Eri Kameyana - From CCDC, spoke regarding proposed developments and park space downtown.
Amanda Ross - Police advisory meeting is on 4th at Rolando Methodist Church.

4. Staff reports and comment

Kim Nguyen from Councilmember Emerald's office stated that the community office space will not be happening due to costs. Additionally, the Park & Rec Committee sent a memo out stating that they would be returning 2+ million dollar grant originally designated for Fox Canyon, but Councilmember Emerald is working to keep that money in the City. The Committee suggested the funds could be put toward the Home Avenue Park.

Bill Cegelka from Congresswoman Davis's office gave an update on her activities and Congress's work in the budget and on the economy, as well as upcoming tax breaks.

Bruce Williams from Councilmember Young's office thanked people for coming out to meet with Council.

5. Committee member reports and comment

Jessie Sergent stated they are still looking for volunteers for Community Court. Patty Vaccariello said that in the 6th floor community room of Price Building at 6pm Monday March 9, 2009, there will be a conference on redevelopment money and how it will be spent. Jeanette Neeley reported on a Park and Rec meeting where Representative Roosevelt stated that Home Avenue would not be widened and that they would work to keep the Park& Rec funds on local park projects. Kasra Movahedi reported on the Crossroads PAC meeting and that they are looking to fix sidewalks on El Cajon Boulevard. He also reported that the IRC was recently recommended for a SANDAG grant related to transit and job accessibility. David Nelson reported on the construction of a new carwash on Home Avenue and on the new code enforcment officers hired by the City Heights PAC and the Crossroads PAC. Valentina Hernandez reported on the City budget meeting held at Hoover and also on grafitti removal.

6. Corrections to the Minutes of February 2, 2008

Continued to next meeting.

7. Business Agenda

7.1 School District (Tony Razo) proposal for road humps near Mary Lanyon Fay school (action)

Tony Razo gave a report on Prop M school improvements, including installation of speed humps on 52nd street at 2 locations near Otilie Place as well as relocation of the bus drop off. The site was challenging because of speed, vertical curves, and because it is a fire department emergency route. Humps will be located on Southbound (downhill) side of street only. Questions were raised whether people would drive around the side of the speed hump. The committee also raised questions regarding placing a crosswalk location at an uncontrolled intersection and whether a pedestrian controlled light will be put in place. He said the option was raised to the City during the planning process and declined.

David Nelson made a motion to approve and write a letter of support. Patty Vaccariello seconded the motion.

Liz Avalon y
Russ Connelly ab Mazda Mehraz y Jessie Sergent y
Heather Bentley y
Valentina Hernandez y
Kasra Movahedi y DJ Taylor y

Jose Cervantes Tim Jung Jeanette Neeley y
Patty Vaccariello y
Sam Charry y Mark Kassab y David Nelson y Jim Varnadore (Chair) cnv
Bill Closson y Ahmed Malinomar ab Mohamed Omar y
Abdulahi Yusuf. y

Motion: Nelson Second: Vaccariello Passed 15/0/2 CNV

7.2 Discussion of Auburn Creek and the larger Chollas Creek complex with a view to making recommendations about whether they should be called drainage channels (action)

Chair Varnadore gave a background on the Chollas Creek enhancement plan and how it addresses creeks and their preservation plans. Preservation plans for the creeks included a requirement that there would be no development within 20 feet of lip above top of creek. Recently the City has been identifying the creek as a drainage channel. Discussion from committee and public regarding whether the concrete lined sections are considered creek or drainage channel, and the creek's designation and requirements under the clean water act to keep these creeks clean due to their recreational designations. Concerns were stated that if the recreational designation is removed, the City will not have to maintain cleanliness of the waterway. Other comments made regarding flooding patterns during rains, desire of community to prevent future channelization of creeks and to restore areas to natural habitat, .

DJ Taylor moved that the CHAPC Chair write a letter to the City staff insisting that they cease and desist at referring to Chollas and Auburn Creeks as drainage channels rather than creeks and that they study the feasibility of returning the lined portion of the creeks to their natural state. 2nd by Valentina Hernandez.

Liz Avalon y Russ Connelly ab Mazda Mehraz y Jessie Sergent y
Heather Bentley y Valentina Hernandez y Kasra Movahedi y DJ Taylor y
Jose Cervantes Tim Jung Jeanette Neeley y Patty Vaccariello y
Sam Charry y Mark Kassab y David Nelson ab Jim Varnadore (Chair) cnv
Bill Closson y Ahmed Malinomar ab Mohamed Omar y Abdulahi Yusuf. y

Motion: Taylor Second: Hernandez Passed 15/0/2 CNV

7.3 The Chair will appoint some or all of the election sub-committee members to an officer search sub-committee (action)

Heather Bentley & DJ Taylor volunteered to be on the search committee.

7.4 The Election Sub-committee chair announces election results if they are available (information). If not available at the meeting, the Committee will distribute the results by e-mail and by posting at the meeting place.

Election results were not yet available.

8. Adjournment. The Committee will reconvene on April 6, 2009 at
the time and place listed above.

The meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.

April 2009

Draft Minutes
Meeting of April 6, 2009 6:30PM
3910 University Avenue
City Heights CA 92105

Attendance: p = present. a= absent
Liz Avalon a Russ Connelly p Mazda Mehraz p Jessie Sergent p
Heather Bentley p
Valentina Hernandez P
6:58 Kasra Movahedi p
6:45 DJ Taylor p

Jose Cervantes a Tim Jung a Jeanette Neeley p
Patty Vaccariello p
Sam Charry p Mark Kassab p
7:00 David Nelson p Jim Varnadore (Chair) p
Bill Closson p Ahmed Malinomar p
6:58 Mohamed Omar a Abdulahi Yusuf. p

1. Call to order and introductions

2. Agenda adopted with emendations

3. The Election Sub-committee chair accepted the gavel, announced the results of the March election, and seated new member Amanda Moss.

4. There was no off-agenda Public Comment.

5. There were no staff reports and comment

6. Committee member reports and comment

Members commented on fare increases and service reductions at the Metropolitan Transit System and the North County Transit District.

7. The Minutes of April 6, 2009 were accepted as tendered

8. Business Agenda

8.1 Victoria Joes of the San Diego Housing Commission briefed the Committee on the City’s draft consolidated plan for 2009-2014 and answered questions about the plan.

8.2 The Committee heard a request to move an existing ABC License from its present building, which will be demolished, into a new building to be constructed. After discussion, Nelson moved, Connelly seconded to approve, provided all the present conditions on the license are retained as is. The Committee voted 14/0/1 with one recusal for cause and the Chair not voting. Members voted as follows:

Liz Avalon a Val Hernandez y Amanda Moss y DJ Taylor y
Heather Bentley y Mark Kassab rec Jeanette Neeley y Patty Vaccariello y
Sam Charry y Ahmed Malinomar abs David Nelson y Jim Varnadore cnv
Bill Closson y Mazda Mehraz y Mohamed Omar a Abdulahi Yusuf. y
Russ Connelly y Kasra Movahedi y Jessie Sergent y

8.3 The Committee reviewed a final recommendation from the City Attorney to change parts of the draft by-laws. After discussion, Nelson moved, Taylor seconded to approve the recommendation and to retain a Committee preference for requiring candidates for election to have attended one or more meetings prior to the meeting (usually in March) at which the elections are held.

Liz Avalon a Val Hernandez y Amanda Moss y DJ Taylor y
Heather Bentley y Mark Kassab y Jeanette Neeley y Patty Vaccariello y
Sam Charry y Ahmed Malinomar y David Nelson y Jim Varnadore cnv
Bill Closson y Mazda Mehraz y Mohamed Omar a Abdulahi Yusuf. y
Russ Connelly y Kasra Movahedi y Jessie Sergent y

8.4 The committee reviewed and discussed the City’s priorities for its Neighborhood Code Compliance Department. After review, the Committee proposed several changes which are contained in the attached memorandum.

8.5 The chairman asked for volunteers to be on the officer search committee. Heather Bentley and DJ Taylor accepted and were appointed.

9. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25PM to reconvene May 4, 2009

****attached Memorandium 8.4*********
April 13, 2009

MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Neighborhood Code Compliance

From: Jim Varnadore, Chair ________

Subj: Code Enforcement and Priorities

1. At its April meeting, the Committee reviewed the code enforcement priority list and offers the following suggestions for improvement:

- Add a bullet to Priority II to prohibit commercial activities in the public right-of-way (PROW), including pre-holiday gift sales, intru-sions into the PROW by adjacent businesses, and unlicensed food vending.

- Move “Building, electical, plumbing, and mechanical violations” from Priority II to Priority III.

- Move “Overheight fences or walls that are hazardous or block visibility” from Priority II to Priority III.

- Add a bullet to Priority III to prohibit “parking vehicles-for-sale in the PROW”.

- Move “Garages illegally converted to living space” from Priority III to Priority II.

- Move “Illegal uses” from Priority III to Priority II.

- Change the noise reduction entry in Priority III to respond to “Noise that disturbs at least two separate households”. Eliminate the noise entry in the No Code Compliance Action category.

- Move “Garage sales” from No Code Compliance Action to Priority III and expand to include “yard and sidewalk sales”.

- Move “Removal of required landscaping” from No Code Compliance Action to Low Priority.

Posted by fmpark on 05/04/2009
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