Chevington Woods

Trustee meeting minutes 5/17/04


May 17, 2004

Vice President Briggs called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.

The presiding officer ascertained the presence of a quorum with six (6) trustees in attendance:

Mark Briggs, Vice President
Don Roeder, Treasurer
Will Snell, Secretary
Julie Squier
Janet Price
Teresa Hartley

The Chair noted that President Comanita was absent for just cause.

Reading of the minutes: The Chair noted the minutes of the April 26, 2004 regular meeting had been previously distributed via email to the trustees and advised, that if there were no objections, the minutes could be approved as distributed. Trustee Squier moved to waive the reading of the minutes; the motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Roeder presented his report to the Trustees assembled. He also noted all of the CWCA monies had been transferred to National City Bank except the Certificate of Deposit. He further advised that he would transfer the proceeds from the CD to the National City checking account upon maturity later in May and the Trustees could discuss and decide future investments at the June 2004 meeting.

Reports of Standing Committees:

Deed Restriction Committee:

Committee Member/Trustee Snell reported that he had contacted Matt LaBuhn as instructed by the Trustees at the April meeting. The law firm of Onda, LaBuhn & Rankin Co., LPA had agreed to serve as counsel to the CWCA and the necessary retainer arrangements had been completed. He further reported that the Committee would be meeting with counsel shortly and that Attorney LaBuhn and Rankin had agreed to meet with the Committee but would only charge the CWCA for the attendance of one attorney. The reason given by counsel for having two attorneys in attendance was that Attorney LaBuhn is the Ohio Revised Code real estate/deed restriction expert and Attorney Rankin is the experienced trial attorney should any issue go to trial. After a general discussion it was the unanimous opinion among the Trustees present that enforcement of deed restrictions would be vigorously pursued with the advice of counsel.

Yard of the Month Committee

Chairperson Squier reported on the progress the committee was making in regard to obtaining flags for the North and South winners each month. After further discussion the Chair expressed his appreciation to Trustee Squier and her committee for the work they were doing and noted the Trustees present were certainly supportive of this project.

Unfinished Business:

Liability Insurance

Secretary Snell reported that he had received a quote via email from Best Hoovler McTeague Insurance Services for a $500 annual premium for the CWCA to carry its own liability insurance as a single entity. It was noted that the quote was for general liability coverage only but, nevertheless, represented a significant savings for the CWCA compared to past insurance costs.

Following a lengthy discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Snell, duly seconded and passed without dissent, that the Secretary should contact Best Hoovler McTeague Insurance Services, who currently handles joint insurance coverage for both the Chevington Recreation Club (Pool) and the CWCA, in an effort to negotiate coverage for CWCA as a single entity for general liability insurance, property damage coverage for the entrance walls and a financial bond (employee theft) for the officers who have access to the CWCA bank accounts. The question of insurance coverage will remain open pending a final vote via email by the Trustees present and voting in an effort to have coverage in place by June 1, 2004 when the current coverage expires.

New Business:

Trustee Hartley addressed the Trustees present in regard to a need for a Budget Committee or similar body to review and project costs associated with the current maintenance of infrastructure, social activities for the children such as Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc. and future capital improvements to the community such as playground equipment at the North Reserve. It was also noted that deed restriction enforcement demands from residents had prompted the Trustees to retain counsel and litigation could become a significant cost to the CWCA. It was the consensus of opinion among the trustees that the CWCA financial house was in order but projected expenses should be addressed.

Following a lengthy and lively discussion it was the consensus of opinion that the CWCA would steadily move forward on deed restriction enforcement. The Trustees would also direct their immediate attention to updating both the deed restriction provisions and CWCA Bylaws, with the advice of counsel, and then submit both to community review/discussion at a public meeting prior to a vote by all CWCA members in good standing.

Subsequently, Trustee Price made a motion that the Trustees review expenses by category for the years 2003 and 2004, to date, and have further discussion in regard to the dues structure and future financial needs of the Chevington Woods Civic Association. The motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent.

Following discussion of matters of general interest, presiding officer Briggs called for any other business to come before the Trustees. Hearing none, presiding officer Briggs noted that he would entertain a motion to adjourn. Trustee Squier so moved, the motion was duly seconded and passed without dissent. The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Will Snell, Secretary

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