Chevington Woods

Annual Membership Meeting 12/15/06



DECEMBER 15, 2006
Seton Parish Activity Center
Pickerington, Ohio

Call to order: President Comanita called the meeting to order at 7:24 p.m. and noted that a quorum was present. There were 103 residents in attendance representing 76 lots. The CWCA member (lot owner) sign in sheets are on file and made a part of these minutes by reference.

During opening remarks the President thanked the residents present for attending. She introduced the officers and Trustees present. She also noted the presence of Denny Tumblison and thanked him for his many years of service to the CWCA. She went on to advise the members present what the Trustees had attempted to do for the community and that the policy of enforcing deed restrictions and preserving property values would continue. She noted Chevington Woods was indeed a nice community and it was intended that it maintain that status in Violet Township.

Election of Trustees: The President then appointed a Teller Committee to count the ballots for the election of Trustees as follows:

Chairman, Tom Besser, Area 11
Member: Barbara Tom, Area 5
Member: Becky Mazurek, Area 4

The Teller Committee collected the ballots and retired to an adjacent room to begin their work.

Reading of the Minutes of the last membership meeting:

The Chair called for the reading of the minutes of the last membership meeting held on June 19, 2006. The Secretary read the minutes. The Chair called for any additions or corrections. Hearing none, the minutes were approved as read.

The Chair then called for any correspondence received. Letters and emails were read from residents who could not attend but wrote in support of the current efforts of the Trustees.

Treasurer’s report:

Treasurer Murphy noted a balance sheet and P&L Statement were included with the documents the residents received when registering for the meeting. He made a brief review and stood for questions from the members present.

Resident Alex Manukian rose to ask what accounts receivable were? The Treasurer responded that the CWCA had chosen to use QuickBooks as a computer accounting program to keep accurate records. The QuickBooks format required that dues monies due and payable be classified as accounts receivable.

Trustee Snell rose to explain that Treasurer Murphy was not a trustee when the CWCA Trustees made the decision to switch from the previous format of keeping the CWCA books, i.e. Lotus spreadsheets that did not reflect an accepted bookkeeping system. Secretary Snell noted that, as Secretary of the Audit Committee, he served on the CWCA Audit Committee and assisted in the transition of the CWCA records to a more accurate format of QuickBooks.

Trustee Snell then noted that some residents had questioned the “cash” versus “accrual” method of accounting and that it was accepted by almost all CPA’s that the accrual method was the most accurate and gave a more detailed accounting of monies received and monies spent.

Resident Manukian then questioned the term “retained earnings” on the financial statements. Trustee Snell explained that QuickBooks had proprietary accounting codes that could not be changed by the normal user of the program. Thus, even though we were a non-profit organization, any monies considered as retained over and above expenses must be classified as retained earnings. Trustee Snell also noted that there were some non-profit computer accounting programs available but they cost so much more than QuickBooks the Trustees decided that QuickBooks was adequate.

Resident Manukian then questioned the opening balance when the CWCA trustees transferred accounting records to QuickBooks. Trustee Snell advised that the reconciliation of the period November and December, 20003 was reconciled before the transition was made. However, he noted a more recent report reflecting the same numbers had been made available to CWCA counsel and was available to counsel for the plaintiffs. Trustee Snell noted that all monies were accounted for and not one penny was missing.

Resident Gary Peterman rose to question current liabilities. Treasurer Murphy explained they were routine except for the current legal fees.

Resident Alex Manukian rose to challenge the legal expense monies spent on the Rozler fence issue. He contended the Violet Township Trustees would have handled the problem with no charge to the CWCA. Trustee Snell said he welcomed the question because of all the misinformation being distributed throughout Chevington Woods. He explained that the misinformation had stated that the township would have handled the problem with no expense to the CWCA. However, the residents who distributed the flyers throughout Chevington Woods failed to note that there is no Township prohibition in regard to fences in front of the residence. The Chevington Woods deed restrictions prohibit such fences. Accordingly, the CWCA had no choice but to challenge the erection of the fence if the CWCA deed restrictions were to remain intact.

President Comanita then introduced CWCA counsel Tim Rankin and asked him to address the meeting. Attorney Rankin presented a brief presentation to the residents gathered in regard to the current activities of the Civic Association.

President Comanita then advised there would be resident participation but each resident speaking should limit his/her comments to 5 minutes so everyone wishing to speak would have an opportunity to do so.

Resident Jan O’Daniel rose to ask, “Why am I here?” Attorney Rankin then explained that is was obvious the large turnout for the membership meeting was the interest generated in regard to enforcement of deed restrictions. Also, that it appeared most residents wanted the deed restrictions enforced but some residents were resisting and there was litigation pending.

Resident Georgianna Soltis rose to thank the current Trustees for their efforts in enforcing deed restrictions and protecting the property values of the community.

Resident Kevin Katchmar stated that he supported the efforts of the Trustees but he thought they needed some improvement in means of communication with the residents. Secretary Snell responded that he agreed and thought the Trustees should explore better means of communication but some residents indicated they did not want visits, phone calls or even U.S. Mail. Attorney Rankin added the citation letters could be reworded to be more cordial and he would assist the Trustees in that endeavor.

Resident Ed Lutz rose to support the Trustees. He stated that he knew about the deed restrictions when he moved into the neighborhood and the Trustees had handled the enforcement of deed restrictions well.

Resident Gordon Greenman ask for a copy of the original Articles of Incorporation and a copy of the original bylaws. CWCA Secretary Snell responded that he too would like to see a copy of the original bylaws but he did not have one on file.
[Copy of Articles of Incorporation and copy of current bylaws were mailed to Mr. Greenman following the meeting.]

Resident Shirley Johnson rose to support the Trustees and said that residents who complained of not receiving a copy of deed restrictions should go back to the realtor and complain because it was their responsibility to furnish the documents to the buyer at closing.

Resident Sherri Vogel addressed the CWCA members assembled and noted the vandalism her home had suffered. She noted darkness was a problem in her area of Chevington Woods. She added that she had moved from another community where deed restrictions had been dissolved and rampant vandalism was the result. She encouraged the Trustees to continue their efforts to light the community.

Mrs. Ann Krieger, a new resident, asked for more information about deed restrictions, a CWCA Directory and by laws. [This information has been delivered to her home]

Mrs. Gordon Greenman asked how to enforce deed restrictions. Attorney Rankin explained the process.

Resident Larry Greenberg stated that ignorance of the deed restrictions is no defense. They are in writing but people do crazy things and that is why we have deed restrictions.

Resident John Callahan stated Chevington Woods was the laughing stock of the realtors. Realtor Sandy Boden rose to comment that deed restrictions enhanced property values and Chevington Wood’s were too lax compared to other area subdivisions.

Resident Bert Pack advocated the reasonable enforcement of deed restrictions and noted the potential to divide the community. He stated they should be enforced in a gentleman like manner. President Comanita agreed but noted that she was tired of being harassed by a few dissidents. She noted she was tired of the threats and harassment by the few residents who wanted to destroy the CWCA so they could park their boats in their driveways.

Resident Kevin Katchmar noted, “Approach is everything.”

The Teller Committee returned to the main meeting room and presented their signed report, which is made of part of these minutes by reference, to the Secretary. The President asked the Secretary to read the Teller Committee Report.

The Secretary reported as follows:

Candidate Area Votes Received
Teresa Hartley 01 46
Juliet Squier 02 48
Sandy Boden 03 48
Lisa Ross 04 54
Jim Murphy 05 52
Mark Briggs 06 48
Greg Fown 07 45
Mike Ryan 08 44
Hal Pearson 09 46
Don Roeder 10 46
Will Snell 11 49
Carol Comanita 12 54
Pat Mahan 13 46
Lora Stevenson 14 43
No Candidate 15 0

Resident Gina Stacy asked how many votes were cast and why were residents allowed to vote for candidates outside their Area. Attorney Rankin responded as to what the bylaws provided and how the votes were cast and counted.

Resident Ted Stacy inquired why there was only one (1) nominee per Area. Attorney Rankin explained the bylaw provision and that it was followed.

Resident Gina Stacy asked why the election was held in June. Attorney Rankin explained that a practice had begun years ago to have the election in June. But there was no provision for that in the current bylaws on hand. Therefore, the election was held, per the bylaws, in the month of December to comply with the present bylaws.

Resident Gordon Greenman then asked the same question. President Comanita responded that the Trustees followed the advice of counsel to follow the existing bylaws to a tee. Resident Greenman then noted the challenge that currently existed. President Comanita replied that a judge would decide.

Trustee Mark Briggs (Area 6) rose to advise that the CWCA needed more residents to volunteer for community projects sponsored by the CWCA such as N. Reserve clean up and etc.

Resident Georgianna Soltis stated that residents that she had spoken with not in attendance were in support of the efforts underway by the Trustees to enforce deed restrictions and they appreciated the work the Trustees had done to date to improve the community.

Resident Kelly Schafer stated that all they wanted to do was park their recreational vehicle at their residence 3 months out of the year. She also noted that they keep their house nice.

Resident Barbara Diehl stated that in regard to volunteers she did not get involved before but now she wants to get involved.

Resident Don Ludwig questioned if the CWCA was financially sound and added the CWCA should go after the free loaders and get a PA system for the next meeting.

Resident John Alge stated that he has a PA system and volunteered to help set it up for the next annual meeting.

Resident Harlene Eggleston made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Resident Barbara Diehl seconded the motion. The motion passed via voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Will Snell, Secretary

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