
Our Information

About Us

Chesterfield Homeowners Association

The people serving on the Chesterfield Homeowners Association Board of Directors are community residents, your neighbors, that are elected by a quorum of residents votes at the annual winter Homeowners Association Meeting. Their misson is to advocate for and serve the residents of Chesterfield. The Board of Directors fulfils it's mission by carrying out the following responsibilities:
1) Identifying and studying the problems and requirements of the community.
2) Aiding and promoting communications within the community as well as between it and surrounding neighborhoods.
3) Initiating, reviewing and recommending criteria and programs for the preservation development and enhancement of Chesterfield.
4) Recommending priorities for and reviewing the adequacy of government services and the operations of the various county government departments as they interface with the community.
5) Reviewing all applications for and related to proposed property changes within the community.

Homeowners Association Meetings

The second Wednesday of every month in the Tower Bridge meeting room @ 7:00 PM, except July and December. Annual Meeting in January or in February subject to change usually at Nothern District Police Station on Mountain Road. See your notice for actual location.

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