Brentwood Community Council

October 2, 2007 Meeting Highlights

Dec 27, 2007

BARRY BUILDING IS AWARDED HISTORIC-CULTURAL MONUMENT STATUS ?– At the October 2, 2007 Brentwood Community Council meeting, Chairwoman Wendy-Sue Rosen announced that the Los Angeles City Council had voted unanimously to approve the City?’s Cultural Heritage Commission?’s recommendation to give the Barry Building landmark status. She thanked Councilman Bill Rosendahl for his strong support of the designation.

NEW BCC REPRESENTATION ?– The BCC confirmed Allison Mellon as Private Schools Representative and Christina McIntosh as Alternate. Also, Steven Gilbert will now serve as the Representative of Zone 4, and Flora Gil Krisiloff will serve as Alternate.

STATE ASSEMBLY UPDATE ?– Ellen Isaacs, representative to Assembly Member Mike Feuer, announced that he supports Alternative 2 in the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the 405 Sepulveda Pass HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) Lane Project because he feels that it is the least intrusive option. Assembly Member Feuer has urged that the following objectives be included in the design and construction of the project: eliminate taking of homes in the Sherman Oaks Valley Vista neighborhood; avoid re-alignment of Sepulveda Boulevard; preserve the LADOT right-of-way along Sepulveda Boulevard; ensure that the median down the center of the 405 freeway is of sufficient width to allow for the provision of public transit; provide a means of protecting wildlife on both sides of the 405 freeway, and provide for adequate ingress and egress for the schools on Mulholland and for the communities affected by the construction. Councilwoman Rosen commended Assembly Member Feuer for his hard work and proactive stance.

STATE VETERANS HOME UPDATE ?– Bob Sleppy, Chief, Environmental Services Section, State of California, Dept. of General Services, reported that earthmovers are still hard at work and a webcam will be set up so that the public can view the progress of the construction.

BCC RECONSIDERS SUPPORT FOR PALMERI RESTAURANT?’S ALCOHOL LICENSE UPGRADE ?– Chairwoman Rosen provided the background of Palmeri Restaurant?’s request for a liquor license upgrade allowing sale of a full line of alcoholic beverages. The BCC voted at its August 2007 meeting to support the upgrade with voluntary conditions presented by Palmeri, including that the restaurant would close at 11:00 p.m. and alcohol would only be served with meals. Palmeri returned to the BCC to ask for a change in their conditions. The Chairwoman was puzzled and concerned about the changes made to the BCC?’s letter that was presented to the Zoning Administrator at the public hearing in August without authorization. Chairwoman Rosen formed a fact finding committee to look into this. The BCC passed a motion to support the Council?’s original position.

BCC SUPPORTS MAINTAINING ARCHER?’S CURRENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ?– Craig Lawson, Land Use Consultant, spoke on behalf of the Archer School for Girls?’ request for modifications to the school?’s conditional use permit (CUP). He said that the CUP was approved with 52 operating conditions, and that the Archer School has been a model citizen in following the conditions. Archer?’s CUP is reviewed every three years and the school is requesting modifications of five conditions as part of the 2007 CUP review. The hearing notice indicates requests for five condition changes, including reclassification of certain ?“Special Events,?” and elimination of traffic counts and traffic monitoring reports in 2007 and 2008.

Ray Klein responded on behalf of the BCC?’s Land Use Committee, recommending that Archer?’s conditions remain in place for the full ten year period, which will conclude in three years. He also expressed disappointment that the BCC was not invited to participate earlier in the discourse regarding the request to modify the school?’s CUP.

The school has 109 spaces onsite and also uses the VA parking lot in Brentwood Village. Jennifer Wenger-Turchen, President, Brentwood Village Chamber of Commerce discussed the limited capacity of the VA parking lot, which she said has only 350 spaces. A serious parking shortage results when the Archer School has special events requiring use of the VA lot, particularly during the daytime when Village employees and customers also compete for parking. Chairwoman Rosen indicated that a liaison is needed between the school and the Village.

The BCC accepted the Land Use Committee?’s recommendation and passed a motion to ask the Zoning Administrator to maintain Archer?’s current conditions.

BASELINE MANSIONIZATION ORDINANCE ?– Erick Lopez, City Planning Associate of the Los Angeles Department of City Planning presented the Baseline Mansionization Ordinance, which was developed in response to major citywide concern regarding ?“mansionization,?” defined as construction, additions, and remodels on residentially zoned lots that are out-of-scale with the surrounding neighborhood, but which comply with the current City zoning regulations. The ordinance takes into consideration four basic ?“development standards?”: setbacks, lot coverage, floor area ratio (FAR), and height limits. The code proposes FAR by lot size for each zone, with transitions for some zones; an articulation bonus, as an incentive to break up mass of the building; provide new single-family residential floor area and base floor definitions; tie building height to the slope of the roof; create a single-story height district; and clarify zoning administrator?’s adjustment authority. According to Mr. Lopez, the ordinance will not stop appropriate-sized construction, but will prevent worst case scenarios from materializing. The ordinance has received initial approval by the City Council?’s Planning Land Use Management Committee (PLUM.) After a few adjustments are made, the revised ordinance will go back to PLUM and then to the full City Council for final approval. For more information visit:

Residents from Brentwood Park expressed concern regarding the proposed ordinance vis a vis the zoning of that neighborhood. Mr. Lopez stated that the Planning Department has plans to rezone Brentwood Park. Larry Miller, President of Brentwood Park said that informational meetings with the Planning Department are being scheduled for his community.

BCC SUPPORTS ZEV YAROSLAVSKY?’S MODIFICATIONS TO CITY?’S PROPOSED DENSITY BONUS ORDINANCE ?– County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky proposed modifications to the City of Los Angeles?’ proposed SB 1818 implementation ordinance, where density bonuses are provided for housing projects that include a modicum of affordable housing units. The Supervisor proposed the changes out of concern about potential negative consequences of the ordinance, e.g. that more affordable units may actually be eliminated than would be built, and that current zoning protections could potentially be decimated. The BCC passed a motion supporting the Supervisor?’s conditions.

BCC REQUESTS THAT THE VA ABIDE BY NEPA ?– The BCC passed a motion to add language to its West Los Angeles VA Federal Land Policy Statement to include the seventh guiding principle unanimously adopted by the WLA Local Advisory Panel on September 6, 2007 ?“to abide by NEPA (the National Environmental Policy Act) as it applies to the WLA VA?” and also that a veterans need assessment be completed as a preliminary step to the 25 to 50 year Land Use Master Plan. Chairwoman Rosen reported that Secretary Nicholson has issued a press release announcing selection of CARES (Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services) Option 3, recommended by the Local Advisory Panel, and has reassured the community that the VA will also follow all NEPA requirements.

ARMY RESERVE BUILDING UPDATE - Chairwoman Rosen spoke about the recent Department of Defense scoping meetings held at the Army Reserve building, saying that the community was disappointed at the City?’s request that the property be annexed to the City of Los Angeles. She said that Gail Goldberg of the Planning Department had sent a letter to the Department of Defense explaining that the letter was sent in error. Chairwoman Rosen added that the comment period ends on October 12 regarding the initial scoping of the prospective land swap of the Army Reserve facility.

NEXT BCC MEETING ON NOVEMBER 6, 2007 ?– The next BCC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 6, 2007 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The meeting agenda will include a presentation by State Assembly Member Mike Feuer. Questions for Assembly Member Feuer may be e-mailed to Chairwoman Rosen at The BCC meets regularly on the first Tuesday of each month at the Brentwood Kaufman Library. The BCC agenda is posted at the Brentwood Kaufman Library one week prior to the meeting date. To receive the BCC?’s monthly agenda by e-mail, contact Chairwoman Wendy-Sue Rosen at RosenFree or visit the BCC website:

(Bette Harris serves as Recording Secretary and Public Safety Representative on the Brentwood Community Council.)

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