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How Does Cauda Equina Syndrome Work? Cauda equina refers to the horse's tail, and describes the nerves found at the base of the spinal cord, that are similar to the tail of the horse. The nerves are affected by Cauda Equina Syndrome. Both motor and sensory nerve fibers can be affected, causing issues in the sacral region as well as legs. What is the cauda-equina condition? Cauda equina syndrome which is sometimes referred to as CES syndrome, is the result of damage to specific nerves, collectively known as the cauda equina. Cauda-equina compression refers to the most frequent problem that occurs when the caudal nerves are compressed. Whether you would like additional info about CES, look at this website. How rare is cauda-equina syndrome? CES is uncommon, with the prevalence within the general population ranging from 1 in 32,000 to one per 100,000. What is the location of the Equina Cauda? These nerves radiate from the tip of your spinal cord. The cauda nerves' roots nerves of the equina are located in the second lumbar vertebra up to the first coccyx vertebra. These nerves radiate outwards, expanding further into smaller nerves that innervate pelvis structures. The cauda-equina nerves extend from a region of the spinal cord known as the conus medullaris Conus medullaris vs cauda equina Conus medullaris refers to a portion of the spinal cord that is in the form of a cone. Conus medullaris syndrome, very similar to cauda Equina is another disorder that could be present. Conus medullaris can be described as a condition that develops when the cord has been damaged in the area between the 12th and 2nd lumbar vertebrae. The symptoms of Conus medullaris syndrome include: Severe pain in the back Strange sensations such as tingling or numbness in the back and legs What is the cauda-equina condition? Cauda Equina syndrome can be caused by factors which cause damage to spinal nerves. Here are the reasons. Herniated disks: This happens when a portion of the cartilaginous tissue making up the disk expands, causing pain to the nerves. Spinal Stenosis: This is when the spinal canal gets narrowed. Spina bifida is a congenital condition that can cause problems with the development of the spinal cord. Diskitis A spinal cord infection is an inflammation of the space between vertebrae. Tumor on the spine: A tumor can form in the tissue surrounding the spine, which puts pressure on the nerves of the lower part of the cord. Acute injury to the lumbar region: An accident in the car can cause injury to the nerves and structures in the region of the spine. Inflammatory demyelinating Polyneuropathy: This is a kind of polyneuropathy which can lead to cauda equina syndrome. Cauda equina syndrome symptoms Cauda equina symptoms are primarily affecting the pelvic region as well as legs and can be characterized by a lack of leg strength and numbness across all regions served by the caudal nerves. What are the first indications of cauda-equina syndrome? Below are some early signs of cauda-equina disorder. Saddle paresthesia can be described as a sensation that causes tingling or numbness in the buttocks and thighs as well as the groin. Saddle anesthesia is by far the most common symptom. It occurs when the area affected feels like they are numb. The loss of sensation and weakness in the legs can result from damaged cauda-equina nerves. This could result in signals coming from your legs don't traverse the spine cord as easily. A variety of spine issues can result in the sensation of numbness. Bowel incontinence: The tone of the anal sphincter could be diminished which can lead to fecal leakage. Bladder leakage: If the bladder is filled it can cause excessive urine production and lead to bladder incontinence. Retention of urine: A person is unable to feel that they require urination because of a lack of sensation. Other symptoms of cauda equina syndrome include: Sciatica The pain begins in the lower back and is then extended into either or both legs. Low back pain that is sharp can be due to disc inflammation that bulges out of the back. Inability to walk: This happens due to a deficient motor function. Refusal reduction: The disruption in nerve signals means that messages are not able to reach the area of the spinal cord in which reflexes are produced. Cauda equina syndrome diagnosis It is important for doctors to know the presence of cauda equina vs conus medullaris. This can be done by performing careful diagnostic testing. To diagnose cauda equina syndrome, imaging methods are required. The diagnostic methods for cauda equina are described below. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) It is a good technique for diagnosing CES since it shows fine specifics, which include soft tissues. Computer tomography (CT) is also referred to as computer tomography, is a scanner that shows the bones and the size of the the spinal cord. Myelogram: This is an image of the spine taken after a contrast color has been injecting into the body. This can show if nerves are being pinched. Does cauda equina syndrome go away? The condition is not going to go away by itself. It can be extremely difficult to manage CES particularly since it could cause paralysis and total incontinence. Without treatment complications are likely. What is the treatment for cauda equina? Cauda Equina treatment is based on the specific cause of the problem. Lumbar laminectomy is when a piece of the vertebra is surgically removed to provide more room for the nerves that are being pinched due to problems with the vertebra. Microdiscectomy: This procedure is needed to relieve the cauda equina nerves that are compressed by a bulging disk. The bulging cartilage disk region is eliminated and the nerves are freed from pressure. Treatment with chemotherapy, radiation and surgical procedures: Tumors to the spine may be primary or metastatic. Treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Conclusion Cauda equina syndrome needs to be identified and distinguished from conus medullaris disorder. The diagnosis must be made prior to causing further harm. Cauda Equina Syndrome treatment should be started immediately. The recovery of Cauda equina syndrome is contingent on how advanced the condition is. That is why patients need to be treated swiftly.

Location: Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Registered: 03/14/2023
Last login: 03/14/2023
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